Lennox Linton ready to rumble with ‘Bubbles’ and team

Lennox Linton

Journalist Lennox Linton has said that he is ready to go to court with Renneth Alexis and his lawyers whom he claims have written him asking for an apology for raising questions about the ownership of the controversial “villas”.

Linton, who spoke on the Matt in the Morning’s Hot Seat program this morning, claims that the letter threatened legal action if he does not apologise.

Linton however said that a court matter would give Dominicans “a chance to know what the real truth is about the ownership of those villas and I am happy for the opportunity.”

“I am ready to go to court… The sooner the better,” he said on the talk show.

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  1. Concern Dominican
    May 29, 2014

    I would suggest that the government should appoint a Commission; members of which does not have political leanings to inquire into these allegations, meticulously. These allegations are serious in nature, especially when members of Government are implicated. There are credibility issues and therefore the country will be better serve to have a thorough investigation so as to bring the matter to closure. My suggestion must not be construed to conclude, I know or have material evidence or information pertinent to substantiate an investigation in the allegations posted on the internet.

  2. Crash
    July 2, 2011


  3. mouth fool
    November 23, 2010

    As an impartial observer to all what is going on I have concluded that all the support for MR Linton is grounded solely in partisan politics and sympathetic sentimentality. The fact of the matter is simply that. No matter how many shoe boxes of Emals and taped telephone conversations the rules of evidence regard all this as HEAR SAY and cannot be accepted as evidence.Unless Mr Linton can produce the proverbial SMOKING GUN, then we are due for another RADIO THORN
    Mr Linton i s no lawyer niether are the many misguided callers to the Talk shows Remember it is MR Alexis who is suing Mr Linton and therefore Mr Skti errit cannot be dragged into this litigation Mr Lintons case will be better served if he allowed Discretion to be the better part of Valor

  4. Shallo
    November 11, 2010

    Yeah Len-ox! Meet them in court and prove to the whole world that you can bring down Skerrit and his shoe government with a shoe box of e-mails. You are going to be a Hero playing with your box of emails whilst Dominica burns with laughter at your bravado. By the end of your exploits you will be living in the reds on a shoe-string salary. Good luck fearless Don Quoxite. Hold your shield high boy!

  5. John Public
    November 3, 2010

    The prime minister is a public servant he is accontable to the people of dominica.If a citizen ask him a question he obliged to answer.I wish Bubbles goes to court so that the pm can be soupeoned to answer questions if this the way we could get him to answer.To put that to rest the pm should be brave like Miss Charles and call a commission of inquiry into the matter.Bubbles don’t play that game you are a christian get out of that mess and leave them fellars politics.Serve your god and not Skerrit.EVerything lennox says can’t be lies there are some truth in that matter.

  6. MAD
    November 1, 2010

    All I want is for this thing to go to court to show Lennox his a Big A– . Lennox is a born loser,that is base on all the legal battle he has never won.

  7. Anonymous
    November 1, 2010

    The question now becomes does Lennox as to run from the PM??? At no times have i heard the PM making his life uncomfortable…

    The PM has not try to use the police to kill him>>> Lennox is just not what he say he is..truth betold!!!!

    Lennox will have no one to support him when he get the judgement in the court house>>>

    How many people out there willing to put up $500 or better yet $100 for him to pay his lawyer?

    This time when the court is finish with him he will be asking people for a pair of pants.

    This guy cannot get a job no where in the caribbean ,That says alot about him….

  8. just facts
    October 31, 2010

    @Anonymous: Are you referring to Ricky Singh the guyanese journalist who had to run from Guyana due to the work he was doing on Burnham? Ricky Singh is the father of investigative journalists in the Caribbbean.

  9. just facts
    October 31, 2010

    @MAD: i thought that the judge also ask that the case could be resubmitted. The case not over yet pardner.

  10. MAD
    October 31, 2010

    “A case of libel against Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan, local proprietor Franky Bellot, and Mervin Paul, Senior Information Officer at the Government Information Service, is no longer before the court.”

    “The judge agreed with us and threw it out entirely, and ofcourse she ordered that the statement of claim and the reply filed by Mr. Linton and Mr. James be struck out in its entirety, that they pay us costs to be assessed or agreed,” reported Astaphan on Friday.”

    KINGSTOWN, St Vincent, CMC – Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves is threatening legal action against a local radio station and two talk show hosts for statements relating to monies deposited at a state-owned bank.

    Gonsalves, speaking on a local radio programme here on Tuesday night, said that he would take legal action against the two radio talk show hosts as well as the radio station which airs two advertisements sponsored by the main opposition New Democratic Party (NDP).

    He is promising also to sue “those who prepared the ad”, noting “every time the ad is played it is a defamation”.

  11. Confusion,Ignorance,or just Stupidity?????.
    October 31, 2010

    @MAD: Let me assure you,or from your point of view, disappoint you, by saying; that, this is quite a different matter.Totally different! So don’t flatter yourself…..

  12. Confusion,Ignorance,or just Stupidity?????.
    October 31, 2010

    @Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque: Thank you,Sir, for explaining that to her, and others of her likes..,Frankly,I was a bit sickened,after reading that rubbish….
    All the best to you!…….

  13. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 31, 2010


    ” Tim Hector, Lennox ”

    Let me assure you that ” Tim Hector ” was not ” a Journalist, or a reporter; and did not consider himself neither of the two!”

    If you ask me I will inform you that Tim Hector, was a politician, he wrote a column called Fan The Flames in a paper owned and operated by; The African Liberation Movement of Antigua, of which he Tim Hector was the leader.

    Tim Hector was a dedicated Sports, and Cricket commentator, if you consider that to be the function of a journalist, I beg to differ with you.

    And I wish you do not conceive in your mind that I know nothing about Tim Hector the late, since he was connected to me via one of his relatives.

    In that I was married to his mother’s niece who Just happens to be in the person of Violet Mathew, who’s mother just happens to be the late Tim Hector’s aunt!

    His mother, and my former wife mother are sisters, so let me see how you can overcome that!

    And if you do not believe I was married to his cousin, go onto my Website http://www.yvonnedods.com and you will find a picture of Violet, and I on the home page the day we got married in Las Vegas Nevada.

    Believe you me, I know the difference between a investigative reporter, and an ordinary journalist, since my former wife Violet was a reporter with the Antigua Star, probable now defunct, before she became a civil servant, and was installed in the Government Treasury of Antigua.

    And if you are wondering how I look today, all you have to do is shave all my long hair off my head and you’ll get the picture, I have not changed much.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  14. Confusion,Ignorance,or Stupidity?????.
    October 31, 2010

    @Anonymous: Anonymous

    October 28, 2010 • 3:26 pm

    They’re asking Lennox to apologize so that they could use his apology against him? These guys should know better than to ask Lennox for an apology do they think that he is that dumb? Lennox will sell Bubbles and Tony in court everyday of the year.

    Bubbles, by the way, what happened to your witness in Christ? Shouldn’t you be about the Father’s business, by witnessing to non-believers about the faith? Don’t forget this Scripture passage, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul.”


    October 30, 2010 • 5:17 pm


    Chief I’m trying to understand what you are saying so help me out here. Has Lennox ever suggested that skerrit stole from the treasury to fund the villas? Are people listening to what is being said for themselves or are they relying on what other people say.

    October 28, 2010 • 12:19 pm

    you might as well apologized because they know how to manipulate the court system as they wish.

    And let’s not forget your ”masterpiece” (L.O.L);….dated Oct.31,2010. @ 1:13pm………The one I am replying to…… tck,tck,tck,tck………What is rally right with you..anything?……

    Oh my!….,I can go on, and on…….Where, really,do you stand on issues?….A person who stands for nothing,will fall for anything…..If i say to you that you have no “intestinal fortitude”..that may no understand what i mean, and truthfully,I would be putting it too mild…..So I will simply say,..you are a gutless worm!
    I have never seen such blatant exhibition of confusion and flip-flopping…..Are you a certified nut?
    Will the real Anonymous,please come forward?……

  15. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 31, 2010


    Anonymous, there are journalist who are termed Investigative Reporters.

    In America, they are the one’s who investigate matters that no other Reporter will touch.

    One of the best, worked for ABC news, some time ago, her name was Christine, she died in an accident, under suspicious circumstances in the latter part of 1980.

    There are those who believe that she was taken out because of the sensitivity and magnitude of the matter she was investigating.

    You also cannot compare a War Correspondence to an ordinary news reporter!

    There are lots of investigative reporters in America, only that you may have never heard of them, nonetheless, they are in a higher category than the everyday reporter.

    Curse me out if you wish, however, investigative reporting is a special field in the business of reporting.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  16. Lloyd Vidal (pastor of C.A.M
    October 31, 2010

    Lennox is right, this might be the moment for TRUTH, so let it be,
    it make no sence to call Lennox bad names because you dont like him

    in many eyes he is a hero, and will really around him and that might be the fear of the fearful,
    our prayer is that truth will be on every mountain and in every valley of our nation, and God even our own God shall bless us.

    If you are Dominican by birth i speak to your hearts, let us not fight against TRUTH but be for TRUTH. and truth is not what Lennox or Tony or Bubbies or Skerrit or Hector says, Truth is what God says. If we do right, speak and lie not, faithful with evidents, TRUTH will be there.

  17. hey
    October 31, 2010

    @Chief: no no one is saying athat athe money came from the bin scandal. but i would like to know where he get the finance from. and why the secrecy.

  18. "better mus come"
    October 31, 2010


  19. jesus" " " "
    October 31, 2010

    @Chief: like i said i’m not knowlegeable in lthat feild but do you know how often the review takes place. every six months, once a year? were the inconsistencies found during the review. i have fogotten some particulars of the matter. the excuses given were too flimsy.either i say tht or you can blame the review board for…………………….. at least they are not the ones who need to give an answere for

  20. "better mus come"
    October 31, 2010

    BOY,DOMINICANS wicked all you know that those villars belongs to “THE BIG MAN’,i tell all you before and ill tell it to all you again,oneday THE BIG MANhave to bite all you ears.time will tell and MR.BOBBLESstop waisting you time talking,bout you christan stop that rubbish ok..,.

  21. Anonymous
    October 31, 2010

    ignorant responses from you labourites….for one come up with a constructive response or rational

  22. MAD
    October 31, 2010

    To the people that thing it is going to be easy say for Lennox let me just bring you back to one or two week ago.

    In St.Vincent the Talk Show host on Nice Radio had the full backing of the public that support the opposition NDP,the host said some thing about the SVG Prime Minister. The PM ask for a sorry letter from them they didnot agree and claim they had the facts,ok!!! The PM sue the host and the station.

    I can recall people telling the Talk Show Host to go for it we will help you with the legal bill. Guess what now?A judgement has gone against the host and the radio station. The people who keeping calling for the blood of the PM are noway to be found to help pay the large/huge legal bill.

    The radio station is now looking at a possible shut down. Lennox My advised to you is get your money from your supporters first before you head to court.

    Moral support in court is no support,you need money support. GOOD LUCKY LENNOX AND YOUR SUPPORT.

    Just a word of caution.

  23. Anonymous
    October 31, 2010

    Only in Da we have someone that is always refered to a investigative journalist,Bod Woodward wrote about the Pres.Nixon and many other Presidents in the USA but is often called an Author or Journalist.

    Lennox has cause problems in each Island that he has step foot on.The good thing is each time he has failed.

    The great journalist in the caribbean has never gone his way to get thing done. Here are some of them Ricky Sing,Pete Meanvalle,Peter Richards,Tony Best,George Lamming,Tim Hector,Lennox Honnychurch..etc etc etc ..I can go on and on and on to name many more.

    This is a man that is trying to prove to Da he is great….It is all about himself…Only in our small Da that happens…

    By the way I am not saying he should be ship out of Da…He has a right to talk but must be back up with proper documentations.

    What I now think is the legal team for Mr.Alexis must put a plan in place to have his legal bill so high that he will be out there asking for help from the public.

    As we have seen and heard in St..Vincent on Nice Radio the people were telling the Host of Talk Show to keep talking about the SVG PM they are all going to if need be. Well guess what?Now that these Talk Show host have to pay large sum of money to the courts and the Prime Minister of SVG,the Talk Show host and the radio station are now left with the huge dollar bills to be paid.

    When i see people write in the blog/thread Lennox we are behind you I just laugh….I hope they have the kind of money Lennox will or may need to pay to the courts,lawyers and plantiff.

  24. just facts
    October 31, 2010

    @MAD: Which facts should we check MAD? The fact that you know all who knows all about who are and aren’t journalist? Are the people who work on CANA news journalist? Or DBS? Mr Linton worked there before you know. Maybe he is not a journalist cause you don”t like what he is uncovering. Just wondering if the senior counsel is a journalist. I mean he was intrviewing people the other day.

  25. Just reading ur post
    October 31, 2010

    @MAD: According to your logic, if and when he loses are you suggesting he’ll be kicked out of DA? Chances are slim to none. He’ll just keep coming back I guess like the bunny powered by the energizer.

  26. MAD
    October 30, 2010

    Each time Lennox goes to court he is a big losser. Lennox will have no foot to stand in the court of law.

    Lennox did the same things in Antigua and got kicked out. Lennox is not a journalist,I have double checked with many people from the different caribbean states and they all tell me he is just a TALK HEAD.

    Check the facts on what i said above….

  27. i have a dream
    October 30, 2010

    justice will be carried out

  28. SPY
    October 30, 2010

    @ WOW
    hit a nerve eh 2 of us will go see de psychiatrist u first. IDIOT,

  29. Anonymous
    October 30, 2010


  30. Chief
    October 30, 2010

    @Anonymous: This is the essence of the whole matter. IF Skeritt actually own the villas then naturally the question arises, where did he get the money from to invest in such property? Hence Lennox is trying to pin Skerrit’s name to the villas so people could say the money came from the so-called ‘binbobol” and the “fertilizer” story or some other forms of corruption.

    I know people who own villas in Dominica and they are not being investigated. Just look at this whole thing carefully. Lennox is more interested in embarrassing Skerrit and bring him down. It has nothing to do with investigating corruption in Dominica.

  31. Anonymous
    October 30, 2010


    Chief I’m trying to understand what you are saying so help me out here. Has Lennox ever suggested that skerrit stole from the treasury to fund the villas? Are people listening to what is being said for themselves or are they relying on what other people say.

  32. Chief
    October 30, 2010

    @jesus christ in high heaven: The Public Accounts Committee is mandated by law to review all spending of public accounts. It is a committee not just of Ron and Edison but includes the Director of Audit and other members, not just the three. OK, maybe a hundred dollars could slip “though the cracks” but come on, something as big as what is being alleged could not slip before the eyes of these people. Unless they are stone blind.

    You mentioned “enough evidence.” What are they? These so-called ‘evidence’ pose more questions than answers. Evidence is supposed to be irrefutable, clear cut, beyond doubt. Answering a question in a wishy washy fashion does not imply guilt.

  33. Wow.
    October 30, 2010

    @spy: wow,wow! look like you need to go see the psycologist P.M, then he will make an appointment to see the psychiatrist.You are NUTS your posting is senseless your spelling not there and you make no point ,no sense either.you could not be from marigot you are not an afouawee but you are certainly fou.Why did they post your crap?

  34. Karkabeff
    October 30, 2010

    Give em hell Lennox!!!!!!!! You are our hero and will go down in the annals of history and the fighter of corruption in this blessed land. I sure would like Mrs. Felix and the Puppet Master to drag this to court so we can have the Stooge (Bubbles) on the stand once again. This time it will not be Mr. Weeks (A public servant) asking the questions and we will definitely get some real answers. Your reward will come from above. Stand strong, stand tall for the sake of democracy and the future of our children.

  35. spy
    October 29, 2010

    The polition with the masters degree in psychology knows very well, its only people who have self acualized in life that can now be concerned about country and peoples well being.some interlectual
    understand that language, but for those who dont the psychologist and his patients complaints are that lenox is after,material things,skerit and political interest.
    i really dont see whats the purpose of a degree if the knowledge acquired cannot be applied objectively.These people sends a negative message to people like me who wants to own a masters degree. what a dark day in our histroy.

  36. LION
    October 29, 2010

    Proverbs 6:16-19
    There are six things the LORD hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:

    haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,

    a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,

    a false witness who pours out lies
    and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

    Just saying

  37. WHO?,ME?,Partisan?..Nah!!.....
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: Corruption? and or money laundering?…
    Could it be, that the monies, were brought into the Country by …..(you know who)….from an Asian Country, via the Bahamas?( certain Bank(s),…raw cash?…..does the word..briefcase(s)..makes any sense to you?…Here is another one for you..DIPLOMATIC passports and privileges, makes any sense to you?. OK……Don’t be naive, cause you are far from it. You are a very intelligent man,with a sound and verse knowledge in Law…You are also a rational man.
    The Dominican treasury never had that kind of money there for activities of that magnitude…You will find little or nothing on any large scale, linking those individuals,….so looking into the treasury,…big waste of time…They are much smarter than that…. Remember, they are masters of lies,deceit, and deceptions….

    Listen,can i ask you a question?..Have you heard a rumor, that a certain political party in Dominica, had a tremendous amount of money to spend in the last general election?..Do you believe that kind of money, was campaign contribution funds from local business establishments, or private citizens?..Where did all that money come from?,did it originate from Dominica?.Who donated that kind of money?…Did they have any fund raising activities to raise 20+million dollars?..Nothing suspicious?…No questions were asked…
    Were there any foreign intervention,or influences?…What did the Constitution say about such activities?…….
    So much so, that planes were chartered to carry people,who left Dominica long ago(more than 5yrs. and longer.) and living in certain foreign Countries to come back to Dominica,just to vote.Their flight tickets were paid for by…..(you heard who),…plus a certain amt.(i won’t say how much,but a fair amt.) of money was also given to each for spending,or whatever by….( you heard who)….What you think, fact, or fiction?.. …. If factual, was that Constitutionally right?.

    Cunning,and conniving individuals……Money trail?…A certain Asian Country, via a Bahamian Bank, to Dominica-CASH(briefcases)….A certain central American Country to Dominica-CASH,mostly in briefcases……..Declared?…never!…

    Oh,by the way,has anyone seen or heard of the document or documents pertaining to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Commonwealth of Dominica and China?….Well,maybe nothing was signed,..just verbal….Smiles and Handshakes???……

    From having nothing,to sooo much, in such a relatively short period of time? No,No, not Dominica, but certain individuals……Salaries?,loans?,…does not add up……….WAKE UP!…..SMELL THE STENCH! People…..

    When,(not if, but when),this thing that is going on blows wide open….a whole lot of people are going to be in a lot,a lot of trouble….Some will try to run,some will do otherwise,and some won’t be able to……You know what?..let’s leave that alone for now, you hear..cause what you and i don’t know is much older than us…….
    Sadly,I don’t think the members of the opposition are that smart,or smart enough..at least they are not acting like it. Nor do i think they are doing enough,or have the capabilities.
    It may take outside intelligent intervention..not that there are no intelligent people in D/CA.,must those kinds of investigations must involve people with the know how..like yourself,…and resources.

    Lawsuit?…I don’t think so…..Don’t hold your breath,much too smart for that….there is too much at stake…much too much will be revealed……..Please,I am begging them, don’t do it!..Not a smart move….
    The introduction of that piece of document in a case concerning a certain matter, in a Courtroom at a second Town,was a huge blunder by somebody,..shouldn’t have done it…terrible,terrible mistake. Resulted in the opening of a can of worms….
    Appeal?….won’t win it!…….The Magistrate dotted his I’s, and crossed his T’s…….
    Nuff said..for now…….

    Anyway,….Hold strong….Keep the Faith…Walk good…..and..
    All the best to you…….
    Peace Profound!!.

  38. eye opener
    October 29, 2010

    @ ture Dom in a can, how stupid your are, they can steal the whole country, you fool, wahe up

  39. ripley's believe it or not
    October 29, 2010

    @petite savanne: be careful what u wish for about da PM for Lennox he might just turn it on all his supporters.

    anyting wrong in finding out the truth.

    wonder waht u said when he retreaved all the thousands for the treasury.

    let’s stop being bias people.

  40. ripley's believe it or not
    October 29, 2010

    @John Brown: did u come here for the World Creole Festival? i think so. because if you were in Dominica for the past year year you would have heard that the Treasury received over $100,000.00 from the land sales and bins.

    the excuse from his lawyers were it was an oversite and only some months ago the remains of the bins was paid into the treasury.

    i think it was head line news when the Cabinet Secretary came on news and stated that we have received the remainging balances for the bins.

    so question dat sir.

    hearts off to you Lennox.

  41. ripley's believe it or not
    October 29, 2010

    can this court case be live like the Gonsalez case, because i can remember those days after i heard the response of Mr. Alexis. I cant remember, i dont know, mayber.

    they say history doesnt repeat itself but i think dats a BIG REPEAT.

  42. John Brown
    October 29, 2010

    Can we the public honestly say that this guy has no malice or bias in his so called investigation? Can we honestly say that his reports are not political attacks mask as news?

  43. Outrage
    October 29, 2010

    @MAD: mad: you are buying Tony’s propaganda? No brains of yours to thinks for yourself? Eh?

  44. Maxi
    October 29, 2010

    @Papa Dom:

    Francisco please take a holiday my friend ——so glad you left Wesley and has progressed……Take a break..nuff said……..

  45. Maxi
    October 29, 2010

    This time the Skerrit’s bubble will finally burst-if they prooceed with their threat. They are playing offense but really it is a highltly effective defensive strategy——- Bring it on Skerrit and Tony if you man enough through your surrogate–bring it on——-if you man enough…… Take the bait and bring it on………’I am singing Sangey already’.

  46. ZANG
    October 29, 2010

    Believe me Dominicans,this law suit will die a silent death…Bubbles is poo pooing in his pants,so he wants Lennox to get afraid of mentioning his name,but bubbles will not go to court with Lennox for anything…He knows more than all of us who owns the villas…I LOVE YOU LENNOX..

  47. dkt
    October 29, 2010

    if i was lennox eh. i wud just short up once an 4 all. cus this man is making the prime minister to dam populer in this country.

    im a stronger labourite an i never wanted this government to have so many seats in the house. i wanted no more than 15 so that the pm an the other ministers wud b on dr toes. but this man just keep talkin talkin talkin lots of crap an gettin ppl to love the pm more an m ore an as a result being very sympathetic to the labor party an the pm ofcus hence killin the opposition.

    now the opposition is so weak they not realizin the lennox is dyluting them. stop the dam talkin an put all u act togerther an help the country grow. im gettin so sick an fedup with all them talk. an edison needs to let the party brive. let it go. let the young heads grow.

    ppl like u that keepin the labour party in office wit an incris in dr margin in the house. wen u do dat u shame to go in the house to make ur contribution/s. bea man a go an do the ppl work. dats y our tax is payin u.

    u green an provost must take a back seat an let the party grow. its dyin an u seein it but all u wont let go. thats y u all not gettin new ppl 2 join u all even if day want 2. let go an u lennox stop waistin ur time. u talk so much labor get 18. learn my boy. learn.

  48. jesus christ in high heaven
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: thought i already wrote posted it? i would like to add. the excuses that were given for the binbobol and fertilizer scandal are very questionable. one would have to have alot of faith to believe those made up stories.

  49. wonded lion
    October 29, 2010

    If we had 2 like lennox and two like tyani benanzi what are better dominica we would be.if we dont come together we will put our hands on our head and we will bawl dominicas stop being fooled by this currupt politicians whose only interest is to full their pockets before they get caught

  50. jesus christ in high heaven
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: and besides did you not read the flimsy questionable excuses that were given for the binbobol and and fertilizer story. it was not proven beyond a doubt tht fraudulent activities had not occured.

  51. jesus christ in high heaven
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: ok i get what you saying. i’m am not knowlegeable in that feild. Is edison james and the other guy certified auditors. do you know that some people are very good at covering up their tracks. they may have noticed something, then again it may have been in hind sight. from the little accounting that i did, i do know that even certified auditors don’t cetch some errors.
    hey i would be really glad to know that the pm is not involved in any fraudulelnt activities. but when you have people in such positon there must be some level of skepticism i was taught that in accounting too.

    as i said before there is enough evidence to make anyone wonder. we need people like lennox, the world need people like lennox. persons in certain positions are forced to stay on the straight and narrow because of people like lennox.

  52. truth be told
    October 29, 2010

    would any one know of the things lennox brought to LIGHT ….let us stop making people FOOL us when we hear things as if he is a trouble maker come on (STOP saying lennox is a trouble maker ,WHAT IF JUST WHAT IF it is TRUE and people stop using the bible in allu things GOD IS NO JOKE

  53. .
    October 29, 2010

    All those fools that want to have Lennox up like some kind of superman, righting all the wrongs in society need to get a life, because is either they as dumb as him or more doetish than him. All he does is bash people and embarass Dominica.

    I think he secretly wants the prime minister, it’s like he’s obsessed with him ( every see those movies where there’s this guy obsessing over a girl but she won’t give him the time of day so he begins to act really weird untill he trys to kill her, that’s Lennox and the girl is the prime minister)

    I mean seriously, every saturday the same story. Apparently there’s noting else going on in Dominica. I also think Lennos know that if if wasn’t for this whole villa thing he would have nothing to talk about, therefore no job.

    MAN GET A LIFE, YOU MARRIED, SPEND SOME TIME WITH WIFEY!! (then again maybe she knows he’s in love with the PM)

  54. Mrs Dostoevsky
    October 29, 2010

    @ Malcolm X, you are doing to disservice to Malcolm X by using his name. He would never take the positions that you take. You know what he would say in Dominica’s situation? He would say we need a Mau Mau in Dominica to drain that silmy swamp!! Good for you that you are not struggling in Dominica, you must be a member of the cabal because as far as I know those who are not members of the cabal are suffering,. but they wouldn’t dare talk about their suffering fearing what may happen to them. You are either too blind or too ignorant to understand what is happening to Dominica. Lennox is one of the few principled and honrable men left in Dominica and we salute him!!! Long live Lennox Linton!!

  55. lol
    October 29, 2010

    look roro

  56. Papa Dom
    October 29, 2010

    @Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque:

    I thought I was the only one who noticed that part of the post

  57. just facts
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: Proven guilty legally eh? No morally , no ethics just legally. It must be you are a single childless old man. Makes me wonder now why do you all have so much to say about criminal behaviour in the country and lenient judges.

  58. just facts
    October 29, 2010


  59. Apres Bon Dieu Cest La Ter
    October 29, 2010

    Lennox, you should note that t all the Malcom X’s, Martin luther Kings, Nelson Mandela’s Fidel Castro’s, .. at any one time they were afraid for the physical consecuencies, but they had courage in their pursuit becuase thier convictions were justified, for they fought for justice, equality and freedom…
    Go ahead with all what you are doing…. there are much more patriotic Dominicans than you think..
    one day we will triumph.

  60. RIVERS
    October 29, 2010

    I just want to tell all the Civil Servants that the Coffers in Dominica belongs to them and their Pensions Funds!!

    So if they remain silent and don’t care to speak out about this matter their future may end up like many people who saw their pensions evapourate in thin air.

    If If these Villas belongs to the P.M , then is from your hard earned Pension Funds that the money is coming from, so your future is in your hands!!!

    There might not be any left when you retire. It is ok to ask questions.

  61. LMAO
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: well said. so-called journalist.. more like an obsessed lunatic to me.. is this villas issue the ONLY thing requiring investigating?! the guy must see skerrit in his sleep.

  62. LMAO
    October 29, 2010

    @God Help Dominica: i’ve wondered the same thing…

  63. FuturePolitician
    October 29, 2010

    It is Mr.Linton’s democratic right to investigate into the matter to see whether our Prime Minister is indeed being untruthful to the people and robbing tax payer’s money. Maybe others will sit and allow themselves to be fooled and believe that nothing is happening.. but there will always be room for asking questions. If Mr.Skerrit did not want to be questioned he should have never joined the political arena it is one with a lot of scrutiny and to his followers who keep seeing him as a sacrificial lamb being brought to the slaughter “not all that glitters is gold”. The people deserve to know the people deserve to ask.

  64. rasta man
    October 29, 2010

    @Wish Wash: well my dear bubbles name is not on the certificate of title either. its on blaircourt a company he supposedly bought for 5000 dollars. but he dosn’t have any knowlegde of things he should have known being the rightfull owner. he proved that in court when he was questioned about that. it would be interesting to see the outcome.

  65. Dominican- London Base
    October 29, 2010

    Dear Fellowmen and Women,

    I am frequent and avid reader of the DNO news. I need to ascertain isn’t there some form of respect to the Prime Minister? On a scale of nine to ten , nine times his name is either in some form of comment.

    Currently, I donot reside at home, however I am in touch constantly with what is going on at home and I must state, everytime the Prime Minister name is in some form of adversity. Remember we are not the only one (Dominicans) reading this and what would or does it say about our Island?

    Please readers donot have a go at me! . I know each and everyone of us has a right to an opinion. however, in a court of law it will not be he say, she say or they say ,it has to be based on concrete evidence. And also we have to remember that evreyone is innoncent until proven guilty.

  66. XXX
    October 29, 2010

    @Chief: Lennox only wants Skerrit…It is just about the ego people

  67. Malcom X
    October 29, 2010

    @Mrs Dostoevsky: Yes give Lennox an income for the next 3 months you fool.. Allu already struggling in America, want to give Lennox funds!!! What a joke

  68. baby
    October 29, 2010

    @MAD: I totally agree with you.. Lennox is unemployed and simply put, he needs this to make a little income.. Alas..This is independence people..Time to come together.. People are getting tired and more tired or listening to all this crap from Lennox and the gang.

  69. genocide
    October 29, 2010

    Careful lenox. SC corrected the minister of national security. “Possession not ownership”

    “Possession is 9/10th of the law”

    Legal system is only concerned with technical terms.

  70. really
    October 29, 2010

    Hey lennox dont worry with all those who crying fowl, they just throwing up bobbles so you wont like the taste drink everyone up and show them you still have place inside for more bobbles and other’s let them take you to court thats where we wants bobbles let the court teach him a lesson, and for a big pastor as B J to have his sheep leading astray like that God will deal with that thifting B J let him continued with his Hyprocrite self , now Lennox show them you not Captian Augustine Carbon no body can buy your right from you and you not for sale, i say gooooooooooooooo lennox court time is time for Dominicans to know the truth about Skerrit

  71. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 29, 2010

    @Wish Wash:

    ” As a foreigner looking in, I want to find out in our system how does one prove ownership of a property.”


    You are no foreigner looking in; you are just another Dominica trouble maker fanning the flames!

    I note your contradiction:

    ” I want to find out in our system how does one prove ownership of a property.”

    ( Find out in our system); proves that you are just another one of us!

  72. Devoted Dominican.
    October 28, 2010


  73. MAD
    October 28, 2010

    Lennox is the biggest foul to come out of da…The man cannot find work no where in the caribbean,he can not be trusted.

  74. oops
    October 28, 2010

    @ they r mine: sounds scary…remember its halloween season and no one wants to get bubbled up in soap water. But but my Dominica too small for all that roro andwhy don’t we just move on…both plaintif and defendant, but ofcourse unless you want every one to take a vacation at the villas then and only then they will know who the villas belong too.

  75. Wish Wash
    October 28, 2010

    As a foreigner looking in, I want to find out in our system how does one prove ownership of a property. With my little knowledge I know that it needs a certificate of title to prove ownership.If the certificate of title is on Bubbles name how can one prove that the villas are owned by Skerrit or as a matter of fact by anyone else but Bubbles? Is Skerrit’s name on the certificate of title?This a a very difficult one to prove and again based on my limited knowledge of the law I think Lennox will again find himself proven wrong in a court of law.Emails, even though they are genuine cannot hold up in a court of law as far as ownership of property is concerned.
    I await with interest the outcome of this case but on the face of the facts as they appear at present Lennox, would it seem to have bitten of more than he can chew.

  76. unknown
    October 28, 2010

    @Flava: if mat and lennox dont make no dam sense well you just prove they better than you look on top of your head and you see the horns growing from your head to prove what you are

  77. Ragboy
    October 28, 2010

    Let the truth be told. Every civic minded Dominicans know that Renneth Alexis is not the owner of the villas. For those who believe the emails were hacked, good luck. The time has come to know the truth in this saga, and when it’s all over, Mervin Paul, Mr. Bellot and all the skerritt patriots will know that they were fooled to believe in a bunch of liars. GOD HELP AND OPEN THE EYES OF MY FELLOW DOMINICANS WHO ARE IN THE DARK.

  78. Jayson
    October 28, 2010

    It’s clear to see what’s happening.

    Mr.Skerrit better look within his inner circle because there are people close to him who are trying to destroy him. The info and e-mails are being purposely leaked to keep a constant ‘scandal’ in the headlines and the PM on his toes. Don’t think for an instant that any of the persons at the top of the local ‘Dominican’ hierarchy, including labor party ministers and senators, are happy with the fact that he (the PM) has a Barbadian chief advisor and a personal (over a political) relationship with Hugo Chavez. They have been side-lined. He no longer needs their counsel.

    The PM has become too powerful. They want to rein him in. The servant has now become the master.

    As for Bubbles…… he’s pushing draughts in a chess game!

  79. petite savanne
    October 28, 2010

    stupes lennox.

    both you and the host suppose to pay for all you tongue. skerrit this and skerrit that? y’all gone see the bad side of skerro if that nonsense dont stop…

    skerrit you are my hero and as usual keep yr head high and keep representing.

    lennox get a life and stop trying to tie up the man…he interested in woman and not man…AMEN…

  80. spy
    October 28, 2010


  81. spy
    October 28, 2010

    hallalujah! praise the lord, glory to the father. we lift ur name on high.
    the truth we know shall set us free.
    oh truth at last .

  82. Pharm
    October 28, 2010


  83. M. X.
    October 28, 2010
  84. Chief
    October 28, 2010

    @jesus christ in high heaven: Sorry, I should have said IFTHE VILLAS BELONG TO SKERRIT, and so on. My bad on that one. I never said the villas belong to him.

    Now IF (capitalization for emphasis) the villas belong to Skerrit can it be proven that he obtained the funds through the states coffers or through corruption as it is being alleged? My reservations on this premise is based on the following:

    * Ron Green was Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee which is mandated to keep an eye on the Public accounts.
    * Edison James was a member of that Committee. They have had unfettered access to all the relevant files relating to the transactions on the garbage bins and fertilizer purchases.
    * They also ‘by law’ had access to the public officers involved, as well as the independent Director of Audit.
    * The Committee held meetings, and if Ron and Edison had unearthed any evidence supporting their claims of corruption by Skerrit and or any members of his cabinet I am certain that they would have exposed it by submitting a report, as they were mandated to do.
    * Furthermore, Ron Green admitted to a BBC reporter on the BBC Caribbean Report that he was not able to produce any evidence of corruption.
    * It had been reported at a meeting of the UWP held in Castle Bruce before the election that they indicated they would release the evidence on the day following the election! To this day this information has not been released.

    This is where my indecisiveness on guilt began to surface and why I have ‘opted’ to presume the Prime Minister’s ‘innocence’ unless proven otherwise ‘legally’,

    So then in effect this whole brouhaha is all about why Skerrit prefers to remain “silent” on the issue or is it about corruption?

  85. salop
    October 28, 2010

    Wonder what Lennox gonna do when he pass like a fool in court.His role model is Eddie anyway,no shame.

  86. winter blues
    October 28, 2010

    @True Dominican: The truth is very hard to accept so why not try to be hostile towards Mr.Linton well too bad because their are those of us who can put politic aside and look at the facts that are laid out you should try it some time.
    LENNOX LINTON we have your back and this is not politic just the business of the people.

    October 28, 2010


  88. jesus christ in high heaven
    October 28, 2010

    @Chief: again, come on man he is a journalist. i mean somebody’s got to do it.if there were no people like him can you imagine ……………. hey i’m not saying tht anyone is guitly but i think there is enough evidence to make anyone wonder

    what if everyone was as trusting as you it will all be hindsight …..too late

    there is a need for people like lennox regardless of his intentions

  89. jesus christ in high heaven
    October 28, 2010

    @Chief: chief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on man what are you saying. are you saying that the villas belong to skerrit? then what is all the secrecty about? if he got the money from some other means why not just come out and say so. my freind loaned me some money.

  90. Mrs Dostoevsky
    October 28, 2010

    Bubbles, the gift that keeps on giving! Thank you Bubbles and you lawyer now we will get a change to subpeona some records and bring the major players including Skeritt to testify under OATH!!! Lennox give us your pay pal address for the Lennox/Dominica legal fund!!! My bet is on you because you have done some pretty impressive background work and I know you are no idiot!! Our Hero!! You may be seen as a vilian today, but you will be Dominica’s hero!! Stick to your guns!!!Let the show begin!!!

  91. jesus christ in high heaven
    October 28, 2010
  92. JIM
    October 28, 2010

    Bubbles has already lost the first roound in court…When the second round is heard,and he still cannot say a “fat” about these villas then all and sundry will know who the owner is….I am so happy that this matter is ending up in court…Our leaders in government in particular are too corrupt…GO FOR IT LENNOX…YOU ARE OUR HERO, AND WE ARE BEHIND YOU FULL TIME…

  93. zuma
    October 28, 2010


    am a born babajan i dont like to fight
    but when it comes to my right i will rise to the occassion

    you put in a 10 cents meat bone you trinbagonian louse

    before i squeeze you like a vice
    take your meat out of me rice

  94. Andrew Prosper
    October 28, 2010

    @NOW OR NEVER!!: You got that right like my co-works snd i were discussing. When you into investments you even house unnecessay information pertaining to your property just in case.Some us are so paranoid with the details we give usless infor just to convince anyone who may have an iota of a doubt.Now that counomoonou Bubbles saying he is god fearing and all that jive talk f.. to thepopulation and educated legal minds?This gy in my opinion needs no trial.The villas should just betaken an rented to Ross .As for that poor psychology major who speaks no creole nor french(with French citizenship) who needs some lessons in “covering traks” alias Insuments also needs speech therapy.We should just take on this bozo on in a game of monoply and make sure he does not pass go, not collect 200 pounds sterling and go straight.We Dumbs in cans are not foolish we know the truth.Hard times are making monos of us.

  95. joke boy
    October 28, 2010


  96. As I See It
    October 28, 2010

    It is sad. I wonder if this guy those make time for his family. The bible say thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his wealth or maidserant, his ox or donkey or anything that belonging to your neighbor.

  97. Chief
    October 28, 2010

    @RIVERS: I have asked myself the same question myself. As far as I know it is perfectly legal to own villas in Dominica. Many have been surmising that since Skerrit’s salary does not give him the financial back up needed to own such property he must have stolen money from the state’s coffers or earn the money from other illegal means. But can it be proven that he stole money from the state’s coffers? I have no idea. I guess that would be a whole new ball game.

  98. concern citizen
    October 28, 2010

    one thing lennox must prove to the court how he got this emails, so already he is wrong because he uptain this emails illegally, this type of documents hold no substance in he court of law.

  99. Flava
    October 28, 2010

    Matt and Lennox is the Bill O’reilly and Glen Beck of Dominica…they make no darm sense

  100. Anonymous
    October 28, 2010

    They’re asking Lennox to apologize so that they could use his apology against him? These guys should know better than to ask Lennox for an apology do they think that he is that dumb? Lennox will sell Bubbles and Tony in court everyday of the year.

    Bubbles, by the way, what happened to your witness in Christ? Shouldn’t you be about the Father’s business, by witnessing to non-believers about the faith? Don’t forget this Scripture passage, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul.”

  101. John Brown
    October 28, 2010

    It’s time to professionalize journalism in Dominica.If you want to be considered a jounalist get some training, Journalism as a profession in DA is going down the toilet at an accelerating speed.If you haven’t graduated from an accredited university with a degree in journalism with courses in ETHICS and MEDIA LAW then by what standard, if any, are you even calling yourself a JOURNALIST?

    Journalism in DA is in a wild wild west mode, people with clear political leanings and agendas are running around calling themself journalist, spreading venom on a daily bases on radio shows. Tabloid journalism is what is pratice by this socalled journalist, political attacks mask as news reporting , this including the proliferation of sensationalism, triviality and disregard for fact based reporting with particular emphasis on making the PM and the government look bad.

    What we have is not qualified reporters reporting on newsworthy topics but packs of bloodthirsty wolves always on the prowl for any thing that in their mind would bring down the PM. From their presumed position as the final arbiters of what people should think and what they should be thinking about, they smell blood in the water and circle like sharks.They are tearing down society, spreading division, rumors and hate.Why should this guys be able to call themself journalist if they are basically regurgitating the talking points of the opposition?

    How can a journalists maintain an ethical high ground if his or her loyalty is to their political party? A journalist’s ethical duty is to help disperse dangerous rumors NO CREATE IT, more important he she should be seen by the public as being absent of any BIAS OR MALICE in their reporting. Can we honestly say that about some of our socalled journalist?

    October 28, 2010

    Renneth Alexis is adding insult to injury, he already escape with a small charge, he still seeking those people noise ….but what is wrong with Mr. noh. Idiot!!!

    October 28, 2010

    Lennox you are our Hero!!!!!! There is no CID officer that can match you. you’re the best.

  104. Sisserou
    October 28, 2010

    AM 100% behind you. Let the secrets unfold. HHMMMMMMMMMMnnnnnnnn the walls of Jerico is crumbling down.

  105. RIVERS
    October 28, 2010

    Can anyone tell us what the consiquencies be for P.M Skirritt will be if it is found out that the Villas in the North belongs to him!!!??

    Because from what I am gethering here is that the P.M is the main target, and if he won’t be held responsible either criminally or financially what is all this big fiasco about??

  106. Chief
    October 28, 2010

    When all is said and done and the “truth” behind the villas are exposed, it appears that Lennox will be out of a job because he has pursued it in a one sided fashion for so long with so much zeal.If you look at this whole drama closely it appears Lennox is not really interested in the villa issue per se but more interested in bringing down Skerrit. The whole approach makes it look like he is attacking the issue from a partisan perspective and not really to expose the “truth.”

  107. or
    October 28, 2010

    It’s a shame to see how Lennox, Matt and the politician have divided Dcan!!
    Dcans open your eyes. Stop supporting issues that are wrong.

  108. ZERO
    October 28, 2010

    Bubbles lie! He will never do that, because more than anybody else,,he knows the truth,and in any case he was already exposed in the court…This is a “shut your mouth tactic”, but if i know Lennox well, he will never shut up…99.9999999999999999% of Dominicans know who own the villas…..KEEP ON TALKING LENNOX…..YOU ARE OUR HERO,AND WE LOVE YOU…TO MUCH CROOKEDNESS IN THIS FAILED COUNTRY…

  109. 100% Dominican and Proud
    October 28, 2010

    The unfortunate thing about the justice system is that if the plaintiff wins, it still may not necessarily tell us who the real owner(s) is. The judge’s decision will be based on the evidence presented and accepted and not necessarily the reality.

  110. LOL
    October 28, 2010

    Go Lennox go !!

    But i agree with BOOOOOMMMMM! Skerrit should be the one talking

    And by the way INTELLECTUAL GANSTA!!! you are dead on target



  111. Fete Sal
    October 28, 2010

    Lennox don’t forget to get the IP address to prove the authenticity of the e-mails. Keep on talking Bro, you get paid to do just that.

  112. RC
    October 28, 2010

    We talk too much in Dominica. The reality of this latest twist to the weekly episode of the “villas Soap Opera” is that the truth will finally come out. The allegations, the speculations and the trail of “emails” will be proven to the test. One thing is sure, emails on their own, without the technical specification as to which computer it is linked to are not evidence in court simply because the authencity of the same cannot be proven always.

    Lennox’s bravado might just evaporate into thin air like his previous showmanship attempts to land a “box of credible evidence” of corrupt practices at the office of the IPO not so long ago. Again, he was cock-a-hoop over allegations of wrongdoing in the general elections in Antigua and then again in Dominica. In both instances he lost – irrespective of his superlative diction, preparation and power of speech. But the four walls of a court room is not a Saturday afternoon at Q-95 blessed by blessings and investigated with laser-beam scrutiny. There is no mute button for him to push should an attorney rise in objection. He will amswer the questions. He says he is ready. He will either scandalize the judiciary as he is wont to do whenever he ends up on the losing side or he will praise the same system to the heavens should he end up a winner.

    On the other hand the Senior Counsel shouldbe advised that he talks too much. Why can’t he learn something or two from Alick Lawrence in his dealings with the media. Alick never speaks to the media about his court cases.The only other attorney who tries his case in the media more often than not advancing political considerations almost always end up the loser. The press is not the place to discuss those issues. Just do what you are paid to do.You are in a class of your own in terms of your preparation and understanding of the law and jurisprudence.

    By the way i did not hear the Senior Counsel’s response to the Antiguan verdict? He most likely ended up on the losing side but I did not hear him take down the system. That is a far cry from what is expected of Lennox if he loses this one. So we await the actual filing of a suit and and see what happens.

  113. Peace
    October 28, 2010

    That case would be very interesting. Wish they would have it live on TV and radio so I can sit back with my feet up while sipping on Jack Daniel.

    October 28, 2010

    Wow! Round one!

    October 28, 2010

    Wrong person!! Wrong person!! By the way, why is Bubbles the one taking Lennox to court? What happen to the PM? I thought the accusation was against the PM? Bubbles you are the scape goat. You are the sacrificial lamb. I hope it is worth your while to have all this pressure on you. I hope you can sleep at nights. I hope when you pray to God (the one you claim to serve) you remember to ask for forgiveness for all those lies you told under oath. You swore on a bible!!! I guess Pastor BJ did not explain that part to you. You swore to tell the whole truth!!

    I am not interested in this attempt to lead people away from the issue at hand. We do not want bubbles. We want the PM to clear the air. This is a calculated effort to lead the people of Dominica in the direction Tony wants it to go. NOOO!!! Gove us Skerrit not Renneth!

  116. They r mine
    October 28, 2010

    The matter must be held at the VILLAS and once the matter has started no one should be alowed to leave ontill the matter is finished.

  117. God Help Dominica
    October 28, 2010

    Ever wonder how Lennox getting all these people emails? The damn man hacking people’s email account…..isn’t that an offense? Lennox and all the other disgruntled Dominicans, please shut it, because when you all were eating from the same pot everything was alright, now they tell you to go get your plate….you making noise……Getting your so called “evidence” illegally….come on

  118. Anonymous
    October 28, 2010

    you might as well apologized because they know how to manipulate the court system as they wish.

  119. timbok 2
    October 28, 2010

    well better yet..lets know the truth about the villas :)

  120. True Dominican
    October 28, 2010

    know wonder that man can’t keep a job …………… he to like trouble ………… how God bless no man curse ……………….. Lennox is a fool.

  121. patti
    October 28, 2010

    hurry lets go to court

  122. Attorney
    October 28, 2010

    Lennox you said the same when Kieron sued you. What Bravado

  123. NOW OR NEVER!!
    October 28, 2010

    Well, I guess the opportunity has arrived. I am happy about this development because it will allow certain truths to be revealed. It was very embarassing to hear the answers given by Mr. Alexis to questions posed about the ownership of the property at Savanne Paille. I would assume that after Tony Astaphan was directly involved in the ‘Gonzalez Affair’ involving the Late Great Dame Mary Eugenia Charles, he would have learnt something about the answer ‘I don’t remember or I don’t recall’. Barring all this, if a person goes to an institution of higher learning for all these years to become a lawyer and then turns around and advises his/her client to respond as such, it is a waste of time, talent and money.

    For me, I would be very weary of documents presented during this next trial and would check the authenticity of the dates on these documents and when they were filed in our registry. I have no problem with people owning property and enriching themselves the right way. I am a realist. I spent all my life in Dominica. I was associated with a financial instituion and I know what possibilities exist for acquiring huge investment loans especially when you already owe a huge amount, when you have non-performing debts and when your business is not as forthcoming in returns as they would like. I also know, overseas instituions do not finance property out of their reach, meaning out of the country.

    I find it very suspect that a man would not know the details of a property he owns. Any property owner can tell you all the history of their property acquisition. My hope is that the truth will be revealed and justice served accordingly.

    October 28, 2010

    Well, I guess that’s calling their bluff….But seriously,do you really believe that these people want to go to Court with this “time bomb”?….It is always best to let sleeping dogs lie.

  125. Bonus
    October 28, 2010

    @DOC_J: Lang caca lol

  126. Bonus
    October 28, 2010

    Look roro

  127. DOC_J
    October 28, 2010

    Lennox, you talk too much. las parlay

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