Antigua to clear criminal records for minor cannabis convictions

The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has decided to bring in new laws that would clear the criminal records of individuals previously convicted of having small amounts of cannabis. This means that these convictions would essentially be wiped out, allowing those affected to truthfully declare they have no prior arrests or juvenile delinquency adjudications when interacting with potential landlords, employers, or licensing agencies.

The parliament is set to meet in July to review this proposed legislation. While a bill to erase minor offenses in general was approved in 2013, it was never put into effect.

In March 2018, the Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Act made changes to the Misuse of Drugs Act, making it no longer a criminal offense to possess up to 15 grams of cannabis or cannabis resin.

 However, this amendment didn’t fully legalize cannabis, as penalties for selling the drug are still in place. Current regulations also restrict households to a maximum of four cannabis plants, with possession of more than this number remaining illegal.

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  1. Putin
    June 28, 2024

    Great move!

  2. Affa
    June 28, 2024

    Of course. Maryland just cleared the records of over 170,000 people, Chicago 500,000 all mostly mostly Black people like you. If we ever know the reason it was made illegal in the first place you’d make it legal again. Particularly for all the health benefits of the oils (CBD), teas, recreational, smoke, hemp products etc.
    Thailand did it for everything its citizens desire to do, however, they had to back track because of kids being misguided, which they realized should be regulated like cigarettes. But you can’t keep imprisoning citizens for something made illegal strictly for racist reasons. After neglecting its use since the 1930’s, we are basically unaware of the importance of using CBD oils for epilepsy, glaucoma, CNDCs, and hypertension, and one hundred other ailments that we are programmed to use pharmacy pills, being a pawn in getting those pharmaceutical companies super rich. Today they are Trillion-dollar companies because we don’t know better.

  3. Ibo France
    June 27, 2024

    The electorate of Antigua & Barbuda is sensing that parliamentary elections are imminent. True to form, the unproductive, insidious Brown Paper regime, is stealthily trying to hoodwink the young voters that his administration cares about them.

    Antiguans and Barbudans should kick him and his opportunistic, godawful parasites out of office for the citizens to get a welcomed relief from the many burdensome taxes and the impoverished misery. The man and his administration of thugs are a colossal failure not deserving of re-election.

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