Dominica Economic Revival Summit deemed a success

Economic Revival Summit Dinner and Awards Ceremony

The Political Leader of the United Workers Party (UWP) has hailed the first-ever Dominica Economic Revival Summit, an event organized by the UWP in partnership with the Electoral Reform Coalition (ERC), a success.

The event took place from Tuesday, June 4 to Thursday, June 6, at the Jungle Bay Resort in Soufriere.

“We had a very successful summit,” he said during an interview with the media on Thursday. “We are very thankful for the many persons who participated. In fact, the night of the opening and awards dinner we had about 50,000 viewers, so there was a tremendous amount of interest that was shown,” he said.

He said the actual content of the summit was extraordinarily good.

“We were able to focus on several areas that we believe are good entry points towards reversing our economic situation in Dominica,” Dr. Fontaine stated. “We looked for example at the knowledge industry where we believe there are a number of jobs that can be created particularly for our young people.”

He also touched on the need to revamp the agriculture sector.

“Because what we really need to do is to go into agro-processing, but we cannot begin that on any large or consistent scale if we do not revamp the agriculture sector,” he noted.

Another area he mentioned was the water resource.

“How can we use the water that we have to begin to generate revenue and foreign exchange for Dominica?” Fontaine questioned.

He added, “We also looked at the whole area of renewable energy. We believe that this is an area that we can even look to export and an area that we can look to exploit even more than we are doing now.”

Generally speaking, Dr. Fontaine believes the discussions were useful.

“And coming out of this and going forward, what we plan to do is to put a plan of action together that will include short-term, medium and long-term,” he indicated.

Dr. Fontaine added that“in the short term as I said we are going to see how we can create jobs from the knowledge-based industry, in the medium and longer term we will be looking at the agriculture sector, and in the longer term we are looking to totally revamp the agriculture sector.”

Meanwhile, he said the UWP is in the process of building up a solid plan so that as soon as the party is elected into office it will be implemented.



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  1. Labour power
    June 16, 2024

    Good move in what?Tell Fontaine and UWP go on the ground and campaign,meet the people.In 2019,13 DLP candidates got more than 1,000 votes.12 seats are sure win for the Labour party,Colihaut,Cottage,Grandbay,St.Joseph,Paix Bouche,Petite Savanne,Cottage,Salybia,Portsmouth.Vielle Case,Soufriere and Roseau valley.Now Roseau Central,Mahaut,Roseau North and Roseau South are on board.That is the good move UWP should make,try to win those constituency,but again that party is a lazy talking party.

  2. Labour power
    June 15, 2024

    He talking about agriculture,I wonder what he did with the land at Rosalie he Hoff from the Dominican people?

  3. June 15, 2024

    As soon as the party is Elected in office – bull crap, wishful thinking. Waste of people’s time Economic Reform Summit.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 6
    • Labour power
      June 15, 2024

      All that bull crap about leadership,intuition who does Fontaine and the summit show that to?De man have a history of dishonesty,which the Dominican people know too well.There is no way UWP can win an election in Dominica.They(UWP) has all been against the NEP,almost 5,000 employed there.There are more than 2,700 people benefitting from the $300 monthly.More than 5,000 people are benefitting from FREE housing.Over 300 benefitting from the yes we care.UWP has always campaign against all those programmes,ask Monell Williams Jno.Baptiste.They(UWP) want to stop the construction of the international airport where more than 200 Dominicans are employed.The Cable car they against,they were against Jungle Bay where 140 Dominicans are employed.And that bull crapper talking bull crap about leadership.Dominicans know they will not vote UWP,because of their record of corruption,victimization,greed and lies between 1995 and 2000.They made hundreds of millions disappear from their passport programme

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 7
      • Pat
        June 17, 2024

        Now that’s grasping for straws, after 20 years that’s all to show? I’m all for the airport finally being done. Just drove past the area and besides the 2 Dominicans at the gate minding the 3 colossal speed bumps, understandably, is only the big 10-wheelers and excavators at work, operated apparently by Chinese drivers. What’s all the chest beating about? The whole construction complex is visible from main road. You couldn’t hide 200 people anywhere in that whole area. Where are the busses/cars full of people heading to/from work, in Calibishi, Borne, or Roseau valley headed to Laudat? Just be supportive and quiet, let it happen.

  4. Numbered days
    June 14, 2024

    this party has a vision and mission but this martinity labor..has absolutely none.. I will surrender my vote to them….currently this country is at a stand still…….let them start giving money b4 election…..I will gladly accept…but won’t vote them…

  5. Not a follower
    June 14, 2024

    Good move. This shows intuition, innovation, entrepreneurship, resilience, leadership

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 6

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