Doctors in Antigua take legal action against the government over its abortion laws

The debate over the legality of Antigua and Barbuda’s outdated abortion law is gaining attention. Earlier this week, local doctors and activists filed a constitutional lawsuit, against the law which only allows abortion when a woman’s life is in danger.

They are advocating for new legislation that respects a woman’s right to choose.

The government has stated that it will defer to the courts to decide on the future of the nation’s anti-abortion laws.

The Cabinet spokesman Lionel Max Hurst emphasized that the government will wait for the judicial proceedings’ outcome and will act based on the court’s decision. The court is set to hear the case in September.

Under the current law, a woman who ends a pregnancy can face 10 years in prison, while anyone who assists her can face two years in prison.

Though the government has emphasized that it will follow the court’s guidance on this matter, religious leaders in St John’s have threatened to protest any decision by the government to make any such move.

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  1. Magway ca
    June 17, 2024

    Woman just want to open there legs and get plug and then just throw the child as if is nothing.
    And then there’s the doctors who want to make money of it as well

  2. hmm
    June 15, 2024

    First of all this – “my body, my choice” slogan is scientifically inaccurate. The child is a completely different body. Second the same people using that slogan were the ones in favor of mandatory vaccinations – so we know that they don’t care about bodily autonomy, they just want the “right” to kill the unborn.

    For some it’s just another form of birth control but I 100% believe there is a kabal that sees this as a form of mass child sacrifice and/or population control. And if you think that is far-fetched then you need to take a harder look at what some of these types of groups pushing LGBT, abortion etc are involved in and what they believe.

    Finally I’m really not surprised that this is happening NOW, considering what just happened in Dominica with the sodomy laws. Both abortion and homosexuality fit perfectly into their satanic agenda of population control. At least religous groups in antigua are prepared to protest – or so they say. Time will tell

  3. Channel One
    June 14, 2024

    It would be interesting to find out who are the puppet-masters (foreign and/or local) who are hiding in the shadows whilst pulling the strings of their puppets ie these local doctors and activists who are championing for the murder of unborn children.

    P.S. – We should stop masking & sanitizing these activities behind sophisticated sounding words such as abortion. Call the thing for what the thing is ie the Murder of Unborn Children.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
    • Six Half-Dozen
      June 16, 2024

      We have seen your comments in your Republican vs Democrat puppet master world, in support of U.S police who over-police certain areas and do the m*rdering after they’re born. :-P

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