Kalinagos to discuss development agenda for Kalinago Territory

Handmade craft from Kalinago Territory

The Kalinago Council in collaboration with Talk Kalinago and the Development Officer of the Ministry of Kalinago Affairs will be hosting the first of a series of community forums to discuss the development agenda in the Kalinago Territory.

The first forum will be held at the St. Cyr Resource Center on Saturday, April 21 at 6:00 pm.

“As W’aitukubuli (Dominica) seeks to find stable footing and reinvigorate positive growth following Hurricane Maria last year, the Kalinago Territory, seen as one of the most vulnerable and most affected communities, is seeking to embark on a journey of reflection, evaluation and growth,” a statement from the council said. “Therefore, a key objective of these forums is providing members of the community with a platform to participate in, to direct and to take ownership of their development.”

The forum will hear presentations from Cozier Frederick, Development Office in the Ministry of Kalinago Affairs on “Governance and Strategic Planning,” economist, Claudius Sanford, on “A Kalinago Development Plan: A Framework,” and women advocate Maureen Valmond, on “The Role of Women in Developing the Kalinago Territory.”

The aim of the series is to encourage broad popular participation in setting the development agenda for the Kalinago Territory.

It is dubbed – Kalinagos of The Future: A Discussion on the Development of a Coherent Development Agenda for the Kalinago Territory.

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  1. jeff
    April 24, 2018

    I always said Dominica needs to take better care of the Kalinagos peoples they like the parrots are Dominica through and through.

  2. Larry Grell
    April 21, 2018

    Just more talk and no action. You guys have been used and abused by Labour over the past 18 years. Tell us what meaningful development has been achieved to date. Now they want to put our warriors in apartment buildings……the so called leaders have sold their souls for beads and trinkets……our ancestors must be ashamed…..

  3. Dr Clayton Shillingford
    April 20, 2018

    I hope these plans work out for a people who are more than deserving

  4. prophet for a profit
    April 20, 2018

    The government should be giving the Kalinago whatever they want. From education to healthcare to business opportunities. Kalinagos should be 1st class citizens in Dominica. They are our gems and jewels that we say we are proud.

  5. Roger Burnett
    April 20, 2018

    I hope that the forum will give consideration to suggestions made by Ms. Eloise Stancioff, Mr. Kimani Lapps and Ms. Diliane Darroux at last year’s UWI Country Conference under the title ” Reclaiming Indigenous Heritage to Define Kalinago Destiny”.

    Their reasoning came from within, rather than without, and their recommendations are relevant to communities throughout Dominica.

    The identity of places reflects the identity of ourselves. And this goes beyond having a say in the colour of floor tiles.

  6. viewsexpressed
    April 19, 2018

    The Kalinago Council in collaboration with Talk Kalinago and the Development Officer of the Ministry of Kalinago Affairs will be hosting the first of a series of community forums to discuss the development agenda in the Kalinago Territory.
    This statements not true, as far I am concerned this area has seen and experienced a number of workshops, Community Forums, consultations etc over the past 10-25 years. Where are all these documents and way is there one on now, hoping that previous consultations will be reviewed and updated to fit todays deteriorated Carib Territory under this corrupt Labour Government. During elections I have seen Labour candidates driving through the Territory giving out caste rum whereas this failed Labour government have failed the Kalinago people big time.

  7. shewo
    April 19, 2018

    My beautiful country will soon go back to the kalinagos when everyone run from this mess. Let us build it again the kalinago way when it has been returned to us.

  8. April 19, 2018

    Winds of change are blowing :-D

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