The ERC highlighted that Dominican truckers have been systematically overlooked and denied job opportunities on these significant projects, particularly the airport construction. In contrast, Chinese contractors have been permitted to import their own trucks, equipment, and labor, despite the availability of local resources and manpower. The total estimated cost of these projects is around two billion dollars, with a staggering ninety percent of that amount expected to be sent abroad, according to the ERC, which could severely impact the local economy. The organization has highlighted that this situation raises concerns about the lack of contributions to the Dominica Social Security system, which is essential for supporting local workers as they reach retirement age.
The statement goes on to argue that as a result of these circumstances, Dominican truck drivers are facing severe economic hardship, struggling to fulfill their financial responsibilities to their families and creditors. Despite their attempts to communicate their grievances to the government, their concerns have gone unaddressed. Consequently, the truck drivers felt compelled to exercise their constitutional right to protest, hoping to elicit a positive response from the government regarding their situation.
“But lo and behold, the dictatorial regime of Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit has unleashed a barrage of teargas on the peaceful protesters and the residents of the Canefield Housing Scheme, including a children’s daycare. This brutal response of the Prime Minister, Minister of National Security and the Officers of the Dominica Police Force is totally unacceptable and the ERC is appealing to all sectors of the society, including the churches, trade unions, political parties and regional organizations such as the OECS and CARICOM, to condemn the brutality of the Roosevelt Skerrit Administration and persuade the Government of Dominica to treat its citizens with respect and dignity”, asserted the ERC.
A resolution between the truckers and the government has been reportedly hashed out as of yesterday evening, with the PM taking to the airwaves to express his approval of police conduct in the matter.
These truckers need to understand that they are living in a free market economy. Contracts for the project were handed to the bidding companies who were able to convince the government that they can deliver within the budget set out for the project. If the truckers are unable to keep the cost for their services within the required budget, the contractors have every right to look for cheaper options. It is not the government responsibility to force the contractors to hire local truckers if it is not in the financial interest of their companies. If there wasn’t an international airport being constructed, how would the truckers make a living? especially when you consider how hard the UWP trying to close the CBI programme which is the main source of funding for these projects.
Him,anytime the trucks had remained blocking the road overnight they would be destroyed.Take that as a warning, the people have the ways,means and numbers to deal with terrorists and traitors.That blockade was NOT a protest it was a terrorist act planned by UWP, to make the people pay for not voting them over the years.I commend and I support the police for smoking the terrorists and traitors.Since UWP won election in 1995 they and their lazy do nothing supporters have been disrespecting and insulting the police.Next time the police should shoot the teargas canisters into or under the trucks.I am not against the truckers protest,I am against a dead UWP political party playing a hand in the protest.UWP know the majority of Dominicans will NOT vote them,so you are not voting me,I am destroying you with every opportunity I get.Even if DNO campaign for UWP on DNO,UWP is dead and buried.I know for a fact the blockade have strengthened Dominicans against UWP.
ERC are you serious? Why are you introducing politics into the truckers business. You not condemning the blocking of the road but you condemning the police that did an excellent job. Shame on you.
I rate it as a C, for the following reasons:
1. From the beginning both lanes should have been blocked so that nothing could go in or out.
2. Innocent people were affected and that’s ok. But to not block Mourn Daniel, where the main oppressor resides? Unbelievable to say the least
3. Truckers that are hurting came from all parts of the island and therefore roads should be blocked everywhere. I mean the Chinese and Garddakhan, our main foreign companies that taking our jobs from us could still function, since from Mahault to Marigot , driving through both Portsmouth and Pond Cassay were wide open
4. All Dominicans that feel oppressed by the oppressor, should have used the occasion to hold their own protest, whether it’s for electoral reform, pay increases for civil servants, bus drivers, answers for our missing CBI money. That protest should go beyond National day, or until the oppressor flees the country, resigns or ends it like how evil leaders like Saul did in 1 Sam 31:1-5
With the ERC now involved in what’s supposed to be a noble cause, the protest by the truckers for more participation in the projects on island, we have now moved from a protest to politics.
The ERC does not represent anyone, doesn’t have a voice in this matter therefore they should stay clear away from the truckers cause. Focus instead on electoral reform and stop the politics with the matter. If for some reason you feel compelled to address the matter, the least you can do is provide good advice to the truckers. You are not helping the situation by not informing them that blocking the road to other road users is not an option and should not be done. By neglecting to do so is indirectly sending the message that their actions are acceptable.
This is a very asinine comment. Isn’t the ERC a Dominican group? Arent the Truckers Dominican? This is the dumbest comment of 2024. Do you know if they have relatives or friends who are truckers? And even if they don’t, this move is commendable for Dominican to be supporting Dominican. I say well done ERC.
Everything that we do is politics, so you all must stop this nonsense about what is politics and what is not.
I wonder which comment is really asinine. Of course the ERC is a Dominican group. However, they do not represent anyone. It is supposed to be a neutral group made up of different factions of society and charged with looking into electoral reform on island. That’s it. Once they start getting involved in other issues and to the extent to which they did with this trucker matter, it now turned the commission into something else, a political movement. If they’re a political party just say so but don’t call yourself a commission. This is deceptive.
Why is this the dumbest comment, because it does not go well with your partisan political beliefs. Do you really think the ERC is supporting these Truckers because some of the Truckers are related to them, lol, the ERC is just another splinter group of the Opposition, they are just piggybacking on this protest action for political gain
Mark’s written comment was done with rational thought and argument to convey his opinion on the matter, unlike the comments I see on this forum with dogmatic narratives. You have a skewed view of politics, look at the world we live in now is it Politics and politicians that we need to make our lives better The slogan “everything that we do is politics” is part of the sorcery and conditioning of mass consciousness paying homage to people and Governments believing they can solve our daily problems of living, it is even getting worse, so long.
Your statement clearly shows how daft you are. This issue with the truckers is far reaching. It affects the whole of society directly or indirectly. You cannot see further the your eyelashes. Your brain is rusty due to lack of use. Stop sitting on it.
The issue with the truckers is far reaching. To you it is because you would like nothing more than to use them for your own selfish agenda. I would not have realized your true motive for injecting yourself in this matter if I was not able to see past the tip of my nose. To someone like you, everything has to be political. Sorry but I like to look at things from an economic standpoint so a cause has to make economic sense to me before I can endorse.
More power to you and others with deep pockets who don’t care a darn about costs.
Him, comments makes lots sense, but nasty piece of work like you Ibo, would not know the woods from the trees, with your miserable low life self on this forum 24 hours a day insulting every body that don’t agree with you or ugly lenny, stupid argument
@ERC, a protest cannot be peaceful if it prevents (especially without notice) other people from access to essential services and to make a living. Your involvement in this issue just exposes your political bias and shows you are just another power hungry political group…
You must burst a blood vessel before the day ends. Just bear in mind that the hospital will not give you the type of care you need.
We really need more protests in Dominica.
Well done ERC.
You sit behind your computer and write such reckless comment about how we need more protests in Dominica well done ERC, wow. Do you know how silly you are, thinking for Dominicans suggesting what they need more, of, lol simply because of your partisan political belief.
What’s the opposite of peaceful? Before the armed bandits (police) attacked, were the protesters militant, hostile, overly aggressive, warlike?
If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
If you are neutral in situations of Injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Fully agree but one has to be fair while accessing an Injustice. This situation would have never escalated to the point that it did if the truckers had not blocked the road. Let’s be fair here.
I happened to witness one such event, a march which included parliamentarian’s Linton and Lugay on the flat at Marigot close to the credit union and I can tell you, the police really showed restraint. One individual was really asking for it with his bullhorn in the faces of the police officers who were present at the event and sitting in their police vehicle. The police waited for the event to commence and left once they saw that traffic was able to go through without any issues.
You usually get in trouble when you don’t do things right.
Exactly I paid for a service to ship out documents that were to be delivered Friday now because of the protest the documents will arrive at it’s destination till Monday, who is going to pay me for the lost time?