Combatting COVID-19

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COMBATTING COVID-19: Vaccine immunity vs natural immunity

October 21, 2021

*Editors note* During a time when content on established media is heavily scrutinized, and deleted outright for providing misinformation Dr. John Campbell’s videos have remained (to the best of our knowledge) uncensored on all his social media platforms. A significant achievement considering that other content has been forcibly removed or entire accounts deleted for attempting to tackle the potentially contentious topics he regularly examines – such as ivermectin treatment (and other alternative treatments) for COVID, vaccine efficacy and vaccine immunity vs natural immunity.

This may be due to his candid but even-handed data-driven approach that uses recognized sources. He refrains from giving direct medical recommendations other than to suggest that people read the science and seek professional medical advice before making a health decision.


In this video Dr. Campbell looks at the science of immunity derived from vaccines vs immunity derived from natural infection as well as policy statements from government authorities on the issue.

Disclaimer; These videos are not peer-reviewed. They should never replace individual clinical judgement from your own health care provider. No media-based material on this channel is suitable for using as professional medical advice. All comments are also for educational purposes only and must never replace advice from your own health care provider.

John Campbell is a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. He holds a PHD focusing on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally.


COVID-19 Videos

Combatting COVID-19: Facing the challenges of COVID-19

September 14, 2021

The United Workers Party of Dominica (UWP) hosted a comprehensive COVID-19 discussion on the topic of COVID-19 and the vaccines on Sunday September 2021. The discussion was conducted via zoom and streamed on their Facebook page.

The full video is provided below:


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