‘Getting rid of’ this administration should unite all opposition parties, says Dr. Fontaine

Dr. Thomson Fontaine

Political Leader of the United Workers Party (UWP) Dr. Thomson Fontaine says he hopes that the newly formed political party, The United Progressive Party (UPP) will join forces with the parties in opposition to the  Dominica Labour Party (DLP) administration.

His comments came during an exclusive interview with Dominica News Online (DNO) recently.

“We are in a democracy, so it is important that anybody who feels that they want to be a part of this political space they should feel free to do so,” Dr. Fontaine said. “Having said that, we are in a fight to unseat a government [that] has been there for over 25 years and a government that everybody now in Dominica is saying should go, so I think that now is time, not for the parties to be disjointed in opposition, but the parties to come together.”

He continued, “My hope is that this new party will join with us and the other opposition [parties] to ensure that we get this fundamental task of getting rid of this administration. That’s what it has to do.”

Former Deputy Leader of the (UWP) Attorney Joshua Francis together with Parliamentary Representative for the Marigot Constituency Anthony Charles have recently confirmed their membership of the UPP.

The formation of the UPP which was first announced in January this year, has sparked interest among Dominicans at home and abroad. Francis, acting as a spokesperson for the party, stated that a date for the party’s delegates conference, where a leader will be elected, will be announced soon.

The party’s symbol is the “bottle,” and its official color is orange. Its motto is “United for Progress”.

In a previous announcement, the UPP announced plans to hold its first press conference on June 10, 2024. However, it was postponed to a later date.

Dominica’s political spectrum currently includes the reigning Dominica Labour Party (DLP) established in 1955, the second oldest Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) founded in 1968, followed by the United Workers Party (UWP) in 1988. Additionally, the Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP) and Team Unity Dominica (TUD) were established in 2019 and 2022, respectively.


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  1. Eagle-Eyed
    June 18, 2024

    For every new party that emerges in opposition to the ruling Labour Party government, is a slice of the vote taken away from UWP. Labour supporters will always remain loyal to voting labour, whereas, UWP votes just keep diminishing ensuring that labour will always have a majority in parliament. The best strategy for the opposition parties to defeat the Labour Party in a general election is for them to be all disbanded and all come under one umbrella with one leader, as the party in opposition, rather than parties in opposition.

  2. Labour power
    June 18, 2024

    So everybody that support government living in a government apartment?
    Loreen BANNIS Roberts former UWP parl rep for Castle Bruce,left.
    Julius Timothy former UWP deputy leader and parl rep for Roseau North,left
    Nichols Shanks Esprit former UWP senator from Salisbury,left.
    Joseph Isaac former UWP parl rep for Roseau Central,left.
    Frankie CrazyT Bellot former UWP candidate for Grandbaby,left.
    Earl Williams former UWP deputy leader,minister for Public Works and parl rep for Salisbury,left.
    Doreen Paul former UWP Minister for health and parl rep for St.Joseph,left.
    Dr Curvin Ferreira former UWP deputy leader and candidate for St.Joseph,left
    Peter Carbon former UWP Minister of agriculture,the one who leased government land to a government minister,and parl rep for Woodford Hill,left.
    Not only that in the 2000 election UWP lost 1,163 votes and 3 seats
    Question for UWP and their acolytes.WHY.DNO let the people know.

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    • Hmmmmm
      June 18, 2024

      @Labour power.
      We are in 2024, you are talking about 2000. You should be laughed at.
      Do you have a brain?

    • Mike
      June 18, 2024

      That the reason why you cant provide shelter for yourself and depend on the labour party for shelter its because you are stupid, the list of names you provided check how much they flourish after the cross over while you have to bark to stay in your Apartment. Go visit Loreen mansion or check how much krazy got from CBI funds, ask Issac about his loan in the credit that was cleared, my boy greed is a hell of a thing.

  3. Labour power
    June 18, 2024

    Who is going to vote against a party that give them a house valued at $400,000 FREE,and vote for a party who’s leader cannot employ a single Dominican?UWP told the world between 1995 and 2000,money was meeting money,every Dominican was rich.The record show when UWP won the election the population was 69,000,when they were kicked out of office the population was 68,000.Not only that UWP left a debt of $450,000,000 including the rape of $33,000,000 from DSS.Now they are headed by a person with a record of dishonesty.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5
    • Mike
      June 19, 2024

      Its refreshing when you beggarites open your mouth because you show us its all about what you can get, you are not interested in working just what the PM can give you, well the PM does not print money so he must get it from somewhere to give to you so next time you see him ask him where he getting all that free money to give to you all and ask he if he sure it will not dry up because you will feel the pressure first, UWP supporter been surviving on their own for 25yrs so dont worry about them

  4. First things First
    June 17, 2024

    Getting rid of this Demon should be our priority at this time and later we will fix things that need to be fixed. Casting out this demon must be our priority at this time

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  5. Help Us Lord
    June 17, 2024

    So IBO France, what should we do then since according to you “each political leader want to be king of his own domain.”? You also west on to say “Politicians are not to be trusted. They all make promises with no interim to keep them. ” So should we stay as we are and do nothing? You really don’t seem to understand our Messi in Dominica and therefore you need to allow us to do what is in Dominica’s Best interest at the moment

    • Ibo France
      June 18, 2024

      Despite the personal attacks, I appreciate you for asking those questions. Respect to you my brother.

      Politicians have a proclivity to lie and make all sorts of bogus promises especially in opposition. They will even promise to build a bridge where there is no river, ravine, etc. They are not trustworthy and that is indisputable.

      What we should do is simply this. Give them a 5 year term in office. If they perform well, keep them in office. Conversely, if they do not, vote them out. Don’t reward them
      with a second consecutive term for incompetence. Then they will get this unmissable message from the electorate. If your want to retain power, you have to perform
      satisfactory. Perform or Out!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 5
      • Help us Lord
        June 18, 2024

        But IBO you confusing yourself. How can we give them (the opposition) a 5 year term when the incumbent is in power and has been for 24 yrs and destroying the country more and more? Don’t you think getting rid of them should be priority and then take care of business later? I just find you are sounding off these days. You sounding like you are not in favor of Dr Fountain and as such sending him a message

    • Ibo France
      June 18, 2024

      The polarisation of our politics has the country suffering from bad governance and teetering on the brink of total economic collapse.

      How do you expect political parties and politicians to give their best when the electors give their unwavering, unequivocal support to their parties even though they are corrupt, inept and uniquely unfit to govern the country.
      represent well to
      If the electors would only vote for politicians on merit ( you have to represent well to be elected or re-elected) our country would run like a well oiled, well maintained machine.

  6. me
    June 17, 2024

    @Lin Clown
    This is pure buffoonery. You are lost with stupidity and illiteracy in a foreign land. You can’t even return home, if its not a free ticket you get plus USD$50.00. Where and when did you hear that from the Dominican people?
    Clownish talk!

  7. June 17, 2024

    Is there now a new definition for EVERYBODY or is it the name of a new Political party? Fontaine and his group speak as if they are in the majority and that every person living in Dominica support their rubbish….

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    • Mike
      June 17, 2024

      you must be living in a Government Apartment because anyone who is working and providing for themself would never talk such nonsense.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
      • June 18, 2024

        Well if only UWP supporters vote for them they can never win an election in Dominica. UWP won the 1995 elections by getting only 33% of the popular vote, 67% of the voters rejected them that’s why the gave up after 4 and a half years as they were failing and could not stand the pressure of an opposition with a 67% majority. A majority is 51% and above.

  8. Ibo France
    June 17, 2024

    There is a dire need for many more activists and advocates of good governance that will alleviate the horrendous suffering of the penniless.

    Unfortunately, everybody sees politics as the easiest and quickest path to riches. Therefore, there is a proliferation of political parties for selfish reasons. Coalition governments in the Caribbean do not survive because each political leader want to be king of his own domain.

    Politicians are not to be trusted. They all make promises with no interim to keep them. A politician promising to keep his promises for the betterment of the people, is like a vampire promising to become a vegetarian.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 5
    • Doubting Thomasinner
      June 17, 2024

      Absolutely and Amen Bro!!! Political success often turns well intentioned politicians into self-absorbed, narrow minded, thin skinned and short-sighted promise breakers in the blink of an eye!!!

      • Ibo France
        June 18, 2024

        I wish others would think that way. Blind, fierce, partisan political support for politicians and political parties is responsible for the bad governance in Dominica, throughout the Caribbean and the globe.

        This is how I vote. If you do well in government, I vote for you. Conversely, you perform below par, I vote against you. I never give politicians or anyone my unquestionable support. You have to earn it.

    • June 17, 2024

      Don’t you get sleepy listening to all these insipid speeches by Fontaine? It is a good alternative to sleeping pills. Don’t you think so? You have already confessed it. His dull speeches make you sleepy.

  9. Labour power
    June 17, 2024

    The Dominican people are saying they will never vote UWP because of it’s leader record of dishonesty.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 13
    • Mike
      June 17, 2024

      So why the need to import voters from the diaspora, why buy tickets and pay Dominican in the Diaspora to come and vote? why encourage Dominicans in Guadeloupe to come in the back door.

    • Bwa-Banday
      June 17, 2024

      Boy you all sure afraid of the new leader of the UWP. You attacked Lennox left right and center, from air, sea, river and land claiming he was the problem now you have the good old doc you all still trembling :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . Well my dear LP, take it like a real man, the doc will day-karlay you all. The lunatic SOS days are numbered because the real revolutions (mind and on the ground) are well on their way. Chu-zort-patay real soon.

    • Hmmmmm
      June 18, 2024

      @Lin Clown.
      I know that you cannot answer the question, , but what do you mean when you say the Dominican people?

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