Christians in Antigua concerned about cannabis smoking in churches

Christians in Antigua and Barbuda have expressed concerns about the disrespect of sacred spaces due to the smoking of marijuana. The Antigua Barbuda Evangelical Alliance (ABEA) has raised the issue with the country’s prime minister, Gaston Browne.

Despite the recent decriminalization of marijuana, ABEA is troubled by public marijuana smoking, particularly in places and during events considered sacred to the Christian faith. Of particular concern is the smoking of marijuana in and around church buildings and cemeteries during funerals.

To address this, ABEA has urged the government to conduct an educational program to inform the public that marijuana use in public places remains illegal.  They emphasized the need to discourage public cannabis consumption, especially due to the negative message it sends to the younger members of society.

Prime Minister Browne acknowledged the issue and emphasized that the decriminalization of marijuana is not an endorsement for public consumption. He expressed support for public service announcements through local media to reinforce the message that smoking cannabis publicly is prohibited.

Browne also highlighted his support for the decriminalization of marijuana, specifically to grant followers of the Rastafari religion sacramental rights to use cannabis within religious rites. Additionally, the government intends to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes due to its significant medicinal benefits.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Browne underscored the importance of respecting church sanctuaries and abiding by legal limits, on a publicly-broadcasted radio show. He emphasized the need for individuals to respect each other’s ethical values and reminded the public that smoking cannabis is banned in public but allowed in private homes.

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  1. Affa
    June 14, 2024

    They have made it a Christian vs RastaFari thing. But stay focused. Even though the smoke wards of evil spirits, among other health benefits, it has never been a non-christ thing. We are intelligent enough to know that it was only made illegal by the U.S.A in the 1930s when a klans-man Harry Anslinger became drug tzar. He needed to imprison Blacks and Mexicans who smoked it. So, he moved marijuana from the schedule-3 drug list to schedule-1 among hard drugs like heroine, morphine in order to do just that. It worked.

    To this day prisons in the U.S are bursting thru the seams with Black people for marijuana use. The U.S have effectively used the U.N to have the rest of the world follow, this time in exchange for aid. Now that the U.S. is masking it LEGAL again, we are left CARRYING THE BAG.
    Today, our Caribbean governments feel dependent on churches for their votes, now want to relate it to Christ. This is bad, very bad. We are not all Rastas, nor all Christians. Legalize it.

  2. ce ca
    June 14, 2024

    The same thing is happening here in Dominica and nothing is being done about it. I attended the funeral of a young man earlier this year and so many young men were smoking marijuana outside of the church that the scent was perceived through the entire church. It’s a shame things have to get to this point. Not to mention in Roseau especially and the block in the different villages. All our young men sit on the side walks with a joint or wrapping a joint and even with police patrolling they don’t care. It has become a “norm” in this country and the complaints about it seem to fall on death ears all the time.

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    • Asking, for a friend
      June 16, 2024

      A funeral? What you doing at a funeral and don’t expect smoke, are you now more Europeanized than the European himself?

  3. Labour power
    June 14, 2024

    Smoking marijuana is also banned in public places in Dominica.A public place is a place to which th ine public have access.It is an offence to smoke marijuana in a public place.In Dominica people smoke outside the court in Roseau and the police do nothing about it.The slackest section in the Dominica police force is the traffic department.

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  4. LivelyUpYourself
    June 14, 2024

    The rules should be the same as with alcohol and the people need to have public places where they can gather socially and partake in the herb. Alcohol is enjoyed in an infinite number of bars and restaurants. The same type of outlets should be available for cannabis consumer to gather and enjoy the kind herb. Equal rights and equal protections under our laws as the drinkers of alcohol have.

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  5. derp
    June 14, 2024

    You all are fine with the freedom the tobacco smokers have though, being able to freely smoke in open spaces where it is not explicitly banned… Simple solution tell them it’s not allowed if they don’t want to adhere exhort them out…. The problem is not the plant , but how people use and abuse it.

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