PM says several aspects of ‘Dynamic Dominica’ vision on track

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has announced that the government will sign a contract for the 171 million-dollar road project from Loubiere to Geneva, Grandbay next month.

According to him, this forms part of the ‘Dynamic Dominica’ vision and strategy.

“On July 15, we will be signing the contract for the 171 million-dollar road project from Loubiere to Geneva, Grandbay,” he said. “So, one can appreciate the kinds of money we are spending on this.”

He mentioned further that on June 20, government will be breaking ground on the Future Housing Project, “homes that we will build for young professionals in an effort to encourage them to own their homes.”

Meanwhile, Skerrit stated that the International Airport project is on schedule.

“I met with the contractors on Tuesday and I am meeting them again with a following-up meeting on Friday,” he revealed. “Work is on schedule and I hope the hurricane season is not as active as it  has been forecasted to be and we have minimal rain, so that construction can continue…”

The international airport is said to be among several major projects in the works for Dominica which will have the potential to transform and sustain the country’s economy.

The one-billion-dollar contract between the Government of Dominica and Montreal Management Consultant Establishment (MMCE) was signed on June  9, 2021, at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium, signaling the official commencement of the construction of the highly anticipated international airport.

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  1. Labour power
    June 10, 2024

    DNO will never make you dissident know the last rehabilitation of the Grandbay road was done by a foreign company.They can correct Labour supporters who talk the truth but they cannot UWP supporters who lie.

    • dissident
      June 10, 2024

      de rehabilitation was done by ACE Engineering and C.O. Williams of St Lucia
      which one of these is a lie

  2. Labour power
    June 10, 2024

    UWP parrots repeating the same BS for more than 20 years.SHAMELESS.The blue parrots must go on the highways and bi-ways,go in the rum shops,go in the boat house.Go tell your blue BS to the more than 5,000 people benefitting from the FREE $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 houses.Tell that to the more than 4,500 people in the NEP and the 2,700 senior citizens receiving $300 monthly.Do not forget the yes we care ,and the free medicals for senior citizens.Convince the majority Skerrit is not doing a GOOD job.UWP has done nothing positive to convince the people to give them second chance.Useless party,useless do nothing supporters.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 5
  3. dissident
    June 9, 2024

    Dat road to grand Bay is not a brand new road nuh Skerrit!!
    De only think dynamic about it is de $171 million that a foreign contractor will win I don’t expect a group of local contractors to benefit from that contract………we can all imagine what a boost that would be to our native economy.
    doh tell me about go and get a job carrying a shovel pushing dirt.
    Dat housing project is for a few hand picked wanna be to say look what my I get from my party. …….dem money making suckers like they freeloading in apartment will now get a shot at their own villa.
    Hard working young people get stuck in low maintenance apartments .
    We know de bank find it hard for people to pay back their loans……….is we that taking de loans to build not you.
    How many banks it have in Roseau Skerrit…… dat figure to when you came into office.
    Look at your dynamism Skerrit……..don’t try to fool me!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
  4. OneLove
    June 9, 2024

    Despite all the talk Skerrit needs to understand that we now know that he is our biggest problem and enemy of Dominica

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  5. Bwa-Banday
    June 9, 2024

    “Dynamic Dominica”…another slogan to fool the gullible even more? Trump has MAGA as his psychological campaign tool that the rednecks use so I see you inventing one for the red-bugs. Ah-condi papa mwen; “Dynamic Dominica” my rear end!

    Looks like the successful Economic Summit held last week have you twam-blaying? Rest assured thats just the beginning. You have overstayed your welcome and its time for the proverbial kick in the rear. You have to go! :twisted: :twisted:

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  6. Labor insider
    June 9, 2024

    Everything in Dominica is upside down no matter what pm says. Skerrit says international airport is in progress but only he seems to know the plan . For example, you go to any of the ministers or ministries and question them about what’s happening and you will see they are all in the dark like the rest of us. None of our ministers can keep an independent press conference about what’s taking place in their ministry, whether is minister responsible for international airport, roads, education where how many schools are being built, health , finance or any any ministry . Only PM can speak on any of these subjects because he knows everything is in the dark. Not one government minister both past and present can say they have seen what’s on the MOU Skerrit signed with China, no not one! So that’s how lost we are

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  7. Ibo France
    June 8, 2024

    After twenty (20) consecutive years of gross mismanagement and mouthwatering lies by Roosevelt, you have to suspend common sense to believe him.

    Under his guardianship, Dominica has been hemorrhaging jobs, revenue, businesses, industries, waterways, and the list goes on. So much so that indigenous Dominicans are migrating in droves, hunger and hardship are ever present companions of the vast majority, and too may are just existing instead living it up.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  8. Waste
    June 8, 2024

    no vision government…too much talk…bla bla bla…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2

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