Support for Farmers
The Government of Dominica has received funding from the World Bank for the “Dominica Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project (DEALCRP)” to be implemented in a five-year period.
To contribute to restoring Agricultural livelihoods and enhancing climate resilience of farmers affected by Hurricane Maria,through provision of:
- An essential package of inputs (mainly improved quality seeds and fertilizers), tools, and materials for the replanting or restoration of crops.
(b) Technical advisory services and training.
To be Eligible the Crop Farmers Must:
- Be involved in farming either on a full-time basis or part-time and crop production should be a major source of income.Public Servants involved in farming are eligible.
- Provide two current forms of legal identification , (Social Security Card and Passport ) Bring along original and a copy
- Have a produce sellers’ license
- Show proof of land ownership or have a legal lease/ agreement of at least a 3-year period.
- Producers from the Kailnago Territory should provide a letter from the Kalinago Council stating legal rights to the land, or a lease.
- Have enough farm labor or equipment to implement the required cropping area or financial capacity to contract (seasonal) labor
- Have been substantially affected by Hurricane Maria.
Interested Individuals can obtain:
- Expression of Interest Form, a copy of the project benefits and receives assistance in completing the forms at the nearest Extension Offices.
Commercial Livestock Farmers and Fishers affected by Hurricane Maria are NOT left out. They will receive a separate Call for Expressions of Interest. Additional information can be obtained from:
The regional extension offices or at the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, located in Fond Cole, at the former DAPEX Building, near the Coast Guard Base. Telephone # 266 3779
Hoping the administration of this program will be supportive of Dominica’s drive to be climate resilient and include organically certifiable inputs, untreated seeds, and advice and decision-making consistent with supporting diversity (in crops, techniques, etc.) and island food/nutritional security. Am grateful for DominicaNewsOnline publicizing programs online. Wishing MoA (and other Government agencies and commercial Dominica utilities would make access to get and submit required documents available on line so people’s, as well as Agency/business’ time, energy, gas, etc. not be wasted by having to trek to Roseau.
This programme is like a jig saw puzzle. So maNY requiremen’s. I swear it’s in the bank you are applying for a loan..
After Hurricane Maria many farmers who support the UWP were not included among those who received assistance in the first round of disbursements. Honourable Hector John and others sought to give the impression that this was because of “political victimization”. However it turned out that those farmers had not submitted the required applications, quite likely because they were ignorant of the procedures since Q95 did not broadcast the regular press briefings which were meant to keep citizens informed about such matters!
I trust that Q95 will give full publicity to this new, exciting programme so as to ensure that those qualified farmers whose radios are tuned in exclusively to that Radio station will not miss out on the opportunities being made available thanks to World Bank funds negotiated by Prime Minister Skerrit at a time when Mr. Linton sought to undermine his efforts by going to New York to announce to the world that Dominica was committing “crimes against humanity”.
I was really looking forward to support with road access..perhaps something to consider???
These prints are too small to read. Kindly ask to have the font size increased please. Zooming does not help either.
ADMIN: Thank you for your feedback. We’ve done as you requested, it should be updated shortly.