Dominica Public Service Union opposes delay in pay, and other measures taken by Public Works Corporation

Thomas Letang

General Secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU) Thomas Letang has said the union is “extremely dissatisfied” with the long delays in payment of salaries to employees of the Public Works Corporation (PWC).

He made the disclosure during the opening ceremony of a DPSU-sponsored workshop for staff of the PWC held at the DPSU conference room on Friday.

“The Dominica Public Service Union is extremely dissatisfied with the long delays at times in paying salaries and wages,” he remarked. “My understanding is that for two fortnights you have not been paid.”

Letang continued, “We are becoming weary with the non-implementation of issues agreed to during negotiations, most if not all of which have been impacted by the corporation not receiving payments for work which it has done. Of course, its main client is the government.”

According to him, after working for three fortnights and not being paid, “…leaving you and your family in dire straits is not a good situation to be in.”

Furthermore, Letang said, the Public Works Corporation has a record of delivering when it is hired.

Meanwhile, he explained that the idea of the workshop came about at a meeting with the public works Board of Directors, management, and staff to which he was invited.

Letang further explained that after listening to the solutions that the Board and management had agreed to implement to address what they said was, “wastage” and in some instances poor performance by employees, “we right on the spot objected to those measures.”

He argued that the measures were illegal and unfair, “and we immediately offered to sponsor this workshop which is only the first of many joint ventures, so here we are today witnessing a little bit of history.”

Letang revealed that the Dominica State College (DSC) has agreed to a similar program next Friday.



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  1. Ibo France
    June 16, 2024

    The DPSU, under the leadership of Thomas Letting, reminds me of several things: a big crab without claws, a tiger without teeth, a bull without horns, and a sting-ray without its stinger.

    When was the last time the DPSU negotiated a fair deal with government for its members? Leadership is essential.

  2. Labour power
    June 16, 2024

    Boy you lucky Skerrit and the Labour party in power in Dominica.In any other country where the economy is not good according to UWP and their acolytes,public workers would be sent home.They would not only talk about late payment,they would also talk about not having a job.Wicked UWP wicked.When UWP won the election in 1995 the population was 69,000,when the were kicked out of power in 2000 the population.The difference between Saverin and Letang is whereas the people tell Saverin what action THEY want him to take,Letang is telling them what action HE want to take in favour of UWP.Letang is a supporter of the UWP,so he want public servants to act in the interest of UWP.The 1979 strike was a NATIONAL strike and not a Savarin strike.Anybody who say otherwise is either wilfully lying or ignorant.

    • me
      June 17, 2024

      @Lin clown
      More idiocy and foolishness from an embarrassingly brainless human being.

  3. Ibo France
    June 16, 2024

    I’ll rather a lion leading a flock of sheep being led by a lion than a pride of lions being led by a sheep. The bankrupt regime has come to realise that the leadership of the DPSU is pathetically weak so they treat public servants with much disdain. Time for a more strong-willed, militant, resolute leader.

    A leader like Mr. Letting who cannot motivate his members to agitate for their own good should be sacked with immediacy. The man has had thirty years at the helm of the Union lounging around.

  4. Pulbwa
    June 15, 2024

    Dominica need a complete overhaul in all sectors. To many in positions are there for to long or singing the same song with those in power

  5. Nature baby
    June 15, 2024

    So what about salary increase nah? All you quiet. While water bill increasing.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  6. Truth Be Told
    June 15, 2024

    There is no excuse for workers not getting paid! How can you as a General Secretary of a trade union tolerate your members not getting paid?
    This is not asking for pay raise or better conditions, this is about getting paid for work done! You should immediately strike and demand your pay! Talk to Charles Severin and learn how he did it!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0

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