Major initiatives including Roseau Enhancement Project to begin soon, Future Housing Programme to continue in June – PM Skerrit

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit recently announced that a series of major initiatives is set to commence shortly while the Future Housing Programme is slated to continue in June with the construction of 10 villas in Warner.

During his most recent press conference, Skerrit expressed his excitement about the upcoming projects, stating, “I wish to signal our intention to commence shortly, a number of major initiatives including the Roseau Enhancement Project for which funding has been secured from the Saudi Development Fund.” This project was approved in Parliament late last year and according to the prime minister, the project plans are receiving their final touches and are expected to tender in the coming week.

He said the Future Housing Programme is designed to benefit young professionals and the youth in general, providing them with an opportunity to invest in tangible assets and build generational wealth. In preparation for the project, the Ministry of Housing is finalizing details with contractors to begin mobilization.

Skerrit also mentioned other significant projects in the pipeline, including a modern cargo port at Canefield’s industrial site area and a new cruise village at Woodbridge Bay. He assured that further details on these projects would be provided in due course.

In addition to these new projects, Skerrit highlighted some ongoing developments that he believes will enhance the tourism sector. He mentioned the cable car development in the Roseau Valley, which is on schedule, and his plans to visit the site in the coming week.

Skerrit also spoke about the geothermal power plant and transmission lines from Laudat to Fond Cole, which are expected to increase efficiency in electricity generation and reduce cost. He stated, “Work on the international airport continues and is on schedule, taking shape as each day passes by.”

In an effort to engage the Dominican people more directly as the project progresses, Skerrit revealed plans to organize a series of stakeholder tours to the site. He said, “The fact of the matter is, there has been tremendous earth movement and other development on the site of the international airport and our plan is to engage the Dominican people more directly as the project progresses.”

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  1. Thoughtful
    June 5, 2024

    election have to be on it’s way, I was going through ghb Google photos and I saw this project like 8 years ago and I think it was before that ; that must have been pic it took to ask someone when is this coming again… and look its up there, but we could not host world cup cricket no money, but tourists is everybody business so what is agriculture??

  2. Suggestions for Roseau
    June 5, 2024

    Roseau badly needs enhancing. It is disgraceful as a city center, especially as it’s the first thing visitors from the ferry and cruise ships see. Also, most people, whether they visit Dominica by air or see, want to visit the city center. A list of works to be done:
    Fix up the pavements
    Cover the drains
    Paint some of the old buildings
    Provide areas for parking
    Provide a dedicated bus station
    put up some sign posts.
    These are some basic things that would benefit us all, not just for tourists!

  3. Crap
    June 4, 2024

    bla bla bla bla….bra anancie

  4. if we knew better
    June 4, 2024

    They stay washing money in housing. How many people living in Dominica in 2024? THEY DO NOT KNOW. When was a proper census done? cannot remember. Keep building houses and giving them to people for free while you destroy financial institutions. you will want to give everybody free health and life insurance to cripple insurance agencies, you already caused banks to close with your free housing for people who cannot even afford to maintain the houses. Are these houses even insured? we approaching hurricane season.

    i mean is just madness that happening in Dominica but this fool just smiling and making big announcements of rubbish. Look the cost of water gone up exponentially over night but salaries and jobs not increasing.

  5. if we knew better
    June 4, 2024

    SInce maybe 2014 i hearing about that roseau enhancement baggai. I thought government didnt have money. Is only now when the bottom about to drop out all you want to come last minute the ACT like all you care about fixing the country? You all will only do what you want when it suits you. And until them to hell with Dominicans. Not me all you fooling. Groundbreaking this, state of the arse that. Mediocre is what i call it. But is that the people like. Give them poop with a candle and they call it cake. Go on skerrit. Continue to mash up the country. I hear the new marina doesnt even have an EIA (needs to be public) or the plans approved. but go ahead and destroy the mangrove to put a marina in silt and swamp.

  6. Lucas
    June 3, 2024

    None of these projects are being paid for by Dominica. Doesn’t anyone find that problematic? We don’t generate enough GDP to invest in our infrastructure, yet the government continues to spend and use the word ‘sustainable’. If we are dependent on grant funding, loans, and passport sales, then we are far from true independence and sustainability. As for the structures that have been built already, they’re falling apart. The Roseau hospital is leaking, the houses in Bellevue Chopin, Castle Bruce and elsewhere are in really poor shape. I can only assume the PM and everyone else has decided to turn a blind eye to all of this and simply look forward to the next fete.

  7. Sott
    June 3, 2024

    let me make a bold statement: No major projects will start until the end of the hurricane season. Does that statement make sense to you all.

  8. Soon come
    June 3, 2024

    can somebody please tell us all ,when is soon. because I tell people me soon come and all now they still waiting lol.soon is what you tell people you want to fool.

  9. Ibo France
    June 3, 2024

    The Roseau Enhancement Project is an unfulfilled promise that has been touted for some by this Roosevelt led autocracy. To this very day no duck it I’ve starting and ending dates can be given.

    The housing projects have been a perennial promise. Those that have been accomplished have left the occupants as dispossessed as before they were built. Where are the documents of ownership?

    The actions of the members of this Roosevelt led administration are so thunderous that I don’t hear them when they speak.

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