HEALTH TALK: Vasovagal Syncope

INTRODUCTION Vasovagal syncope is the most common cause of FAINTING, and happens when your body ...


Perhaps due to stress, heartburn, drinking too much caffeine or alcohol, most people have ...

HEALTH TALK: Lung cancer

O.K., so not all of us did Biology in school, but for sure most of you know that you have a ...

HEALTH TALK: Dengue fever

I’m not going to deal with mosquitoes and all that.  The good people of the Environmental ...

HEALTH TALK: Overactive bladder

INTRODUCTION A sudden urge to urinate that is difficult to suppress describes what is likely to ...

HEALTH TALK: Allergic Rhinitis

OVERVIEW The other term for this is HAY FEVER.  It has nothing to do with hay and certainly ...

HEALTH TALK: I have sinus

Ever so often I would ask a patient about their medical history or about allergies, and the ...

HEALTH TALK: Cellulitis

INTRODUCTION Cellulitis is a potentially serious bacterial infection of your skin. It appears ...


Fibroids are common in women in their 20’s and 30’s and sometimes even into their 40’s.  ...