CARICOM postpones heads of government meeting due to Hurricane Beryl

The Caribbean Community has announced the postponement of the 47th Regular Meeting of CARICOM Heads of Government, originally set to take place in Grenada from 3-5 July, due to the anticipated impact of Hurricane Beryl on the region.

In light of the approaching hurricane, several Member States, including the host nation Grenada, are actively involved in emergency preparations and planning to mitigate the potential aftermath of the storm.

According to a statement released this morning, the Community’s top priority is now ensuring the safety and security of its citizens, and is prepared to provide assistance to Member States that will be affected by this severe weather event.

It is strongly advised that individuals in the hurricane’s path take all necessary precautions to safeguard themselves.

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1 Comment

  1. Ibo France
    July 1, 2024

    If CARICOM is so important to the Caribbean region, why isn’t CARCOM Day be declared a bank holiday in all fifteen (15) member states?

    I am convinced that at least 90% of people living in CARICOM member states do not know the three main objectives of this organization, when it was formed, nor when we celebrate CARICOM DAY?

    It’s no wonder the vast majority of CARICOM citizens consider the organization as a Boy’s Club despite Mia Amor Mottley’ presence among them.

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