Two dead following motorcycle collision

(L-r) Kurvon Wade, Jameson Defoe

Two men are dead while another is in critical condition at the Dominica-China Friendship (DCFH) following a motorcycle collision which occurred under the Canefield cliff.

According to reports from Police Inspector Fixton Henderson, on Monday  May 20, 2024 at about 12:15 AM a Yamaha TMAX motorcycle ridden by Kurvon Wade, male, 21-years-old of Fond Cole was traveling in a northerly direction under the Canefield cliff, while another Yamaha TMAX motorcycle ridden by Flint Harry, male adult of Salisbury, and pillion rider Jameson Defoe, 30-year-old male of St Joseph, was traveling in the opposite direction when the two motorcycles collided head-on.

“All riders received serious injuries and were transported to the emergency department of the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital via ambulance,” Henderson said.

Wade and Defoe were examined and pronounced dead by a medical doctor.

Harry remains in critical condition at the hospital.

The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF) expresses sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes the injured a speedy and full recovery.

Meanwhile, the CDPF is making a special appeal to motorcycle riders to wear protective gear while riding, “and ride with due care and attention always.”


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  1. Iamanidiot
    May 21, 2024

    After bike accident #1425, Police do not A) confiscate a bike/charge if the rider / co rider do not have a helmet. B) Figured out a way to not have children (14-16) riding around on scoters

  2. May 21, 2024

    Improve driver education, start enforcing the traffic laws, start by stopping this dangerous practice of drivers of totally ignoring stop signs, this is a very common practice outside the DC hospital. There is no attempt by the POLICE to stop this lawless practice by selfish drivers. The police commissioner must do his work, stop putting bad drivers on the road. The system to qualify a driver in Dominica is outdated it is a relic of the mid 20th century. The time is now to introduce a modern driver’s manual, vision testing and a written exam. If we continue to sit and do nothing the preventable deaths that will occur will rest squarely on the conscience of the Police and by extension the Government.

  3. May 20, 2024

    How on Earth two motorcycles manage to collide head on? “Protective gear” doesn’t prevent accidents nor death. These people need to pay attention to their surroundings. It’s a sad moment for all families involved. No one deserves loosing their lives senselessly. All it takes is a little patience, which will take us to our destination safely. Condolences to the bereaved, and, recovery to the hospitalized.

  4. Funeral-home
    May 20, 2024

    Wow, add a third one to that because another one died on a bike , to Grandbay today. So what a blood bath weekend boy. Trust me a snap election coming this year because these bloodbath of our young men and election usually go together. I am tired of saying RIP and accept my sympathy so nothing this time

  5. Pedro
    May 20, 2024

    Most of these motorcycle accidents might likely not have been fatal if riders were wearing their helmets. It is not good enough for the police to just encourage riders to wear protective gear. There is no enforcement. no penalty and every year lots of sorrow with more deaths, not to mention physical and emotional pain, suffering and near permanent effects.

  6. Help Us Lord
    May 20, 2024

    But how did that even happen? Two bikes going the opposite dirección collided ? under the cliff ? At 12:15 am? Awa inspector Henderson , Dominica has Diab directed to kill our young men then?

  7. Yann Da Mann
    May 20, 2024

    Simple rules that the TRAFFIC POLICE SHOULD ENFORCE..On all journeys, the rider and pillion passenger on a motorcycle, scooter or moped MUST wear a protective helmet. Helmets MUST comply with the Regulations and they MUST be fastened securely. Riders and passengers of motor tricycles and quadricycles, also called quadbikes, should also wear a protective helmet. Before each journey check that your helmet visor is clean and in good condition. It is also advisable to wear eye protectors, which MUST comply with the Regulations. Scratched or poorly fitting eye protectors can limit your view when riding, particularly in bright sunshine and the hours of darkness. Consider wearing ear protection. Strong boots, gloves and suitable clothing may help to protect you if you are involved in a collision. You should be aware of what is behind and to the sides before manoeuvring. Look behind you; use mirrors if they are fitted. When in traffic queues look out for pedestrians crossing between vehicles.

  8. Labour power
    May 20, 2024

    12.15am or 00.15 hrs is early morning.How ever it is not the first time two motorcycles have crashed headon and two people die.It happened a few years ago close to the Castaways Hotel,where a guy called Sandy and another guy crashed and died.The Defoe people in St.Joseph are good people.My condolences to all,Roy,MasDefore,Shylow,Ray,Nell,Momone.

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