Colihaut will have a new sea defense wall in 90 days, say officials

Fidel Grant delivering remarks at Colihaut Ceremony

Minister of Public Works Fidel Grant has announced that the construction of a $897,669.30 sea defense wall in Colihaut is expected to be completed in 90 days.

The Minister made the disclosure during a contract signing ceremony for that project held at Colihaut on Friday.

The contract for the project was awarded to local contractor Monison Roudette.

“It is anticipated that once the weather holds up and all else is in order, work will be completed within 90 days,” he said. “This river defense wall is more than brick and mortar, it is an investment in building resilience, protecting lives, and protecting property as well as your livelihoods. But we in this Labour Party administration understand what it takes.”

He continued, “You the people of Colihaut understand that this restoration of this wall will make you feel safe when it rains [and] the fear of your land or your home being washed away is no more. You will feel safe and more confident when you drive, and sleep in your homes.”

He explained that the work entails the preparation of the construction subsite including river works, demolition of the existing 70-meter long by 4.5-meter high wall, and the construction of a new 70-meter long, 4.5-meter high reinforced concrete structure that will replace the damaged wall.

“This intervention will secure the embankment and protect the village from future floods and related risks,” Grant noted.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said his government is happy to be in the position to sign a contract for the construction of this much-needed wall for the residents of Colihaut.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit speaking at Colihaut ceremony

“I know we have done many sections of the wall over the last years post-Maria and we recognize that in the last system, we had it compromised…that section in the vicinity of Zetman Shop, and therefore we have decided to come here in quick fashion to have this section done,” he explained.

Skerrit said the government plans to work on the next phase in another area in Colihaut when work in the section in the vicinity of Zetman Shop is completed.

“We have decided to give priority to that section because it takes from the top of the community and comes down,” he stated.

The Prime Minister said since his party came into government it’s been necessary to build sea defense walls from most of the coastline from Portsmouth to Capuchin.

“Because the sea is coming more and more into land,” he stated. “And you will also recognize that rivers which never overflow on their banks, when it rains it affects the banks.”

He added, “Gone are the days when rain will fall for weeks in Dominica and all we will see is that the sea is brown, but now the moment rain falls there is flooding in Dominica as the result of climate change.”

Meanwhile, Parliamentary Representative of the Colihaut Constituency Daren Pinard said during the passage of Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria flooding was experienced in the majority of homes in the village basin.

“Some homes were destroyed beyond repair,” he explained. “A two-storey concrete structure was catapulted into the river bed. Another two-storey structure that laid directly behind it disappeared, never to be seen again.”

Pinard mentioned that for this reason, the government undertook the construction of phase one of the river defense wall.

“Phase one has served us remarkably thus far,” he revealed. “The wall was very well constructed and subsequently provided good protection from the raging river.”

Daren Pinard

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  1. Trators
    October 14, 2024

    it is amazing to see the new comers in politics have amas so much properties….lord help us….not only in Belfast they buying properties but also Roseau….look at them closely and u will see how is only money they care about nothing to do with Dominica

  2. if we knew better
    October 14, 2024

    Not going to lie, but all you people does disgust me. All of all you. From the chief thief to the last crony and vorleh in that camp. What really irks me is that there are Dominicans who act like these people are so great. I self agree to let them finish off Dominica and its good name as much as they can. Whatever is left, we will see what we can do with it if we still own it in the end.

  3. Vwais den
    October 13, 2024

    Colihaut will have a new wall in 90 days, and Linton will pay for it :lol: :lol: :lol: (kidding…couldn’t let this one pass by without saying it)

    • if we knew better
      October 14, 2024

      Quite a dumb statement. Maybe i lost my sense of humor but where is the joke in this? I might as well have said your mother will pay for it. smh.

  4. Labour power
    October 13, 2024

    Letting MEME and the blue fakes know,under SKERRIT.
    Night landing.New DCFH.New sports stadium.New Marigot hospital.New state house.4 new bridges in Roseau.Extention of DC airport.EO Leblanc highway.NO Liverpool highway.Charles avenue resurfaced.NEP.Yes we care.$300 for seniors(60+).Free medical for seniors(60+)Pit toilet eradication.Clear harbour.Hillsborough gardens housing.Belvue Chopin city.New York valley,Macoucherie,Batalie and Point Round bridge.Free School bus service.Cochrane road.Roseau valley road.Kapinski hotel.Jungle Bay hotel.Land sold at $1 sqft.Castlebruce,Jimmit,Laplaine,Bath estate,Plait ma Pierre housing.International airport.Geothermal.First pace-maker implanted.First commercial flight direct from AMERICA.Layou immergency.New Grammar school.New Goodwill school.Newtown primary school.12 New mini- hospitals.Immergency funds for farmers and fishermen.More police,teachers,nurses and firemen employed.Free $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 houses and many,many more.UWP DEAD.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 8
    • if we knew better
      October 14, 2024

      All of this, almost 10 years after Maria. Also dont expect top quality work. Chinese that doing the building. you forgot to add brand new mansion with new concrete road to match in Morne Daniel. Meanwhile not one of you simple foolish common laborites can touch a single dollar of CBI to pay for all you bills and send all you children to school. All you still have to go and beg Skerrit.

  5. Ibo France
    October 13, 2024

    Why should any thinking person believe this mendacious concept of a government? The record will show that it has a huge surplus of promises and an equally gigantic deficit of implementation.

    Everything said or done by this autocracy is for political expediency. For them, the wellbeing of the people is secondary.

    In recent times, there have been many vehicular accidents and casualties mostly due t the lack of signage, poor lighting, narrowness of the roadways plus potholes and overgrown bushes. The relevant authorities, for some inexplicable reasons, have closed their eyes to these. Most of these are low hanging fruits to rectify.

    My point is simply this. These bandits who have conned their way into high office, are all of self and of little or no use to the underprivileged.

  6. Mahaut yout
    October 13, 2024

    Hahahah, election promises.
    Even if they rush to construct this wall as they’ve trying to do. This wall will not be ready for the next tropical storm or hurricane. Reason: the wall will not be ready in time or solid or in construction teams cured to sustain rushing water.
    It’s a lack of planning, this should be constructed at least 9 months before the bad weather to have any chance to secure the village.

    DNO, please submit my comment, I’ve said nothing offensive about the government.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3
  7. Nature
    October 13, 2024

    Hey Fidel what about a new well needed wall in Melville Hall area, on your doorstep, lives have even been lost there.
    pay attention to your people

    • if we knew better
      October 14, 2024

      you doh seeing them man is just clowns? controlled by a puppet master?

  8. Work
    October 12, 2024

    look at them….like this is news…..what were u voted to do….and honestly this took much to long….same like where the drums are after bells……u all were place there to do work…there should not even be a ceremony….crap…did some moncome in them 14 containers :oops:

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3
    • if we knew better
      October 14, 2024

      i agree they swear is the best job they doing. Everything they do is 10 years too late. and substandard work. Look how long it took for them to fix layou bridge after TS Erica of 2015. i could go on and on. We will have natural disaster after natural disaster and they will still come and talk their rubbish about disaster preparedness, when they themself cannot and will not fix anything until its too late.

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