November is Early Childhood Month; several activities on roster

Hon. Octavia Butler

Early Childhood Month, observed in November, will feature several activities, says Education Minister Octavia Alfred.

“Many of the activities this month will be observed at the Early Childhood Centres,” she said. “We begin with our district church service. This weekend we are asking that all churches give special recognition and special blessings for our child.”

She continued, “Students and their [families] will engage in field trips.”

Furthermore, Alfred mentioned that Family Focus Week provides an opportunity for greater engagement of the family in our programs.

She said this year the schools will focus on ‘the potato’.

“Eat Potato Day is on Monday 18th November,” Alfred revealed. “On International Men’s Day which is November 19, significant male adults in the children’s lives are invited to interact with them at their centres.”

She added, “Community Outreach Day teaches our children from this tender age to look out for and to help those in need.

To help children and their parents appreciate physical activity as part of being healthy, Alfred indicated that Belle Marche is on Friday, November 22.

“Our children are our heritage, let us celebrate them, let us celebrate with them. Let us make this early childhood a memorable one as we celebrate the greater gift for children,” Alfred encouraged.

Meanwhile, she said, 61 percent of all government-owned primary schools now have pre-kindergarten.

“All primary schools which are being rehabilitated and constructed have modern early childhood centres,” she said. “This month we will establish a government-owned pre-kindergarten at Coulibistrie.”

Alfred indicated that the new pre-kindergarten at the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School in Vieille Case will be opened later this month.

“We have refurbished four pre-kindergartens and we have established new centres at Salybia under the OECS PEARL initiative,” she explained.

She said presently 31 pre-kindergarten teachers are engaged in professional development, “as we work towards building the capacity of our early childhood educators.”

On behalf of the Government of Dominica, the Ministry of Education  thanked all the partners who collaborated with them, “to ensure that we provide quality early childhood education to our children.”


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