The adverse effects of climate change have been recorded as having a range of negative human rights impacts on those who are already in vulnerable situations.
Factors such as poverty, age and being part of an indigenous population when coupled with climate change disasters contribute to the vulnerability status of individuals. According to PAHO, in 2021 people over 65 years of age accounted for over 9.3% of the total population in Dominica. This figure is expected to further increase to almost one-quarter by 2040. PAHO further points out that the dependency ratio (adults aged 65 and older for every 100 people aged 15–64) in 2000 was 18, and is estimated to more than double, to 38, by 2040.
My second Climate Justice story took me near one of Dominica’s Premiere Tourism Sites namely the Kalinago Barana Aute in Salybia, Kalinago Territory. After an 8-minute walk from the main road- I met with Mr Joaness Francis an indigenous elder. Francis in his late 80s is partially blind and experiences mobility issues. As an elder who has medical issues, Francis is still partly responsible for caring for his physically challenged son pre and post-Hurricane Maria in 2018.
Housed in a small open wooden structure, which does not have potable water or electricity, Francis is often dependent on his caregiver for his daily meals. His family relies on the monthly allowance of $132 US to meet their basic needs such as food and disposable diapers. Based on Francis’s age, and economic and medical status, his family falls within the most vulnerable category. However, plans to relocate him and his physically challenged son to a safer location have been futile. Francis and his son have also not been touched by the World Bank Housing Recovery Project nor the EU housing project and are left rather unprepared for future climate disasters.
Senior citizens in Francis’s position are less able to compensate for the effects of certain environmental hazards associated with Climate Change. Their overlapping vulnerabilities make it difficult to get to safety during extreme weather events. Hence due to a variety of factors as seen in Francis’s case, older adults are unable to flee to safe areas and protect themselves from injuries during disasters. They may also be compromised or solely dependent on others for assistance and rescue. Other concerns that make climate disasters especially difficult for some older adults include the fact that temporary shelters can be confusing, crowded, and located in unfamiliar open public places.
Moreover, in post-climate disasters, older people with cognitive challenges can experience emotional trauma and social isolation. Adults like Francis’s son who have complex medical conditions impacting physical, sensory, and cognitive skills are often incapable of caring for themselves and responding to climate disasters. Assigned a caregiver under the National Employment Program (NEP), Francis is heavily dependent on the caregiver to retrieve his medication which can be fragmented during climate disasters. Senior citizens like Francis whose simple life does not contribute to climate change have a significantly higher mortality risk in extreme weather events, both of which are exacerbated by climate change. Post the climate disasters they are further punished as they have limited access to resources, all of which may limit their adaptive capacity.
In response to the issues, Lorenzo Sanford, the Kalinago Chief for the Kalinago Territory acknowledged that older adults are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Sanford notes that inclusive community planning and spirit can help reduce their vulnerability as the contributions of ordinary community members can be a powerful and simple way to assist senior citizens. Chief Sanford also mentioned that there is a need to protect the rights of senior citizens and embrace them in climate action as they can provide indigenous knowledge that can enlighten community action plans.
Chief Sanford also reiterated that an ageing population presents challenges for healthcare funding and social support in the face of climate change. He pointed out that the impact of climate change on older adults is an enormous social concern as the impact of climate-induced disasters is considered a threat multiplier, hence accessing climate funding for indigenous populations must be a priority.
As seen in Francis’s case, the climate justice conversation needs to be focused on the social impacts on ordinary people such as older adults and concerted efforts must be placed on addressing the needs of elders. This shift in paradigm is necessary as “Social determinants of health” like economic security or substandard housing coupled with race contribute to vulnerability and can exacerbate the impact of climate change. Although the Commonwealth of Dominica is one of the countries which least contributes to climate change, its older residents are some of the most affected and are among those most at risk, hence climate funding is critical in the country’s social response to climate change.
This story was published with the support of the Climate Trackers Journalism Fellowship and the Open Society.
For 22 years fools have been talking about stolen election,election reform and missing CBI billions.Today,due to their high level of stupidity,there is a government and opposition in place for the next 5 years.The majority of Dominicans has not been listening to that missing billions BS.But again a Jacka will always remain a Jacka.
Climate change is a fake
It just another way of ripping off people
Another way of making the rich countries give the the poor countries
The same people that are complaining about climate change are flying more than the average man
There has always been hot and cold seasons
When they cannot explain disasters they say climate change
There has always been hurricanes
God is in charge of his world and when he is ready he will destroy it according to the book of revelation
I repeat climate change is just another big fake
Never mind ‘climate change crisis’. How about 18 years of incompetence and squandering of state resources by the current man in charge. Here is a person (Valmond) that blames climate change but doesn’t mention with a single word these rogue leaders that cannot even account properly for billions of missing CBI money. People like Valmond use these climate issues to divert from the political incompetence in DA and wrong accounting by this cover meant by fooling the residents of Dominica even more. Let me tell you, the billions of missing CBI money could have done a lot of good not only for senior citizens but also for everybody else but instead it only benefited the CM and his cabal. Watch out now, the red brigade will ask me about the housing program! I answer them already, what housing program? The one that only benefited a few DLP supporters and Girl friends of DLP politicians.