Today, Wednesday, February 8, 2023, is Election Day for Wards II, III, and IV of the Roseau City Council.
The candidates contesting these wards are:
Ward II – Riah Brumant, whose symbol is the tree; Ericson Romain, whose symbol is the bird; and Rhoda St. John, whose symbol is the bicycle.
Ward III – Quincy Dwayne Angol, whose symbol is the tree; Michael Anthony Moreau, whose symbol is the bird; and Sherika Winston, whose symbol is the bicycle.
Ward IV – Marilia Vernicia Adams, whose symbol is the tree; Wayne Donald Benjamin, whose symbol is the bird; Sherman Hartford Boston, whose symbol is the bicycle; and Christina J. Sobers, whose symbol is the car.
Four thousand. six hundred and sixty-six (4,666) electors are registered to vote in Ward II comprising part of Roseau Central Constituency and Bath Estate.
Two thousand, five hundred and forty-seven (2,547) electors are registered to vote in Ward III comprising Lower and Upper Goodwill and St. Aroment.
Four thousand, nine hundred and sixty-two (4,962) electors are registered to vote in Ward IV comprising Pottersville, Gutter area, Fond Cole (excluding Morne Daniel), Stockfarm below the Dominica China Friendship Hospital, and the Glasgow Ridge.
“The polls open at 7:00 AM and close at 5:00 PM, following which the preliminary count of ballots cast will take place. The final counting of ballots will take place on Thursday, February 9, 2023, commencing at 9:00 AM,” Chief Elections Officer, Ian-Michael Anthony stated.
He noted that the persons elected in Wards II, III, and IV will together with Ken George and Sandra Ermine Royer, constitute the eight (8) persons elected to the Council.
Mr. George and Ms. Royer were declared duly elected at the close of nominations for Ward I. Ward I comprises Citronier, Newtown, Kings Hill, The Morne (Morne Bruce), Elmshall, the High Street and Turkey Lane area, and Fortune.
The Roseau City Council comprises thirteen (13) persons, eight (8) of whom are elected and five (5) nominated by the Minister responsible for Local Government.
Why go through this charade when we all know it is the MP for Roseau, Melissa Poponne Skerrit who decides what happens in town, is she that runs things there. Honestly, we should not fool ourselves with pretence like this.
In 2009 LIAR Chi-Chi Bang Bang told his unsuspecting supporters in Lagon that Roseau would be the envy of all Caribbean capitals.He unveiled the artist impression of the new Roseau, and unsuspecting labourites clapped untill the palms of their hands got laceration which needed medical attention. See the state of Roseau today…! Smelling Pee Sar, lots of Kar Kar Chien, broken sidewalks, stagnant water, bad odor from drains, big rats, etc, etc,etc..
Chi-Chi Bang Bang is an embarrassment!!
Chi-Chi Bang Bang asking for more money, because his job is stressful.
And let’s no forget, the shameful state of the neglected Roseau Library.
MEME get a life. You don’t even seem to understand what is happening – Roseau City Council election. There are local government elections. U need to understand to be able to address truthfully. Did you read your comments? Go back and read. You sound like a hater who wants nothing good for your City.
Why don’t you get involved to do something about the peepee, Kar Kar Chien, Broken Sidewalks etc. Are you here in DA? If not come down so you can volunteer your seemingly educational knowledge to give advice and even show how you can get these things done.
I suspect you wasting your talent parlaying. You need to show some actions now. Take the bull by the horn. Do not grow into a self-hurting political individual, who sees absolutely everything negative. You hurting you. Just volunteer so you can have an idea how councils work. Maybe there needs to be a course to show the roles of the Village and City councils.
Stop mixing everything as politics.
You are so right there needs to be education on the role of councils. But don’t be blind – the persons contesting council elections are deeply political themselves.
@Hello MEME
Has the truth embarrassed you?
Roseau is indeed a delapidated capital, and shameless and wicked people like you should acknowledge this.
You have written a lot of filth, and it is not going to improve Roseau’s condition.
Get out of here…Your moron!!
@Hello MEME
Election my foot!!
Has Dominica had any real election since 2005? NO!!
Chi-Chi Bang Bang has hijhjacked elections in Dominica…
I have elevated your blood pressure??Poor Pity!!!
Hope it does not get you to PMH, because you wont return; since your government has abandoned health care needs of its people.
Your doggone SOO – TEE – WER!!
Learn to say things as it is!!