PM announces upcoming ‘massive mobilization’ on international airport for Dominica, completion by 2026

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has announced that massive mobilization will take place on the construction site of the International Airport later this year.

He made the announcement while speaking as a guest on Focus on Government and Development program last night.

According to the Prime Minister, he is confident that the International Airport will be constructed in Dominica.

The one billion dollar contract for the much-talked-about international airport project was signed between the Government of Dominica and Montreal Management Consultant Establishment (MMCE) on June 9, 2021 signaling the official commencement.

“So later this year you will see massive mobilization taking place,” Prime Minister Skerrit said. “You will certainly see earth movement towards the end of this year, but certainly in the first quarter of 2023. You will see serious earth movement on site.”

He pointed out that when people heard about the signing of a construction contract with China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co. Ltd, “CR5” they were a bit confused, “as we’ve explained this international airport is being done in partnership with MMCE as the developer.”

“It is MMCE that will enter into a contract with the contractor, because the risk and the liabilities are with MMCE and not the Treasury of Dominica, because we have no sovereign guarantee on this contract,” he explained. “ It is MMCE that has to raise the funds, [and] utilize the CBI Program to finance the construction of the airport and this is one of the most amazing ways that we have been able to advance our project.”

He made it clear that current and future generations don’t have to pay for a multi-million dollar project.

“So this is what happened, there was a final signing of a construction contract within CR5 and MMCE,” he stated.

Skerrit explained that CR5 has been mobilized and has been in Dominica for the last eight months.

He mentioned also that some improvements have been made to the master plan.

“We made some changes to the design of the terminal building and it will be an international airport that you will see nowhere in the Caribbean,” he stated.

He revealed that a health centre will also be placed on site.

Prime Minister Skerrit said it is expected that the international airport will come to completion towards the end of 2026.

Upon completion, he said Dominicans will have a modern International Airport, equipped with air bridges, and fully outfitted to receive international passengers and cargo.


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  1. Jonathan Y St Jean
    October 17, 2022

    @Man bite dogs, how quickly you have forgotten that the same Skerritt spoke about using 40 foot containers to serve for the international airport buildings. Go figure before you spew your hyper-partisian useless nonsense. You are nothing but a blind follower.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 4
  2. jaded
    October 17, 2022

    There is nothing unusual or suspicious about a general contractor (MMCE) hiring a sub contractor (CR5). That is standard operating procedure on a construction project. What is strange to me is that the general contractor is responsible for raising the funds to make the project feasible. What?! Is MMCE taking a financial interest in our airport? If so, what are the terms? The PM needs to explain that.

  3. DAFriend
    October 17, 2022

    I recall that in recent month a small regional airport in the eastern part of the EU was opened. Nothing fancy but for sure better then anything we have in the Caribbean. This ‘regional’ airport, wait for it, ended up costing just over 2 billion Euros. That of course begs the question now, how Skerrit can have a ‘state of the art’ international airport built for 1 billion dollars. I suggest MMCE and CR5 from now on will be commissioned to built state of the art airport all over the world. All you understand were I’m coming from? Something very very fishy about this project which by the way is pie in the sky in my opinion, not least for the above mentioned reasons.

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  4. Tt
    October 17, 2022

    I’m for an international airport but mmc will use cbi to fund the airport ? Wait what? Ok so dominica will be building an international airport for some overseas company. We will pay them to build it for themselves.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
  5. The Calabash
    October 16, 2022

    So MMCE will sell chunks of this country to fund an airport. One that they will own until when, what? And to what use can it be put…Chinese military uses?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
  6. Man bite dogs
    October 16, 2022

    I come to the conclusion a massive amount of that so-called useless workers incompetent supporters are a bunch of hyperactive short headed screws.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 21
  7. Roger Burnett
    October 15, 2022

    For advocates of the “new” International Airport, as against the existing Melville Hall Airport, I would say, be careful what you wish for.

    In the words of Joni Mitchell’s 1970 hit song:

    You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone
    They paved paradise put up a parking lot.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  8. dissident
    October 15, 2022

    dat overly ambitious Skerritt…… de 8 million dollar bridge you built next to de promenade?????
    I don’t think that MMCE was ever going to build an international airport in de first place I have no faith in you whatsoever!
    they just handling de money……..but de benefactors of MMCE always smiling…and we owe dem nothing.
    wow…..because their belly full.
    they still chasing wealth because they can’t satisfy

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
    • dissident
      October 15, 2022

      18 million dollars

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  9. JAH KAL
    October 15, 2022

    Skerrit with his BS again . Dominicans you all forget already , Skerrit will say anything ,dont forget what the Minister of Culture from St Lucia said about creole festival he know next year the road leads to St Lucia so that guy will say anything to distract dominicans we will hear more from that axxxxxx later what a bammm shame.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  10. Imputing Improper Motives (IIM) The Talker.
    October 15, 2022

    :twisted: Is he talking about Sunday Island Port Authority? Hip, hip, hop hurray!!

    :evil: Nah garcon all de man is saying he is about to call elections before the UWP can elect a new leader preventing them from gaining any momentum by the new leader!

    :twisted: So true I forget; airport is de election talking point for Labour we garcon, and we does drink de koolaid! Alas

    :evil: Koolaid, garcon wa rong wid you, is koop-peayeah

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  11. Willis
    October 15, 2022

    Apparently there’s going to be a massive mobilisation of hot air combined with a massive mobilisation of responsibility-shirking regarding China’s involvement, a massive mobilisation of passport money to secret bank accounts, and finally a massive mobilisation of apathy from the Dominican people.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  12. Toto
    October 15, 2022

    We will not pay the Chinese contractor but MMCE will, so who will own the airport Roosevelt? You say it will be financed thru CBI. Is that from money already held overseas or perhaps you have agreed to supply MMCE with blank passports for them to sell because there is nothing for nothing in this world is there Roosevelt. That would also solve the problem of getting money into the country thru the banking system, wouldn’t it Roosevelt. I just don’t like the smell of this deal partner because it looks like we end up with no control over our own assets. Africa all over again.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  13. Nacinimod
    October 15, 2022

    Ha, Ha, Ha. Skeritt, the money does not add up. How in this day and age can you expect to build a modern airport for $1 billion EC dollars? That is only about $372 million US dollars. That is hardly enough to build an airstrip much less a state of the art airport envisage by the PM of Fantasy Island.

    I still don’t understand the need to build another a white elephant in Dominica. The Melville Airport is more than adequate for modern “smaller” jets that do not need a 10,000 foot runway for flight operations. With Dominica’s miniscule population it would take a 100+ years to amortize a minimum debt of $1 billion it would take to build this phantom airport. (Can someone translate into D/ca patois?)

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 1
  14. I Am You
    October 15, 2022

    I will not give the age of this body..but it is not younger than 50. and in 2022 as the world is shutting down with chaos approaching and spreading. and with the finance of souls is quickly disappearing because of no employment. rising cost of food and energy globally dominica is STILL in 2022 talking about an international airport..

    Wow. incredible..
    Who will be able to travel from here and who will travel to here via the phantom airport. i say phantom because that is all it is still..just talk. the only people who will be capable of travel already have their own personal air transport. much is to occur between now and 2026..hold on take a very very deep breath and remember only the one Father. because in the moments the moments ahead..

    Hope you are all paying attention. because these people do not play games. these people are EXTREMELY serious people. and you are not part of their plans

    Forget this airport. if it happens its not for you . full.stop

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  15. Waiting For Airport
    October 15, 2022

    Mr. not never gaan build that, I even surprise he talking about it outside election season, usually that’s the magic election gimmick!

    Remember, year before last there was a “massive mobilization on the construction site of the International Airport” just couple years ago. He take all them people land. Big scene with how much diggers and ting for the cameras. The other day a padna pass on that same site with his lil camera phone to show the public how bush take over the place!

    Look now he talking about massive mobilization again. All you not seeing Skerrit have all you like a set of sakway sot???

    More than likely this is just another cover story to justify another ‘contract signing’ aka money laundering!

    When the first plane land, I will believe, until then, Mr. just taking D A people for zeh zeh!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  16. RandyX
    October 15, 2022

    It appears that this liar has now completely outsourced the sale of Dominican passports to MMCE, a company which is rumoured to be half owned by himself and the other half by his friend Haiden. Furthermore, it begs another question, who will be the owner of this airport and who will be running it if and when it is finally completed? What does the PM mean when he states that CR5 has been mobilised? The word mobilise is generally used in military jargon. Are we about to be occupied by the Chinese. I urge Dominicans to be very careful and think. This entire project sounds more strange by the minute and I do not only smell a fat financial rat. Be very careful, this man would sell his mother for a dollar and rest assured he has no hesitation to sell Dominica for 2 dollars. This CM needs to be rejected in the next election. Talking about election, why don’t we hear from Byron, what has happened to electoral reform???

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 1
  17. Pedro
    October 15, 2022

    Not picking any sides .Action speaks louder than words.

  18. elizabethlxavier
    October 14, 2022

    “He said Dominicans will have a modern International Airport, “equipped with air bridges”

    That is what I was hoping we will have at our new airport, because my disability that prevents me from walking up and down of steps, like those of most airplanes, and especially that I must use a walker–like so many people my age.

    So I am glad that our new airport will be designed with that privilege to simply walk to and from the airplane, the same as it is in Toronto.

    May the Will of Almighty God be done for us, the hopefuls of Dominica, at His appointed time–no earlier, no later; and for His glory alone.

    The unbelievers will continue to raw through their hopelessness until their tongues drop off; for they have no control against what God has planned for His people–that is for sure.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 19
    • Robert
      October 17, 2022

      Stay in Canada. We don’t need you here.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 3
  19. The Real 1
    October 14, 2022


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  20. Sikiye
    October 14, 2022

    DNO, Can you please research the Hansard record in Parliament. I remember the Prime Minister saying that his administration was putting aside money each month for the construction of the International Airport.

    Now he is saying MMCE is responsible using CBI funds. Can someone explain why is a foreign company have full access to money that belongs to the Dominican people? Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

    ADMIN: The Prime Minister has come out publicly and claimed that the money was diverted to deal with the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic.

  21. October 14, 2022

    Boss the only “mass movement” Dominicans should see is that of you and the entire DLP cabal out of office, the next time you open you mouth and talk it should be about “Electoral Reform” enough of your political garbage.

  22. Not me again
    October 14, 2022

    Alas boy I have been a Laborite all my life and never failed to vote laba from Mike Douglas to Rosie, Pierro and Skerrit. But alas we don’t have to expose our stupidity like that nou. I mean Skerrit according to Ian Douglas, Skerrit has been following us for 18 years and we still believing me? Gason Anthony Hayden must be saying to himself that Dominicans so brainless that they our school system is useless.
    I mean if Skerrit is so serious about building international airport why in a cabinet of so many greedy and corrupt ministers not busy buying properties from Marigot all the way down to Bense? Why none of them or their cronies not buying now to build hotels, guess house, supermarkets ? I leave in the US and any time there is anysiign of development you start seeing developers buying land.even if it’s a school that’s coming. International airport coming and no greedy and corrupt ministers buying land? Awa papa we have bee fooled so long that being a fool seems natural now

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  23. I still Red Boy
    October 14, 2022

    Stupes tan and trust me I want to say more to you but I know DNO will delete. I can’t even say your father’s head because we all lost there.
    Anyways when I will see a functioning Ross University with at least 800 medical students and at least 25% of Nationals eat bread from that new Ross you have been lying about then I will start to think of a possible international airport. Unless I see Ross every damn statement of international airport will continue to remind me of our lands you’ve taken from us and building for CBI passport holders. In fact it reminds of an article Angelo Allene use to play during a passport question and answer session you held I think is in China and a journalist ask you where will you put CBI passport holders to stay seeing Dominica is small. You answer was Dominicans are nice and they would accommodate CBI holders. What you didn’t say is Dominicans are not smart and you would blindfold them and take their land from them as a Plantation owner

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  24. Ibo France
    October 14, 2022

    Roosevelt what are you doing about the MASSIVE corruption in government; the MASSIVE unemployment; the MASSIVE crimes; the MASSIVE poverty; the MASSIVE national debt; and the MASSIVE lies you tell?

    The country needs a MASSIVE injection of truth & honesty; a MASSIVE number of good paying jobs; a MASSIVE stimulus package; a MASSIVE dose of integrity; a MASSIVE change of direction; a MASSIVE turnover of leadership.

    Just like geothermal energy, electoral reforms, ROSS replacement university, the modern & advanced cruise village, the envy of the Caribbean modern Roseau, the new international airport will remain a ghost accomplishment under LYING Roosevelt.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 6
    • October 17, 2022

      What actually is your forte, Sir? What is your profession? You seem to have an answer for everything, yet, you are a master of none. Didn’t the Grandbay bye-election teach you a lesson or you are just a hardheaded mule. It can be sad when a horse mates with a donkey or someone not his type..

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 17
      • Ibo France
        October 18, 2022

        Everything you wrote is obviously true. Flawless description of yourself.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3
  25. Sousey sel
    October 14, 2022

    Skerrit wash his hands from the airport deal like Pontius Pilate, if anything goes wrong blame MMC, not me. Skerrit, we don’t want to hear any ramblings of no “dam” airport, tell us about the marigot leaking shockpital…..

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 4
    • Ibo France
      October 16, 2022

      Why is this multi-million dollar hospital still not operational? Is it just an ornamental plant? Haven’t the good people of Margot suffered long enough? They deserve better.

      This hospital was seemingly built to quell the disquiet of the residents of the area. Is it now a white elephant?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
  26. derp
    October 14, 2022
  27. derp
    October 14, 2022

    Aye DNO any news about TRON I heard Skerrit make it legal tender in Dominica a cryptocurrency

    ADMIN: We are aware but thanks for letting us know.

    Rather than just publish this news we are working on a story in a way where everyone can understand what’s goin on.

  28. Man bite dogs
    October 14, 2022

    Whenever Prime minister Dr Skerrit, speak it sure send UWP supporters cold and scared or let me put it in simple English language horripilation erections with excitement and gooseflesh!!!!😂

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 70
    • Ibo France
      October 17, 2022

      @Dog Mess

      I like your choice of words ‘cold and scared’. Roosevelt’s heart is cold as ice and for an extremely low IQ individual like him to be a ruler of a country is awfully scary.

      For the first time ever your comments make sense.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
  29. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    October 14, 2022

    Massive earth movement to destroy prime beautiful scarce Dominican real estate when there is nothing wrong with the current airport where jets can land. Who is benefiting financially ? Yours truly self appointed Minister of Finance? who controls the money? Yours truly? Check his overseas bank accounts ASAP. Is yours truly going to construct a thousand foot wall to block all the cross winds coming off the Atlantic ocean which blow 24/7 which will blow aircraft’s sideways? This “project” will go the same way as his marvelous steam powered power plant. Nothing but hot steam. Dominica needs new leadership.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 44 Thumb down 11
    • Ibo France
      October 14, 2022

      Are you taking this compulsive, dishonest vagabond serious? It’s just another vain attempt to distract from the rising murder count and excruciating hardships of the citizenry.

      Fool the country once and never should the people be deceived again.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 7
    • Ibo France
      October 17, 2022

      Any time a government engages in a lot of no bid building contracts MASSIVE CORRUPTION is at the centre of it. Any experienced, objective political analyst will support this assertion. The Roosevelt regime is at the head of the dubious class in the western hemisphere in corruption.

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  30. DA2DBONE
    October 14, 2022

    The Prime Minster is a man full of hot air superlatives.

    The First!. The Best! State-Of-The-Art! And now…Massive!

    A whole lotta bullsh&t!!

    Keep “fooling” the people King Skerrit. Along with Queen Consort Melissa.

    Yes my fellow Dominicans. We’re in a monarchy👑.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 47 Thumb down 8
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      October 14, 2022

      Well, you all can’t say Roosevelt shallow head wife Melisa have not given you all anything eh!

      I note she gave patients at the hospital pig meat in the form of sausage, hot dog with bread for a meal eh!
      Next thing she did is introduce young women to the method, and art of gyrating in the streets in Daisy Ducks (pompom shorts).

      Perhaps setting them up to become prostitutes.

      Then she introduce you all to Thanks Giving which is not a traditional colonial holiday that we could have inherited; since it is an American traditional holiday, which has everything do to with the indigenous Indians giving food to the first settlers from Europe, saving their fife during their first winter in the United States.

      Melisa is so dunce she did not have time to find out what’s its all about, to busy (marring green card) she had no time to go to school and get an American education.
      and by the way the food money came from the sale of passports money.
      Who is Montreal…

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  31. Ibo France
    October 14, 2022

    This type of journalism by DNO, just printing verbatim what is uttered by Roosevelt and his sycophantic ministers, is aiding in the disintegration of our democracy.

    This most recent utterance about an international airport by a blatantly opportunistic tyrant is just another tired replay of his empty promises.

    Why does DNO fail to remind the public that this very promise has been repeated for close to an eternity by this same despot who is well renowned for fakery.

    Roosevelt realises that the trust of the ignorant is his most useful tool. He therefore unleash his lies knowing fully well that his most devoted news outlets would disseminate them in the public domain without questioning the authenticity of his hefty whoppers.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 38 Thumb down 10
    • elizabethlxavier
      October 14, 2022

      “This type of journalism by DNO, just printing verbatim what is uttered by Roosevelt is aid—-”

      Ibo France, there you go again, foolishly opposing the work of DNO!

      Once again, let me remind you that you have the right to disrespect whoever you choose to disrespect, but DNO stands for “Dominica News Online” Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit is the Prime Minister of Dominica, you cannot stop them from submitting news online pertaining to what the Prime Minister speaks to the people.

      And what do you mean by “verbatim”? Do you expect DNO to print the Prime Ministers message in their own words? What is wrong with your mind?

      I live in Toronto Canada, and without DNO, I would be lost to what is happening in Dominica–good or bad. Most of the time I know what is in the news before my own family in Dominica knows it, because of DNO.

      And I am glad that they are not picking and choosing the subjects to print, who are you to want to control their work?

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 18
    • Don Keyballs
      October 15, 2022

      Ibo, you of all people should know that the job of a news outlet is to report the news-nothing more, nothing less, and with no bias. It is up to us the readers, and citizenry, to analyse what is being reported, and make “sense out of nonesense”.

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      • Bobby
        October 18, 2022

        What about GIS, KAIRI and DBS? Do they report with no bias? Man, they are Skerrit personal mouthpieces and are even paid by this government, well in case of GIS and DBS anyway.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
  32. L C Matthew
    October 14, 2022

    “It is MMCE that will enter into a contract with the contractor, because the risk and the liabilities are with MMCE and not the Treasury of Dominica, because we have no sovereign guarantee on this contract,” he explained. “ It is MMCE that has to raise the funds, [and] utilize the CBI Program to finance the construction of the airport and this is one of the most amazing ways that we have been able to advance our project.”
    This above is a bunch of Bull Dung. How on earth this financial arrangement makes any sense is mind boggling. According to St. Jean we have an a.s…sss running the country. How is this stupidity acceptable. This is 1.) MMC helping prep for next election campaign like they have been doing to continue milk Dominica sovereignty because of the self serving ethically degenerate running the country. Who then is going to be responsible for the OPEX and who gains the profits. Skerrit needs to be locked up and interpol will get the owner of MMC in due time.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 48 Thumb down 7
  33. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 14, 2022

    All you Roosevelt that corrupted crook is good for is to sit and talk fart eh!


    You are only passing some mouth fart; after you saw what St. Lucia International Airport which has the longest Runway in the Caribbean looks like; and the amount of visiting tourist you may have encountered in St. Lucia, brought there by International flights!

    Roosevelt you are full of crap, you know very well that each time you babble about building International Airport in the country, you are lying to yourself, and the idiots who believe your lies!

    Which international airport builders have you contracted; along with engineers to build it?

    Oh, sorry my mistake you have Montreal Management!

    Roosevelt don’t you think by now people know that you Roosevelt the corrupted is actually Montreal Management?
    As long as you are so called prime minister there shall never be an International Airport built in Dominica.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 39 Thumb down 12
    • October 14, 2022

      Every time The Supreme Leader speaks, the UWP apparatus and cabal get animated and discombobulated with their bulldust. What they do not see is that their Leaders are falling down one by one. The magnificent airport will be built in Wesley. No doubt. Enough time to dispel your claustrophobic fears that way you can catch the first direct flight to Wesley in 2026, straight into your backyard. Dominica is on the go. We are making movements, so will be the earth. Keep running your mouth in LA.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 51
      • Ibo France
        October 15, 2022

        Dream on brainless sycophant. This empty promise will come to fruition when elephants grow wings and fly. It takes a special kind of fool to believe anything that originates with the tongue of the pathological LIAR of Vielle Case.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        October 15, 2022

        Yes, the airport is going to be built by Montreal Roosevelt Skerrit owner and Management!
        The day you are enclosed in that seven pieces of pine box going six feet is the day the airport will be built in Wesley.

        Communists, thieves and dictators are always called supreme leaders you know! Dictator’s, thieves, and murderers are always very rich, because they kill innocent people and steal their money.
        Supreme leaders have plenty of money soaked in the blood of the people.

        Members, and supporters of the UWP do have any blood money hidden in plastic bags buried under their house eh!
        But ah think ah know a certain fellow in Dominica with blood money hiding, in a hole under his house, look under his bed there you shall find the entrance to his money pit.
        But, you have to dive in plenty of blood to find that money.

        He’s a thief and a murderer eh!


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      • Braindamage
        October 15, 2022

        Ds, did you remember to take your medication?..
        Skerrit must be smiling at you for believing his lies…

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
        • October 17, 2022

          With a damaged brain, it is hard to remember to take one’s medication.

          Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 10
      • Bobby
        October 16, 2022

        The supreme leader…! OMG, you are one sick Puppy if I have ever seen one. What is our country to do with people like this D ip S tick???

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
      • Ibo France
        October 17, 2022

        DS, you are spot on in referring to Roosevelt as the Supreme Leader.

        The man is the Supreme Leader in corruption, lies, dishonesty, victimisation, oppression, repression, suppression, destruction, darkness, questionable accumulation of wealth, promoting and rewarding mediocrity, self interest, arrogance, repetition of ‘arm’.

        This questionable character has a loose allegiance to the truth. His staggering ineptitude has the country tethering on the brink of total economic collapse.

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        • October 17, 2022

          He has to be the Supreme Leader of something, otherwise, he is not a Supreme Leader. All those who dreamed of Lennox Linton becoming the next PM of Dominica, well, I do empathize and sympathize with you. Remember what I have been saying for years and has now come to fruition, not on this earth, not on the next one will he ugly Lenny become PM of Dominica. You can say that I am a good tarrot reader. Not carrot but tarrot. Not Handbag but trash bag.

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  34. Mahaut
    October 14, 2022

    Boy Boy Boy” I don’t know if to laugh or to cry because , Skerrro has given us so many airports not even Florida can compete with us. This is another Hot Stone to hold while we enjoy the Independence season. This is one of those speeches skerro give when we have many foreigners in the land. It will not fool me one bit. You hear lie? That is Lie! 3 years to build a masterpiece. SMH.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 44 Thumb down 7
    • Beta
      October 17, 2022

      …don’t forget all those fair elections he gave us over the years as well. And the magical and state of the art disappearance of several billions of CBI money!

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    • October 17, 2022

      How many has UWP given you? None but bulldust when they were in power. If I were you I would do both at the same time, laugh and cry. Did you laugh and cry for your fallen hero, your unsung hero, Lennox Linton?

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  35. Anthony P. Ismael, Minister of Free Pampers
    October 14, 2022

    “We made some changes to the design of the terminal building and it will be an international airport that you will see nowhere in the Caribbean,” he stated.
    If the design of said airport is like the “New Roseau,” that was supposed to be the envy of the Caribbean, then we have a sigh to behold.
    He made it clear that current and future generations don’t have to pay for a multi-million dollar project.
    So, if sovereign funds from the CBI Program is being utilized to help finance this project, are we not paying to finance it now? So basically, Montreal Management is using our CBI Funds to finance the project, put it in service for x-number of years, and then handing it over to the people of Dominica after they’re realized their profit??

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    • Ibo France
      October 15, 2022

      What has happened to the contract of this very same airport that was signed by Roosevelt and Anthony Haden with much public fanfare?

  36. Anthony P. Ismael, Minister of Free Pampers
    October 14, 2022

    “You will certainly see earth movement towards the end of this year, but certainly in the first quarter of 2023. You will see serious earth movement on site.” Skerrit is highly educated and stoked in the “English Language,” so his statement must impress the simple-minded as well as the more sophisticated amongst us. At this point, when I see heavy equipment moving earth and they can be verified, I will believe it. This entire press release, is an exercise in foolery and chicanery.
    It is MMCE that has to raise the funds, [and] utilize the CBI Program to finance the construction of the airport and this is one of the most amazing ways that we have been able to advance our project.”

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    • Ibo France
      October 15, 2022

      What is Roosevelt afraid of? Instead of press releases, why not live press conferences and face the music from bona fide journalists?

      Mr. Ismael, Roosevelt is not bright. His press releases are scripts written by highly paid speech writers and handed to him. Listen to him speak without a prepared script. He sounds incoherent repeating the word ‘arm’ after every few words he utters.

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  37. Max
    October 14, 2022

    Here come the Chinese !

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  38. Teddy
    October 14, 2022

    Boy oh boy mister can lie we :) :-D

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  39. Diaspora Eye
    October 14, 2022

    Looking forward to the completion. Long overdue! I hope and pray that it actually come to fruition. I pledge my full support for this initiative and development. Every Dominican should do the same!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 10 Thumb down 38
    • Braindamage
      October 14, 2022

      Diaspora eye.. are you believing those lies?
      Hoping you are not smoking…

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    • Ibo France
      October 15, 2022

      Diaspora Eye, after hearing this habitual LIAR repeat this airport lie for the past decade you still have confidence in his utterances? I have a stairway to Heaven to sell you.

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  40. Truth Be Told
    October 14, 2022

    Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit says, “It is MMCE that will enter into a contract with the contractor, because the risk and the liabilities are with MMCE and not the Treasury of Dominica, because we have no sovereign guarantee on this contract,” he explained. “It is MMCE that has to raise the funds, [and] utilize the CBI Program to finance the construction of the airport and this is one of the most amazing ways that we have been able to advance our project.”
    That is if there is a CBI programme in the coming years to raise these funds. We all know that CBI is under scrutiny for terrorism, fraud, corruption and money laundering by the international community! So what happens if CBI does not and cannot raise these funds?

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  41. Skerro
    October 14, 2022

    Quick quack when I see it I will believe for over 20yrs I hearing the same drum set

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