BREAKING: Fontaine re-elected as UWP leader

Dr. Thomson Fontaine

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  1. Ma Dominiqye
    December 19, 2023

    I have seen this misinformation that Rosie Douglass was not living in Dominica but still won the elections. That is a lie. Risie travelled alot out of Dominica but was resident in Dominica and available to his supporters leading deminstrations like the bus driver’s strike in 1994 in the years leafing up to his electoral victory in 2000.

    He did not have a permanent job overseas as is the case with Dr. Fontaine. So this is a false narrative.

    UWP can elect whoever they choose as leader but I firmly believe that a political leader in Dominica must lead from the front and be among his people.

  2. Man bite dogs
    December 19, 2023

    I will not be wasting my good life on Fontaine, because he is a fake and a conman just like ugly lenny, and all so-called Workers parasites looking for Dominica’s money.

  3. Let's Face It
    December 19, 2023

    The mission in Sudan is complete, they are soon headed to the polls. Thanks to the participation and leadership of Mr Fontaine and the years of experience acquired. Skerrit does have experience, 20 + years at that, the position is mostly about administering NWO protocols, so did Eric Gary of Grenada and look where it took the tiny island. You have to use other eyes to look at the big picture for our own good, we will all better benefit and grow economically from the diversity.

  4. December 18, 2023

    Congratulations Mr. Fontaine and hold on tight and thanks to the men and women who see it fit to keep you as head of our political party. On the other hand, we know that King deceiver is deceiving the most vulnerable and we know some of them by their alliances with the deceiver’s apostles. And remember that the deceiver had already cautioned and advised the young and vulnerable that if this young and vulnerable (soon to be apostle) want to get on board he must be on his side. So, we say NO to his desire to be the fake leader of our party. Once again Congratulation Thompson

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  5. December 18, 2023

    Go to hell! go to hell! go to hell! who Workers Party elect to the leadership of the party “is none of all u (DLP) damn business.”

  6. Ibo France
    December 18, 2023

    There is a huge problem in Dominica and around the Caribbean when it comes to political support.

    Once we support a particular political party that party can do no wrong for them. This is what is destroying Dominica – hyper political partisanship. More citizens should call a spade a spade regardless of your political colour. Truth should always prevail over sweet lies.Lies usually lead to pain ad destructiin.

    • Hello
      December 19, 2023

      The other problem is when lazies like you stay in hiding and tell struggling people what you think should or should not happen…
      Dont you think that you are haughty and out of place. Come do it yourself.

  7. It’s my damn business
    December 18, 2023

    Here is part 2. From since the delegates conference of last year our party has been divided between friends and supporters of Mr Linton and supporters of Mr Fontaine. Supporters of Mr Linton, especially those from his constituency were constantly on Q95 calling for the resignation of Dr Fontaine. Mr Linton never called on his supporters to stop that foolishness nor did did he ever showed that he had Dr Fontaine’s back. On the other hand Mr Clement Marcellin, who was the deputy leader had a good opportunity to show his interest in the party and leadership while Dr Fontaine was out. But he was hardly seen or heard in any UWP meetings or concerns. Yet he seems to be on Mr Linton’s side and though he narrowly lost as party leader yet he didn’t want to be the deputy behind Dr Fontaine. So yesterday’s deligates conference showed a very divided party that threatens to be even weaker than last year. So in as much as I am a strong supporter right now they have me afraid of the future

  8. It’s my damn business
    December 18, 2023

    UWP has been my party of choice from their inception. However, I must say my party is getting worse year after year with their very poor strategy. How do we expect to win an election when we are not addressing our strategy?know I will be cursed and attacked but I speak my mind.
    1. How long are we going to continue with our yearly delegates conference of division? Dr Fontaine was only elected as leader last year and did no harm to the party bearing in mind where the party was last year when Mr Linton abruptly resigned as party leader and called leaders of his party all kinds of names. Why should his position be challenged by his deputy that never showed leadership during that year? A win of 63/59 shows a divided party
    I love Mr Linton and will be forever grateful for his service . However, with the manner he resigned last year and was appointed president where he failed to at least unite the party behind Dr Fontaine I feel is shameful and shouldn’t have been re-elected

  9. Man bite dogs
    December 18, 2023

    Here you have it that calamity so-called UWP having big fights in public Ugly Lenny, and Edison James, sat down like two moo moos not saying a word, it goes to show that lots are a bunch of disgusting aholes with ADHD symptoms, for those of you auntie social followers of UWP the meaning ADHD is attention deficit
    hyperactivity disorder, which is written all over the the faces of the so-called workers far right idiots and followers.

  10. me
    December 18, 2023

    @Ibo France
    Are you not absent from Dominica? You live abroad, but want to dictate what happens here…Come here and fight the battle, your little lazy and coward big mouth. It’s people like you i never thumb up, on this medium. You seem to be an expert on everything but cant do anything but babble foolishness.

  11. me
    December 18, 2023

    @Zandoli Claywante
    Mr Zandoli give him a job here!

  12. December 18, 2023

    Nowadays you have to be a military leader, a peace broker, a cease-fire arranger, a play by night leader, not an economist, to be reelected leader of the worthless UWP Party.

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  13. Bwa-Banday
    December 18, 2023

    Congratulations to the great Dr. F. May god continue to be your guiding light my bro.

    To those who are stuck on negativity pay them no mind. There is no need for you to be in Dca full time now. The same ones clamoring for you to be here on the ground are those who will chastise you for not having a job. Their myopic view of what is truly leadership continue to amaze me. The problem we have on island now is one of “the people” and not no “patat” UWP political leader.

    They said LL was the problem so he stepped aside to let the clueless see. Now they are testing you so stay focused. Where are Z(Zed) and the others to come home and run for he job? In the end you will know when its time to have both feet on the ground. Blessings my bro and stay safe.

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  14. Ibo France
    December 18, 2023

    Dr. Thompson Fontaine feels he is the epitome multi-tasker. He refuses to end his assignment in South Sudan and stubbornly hangs on to the leadership of the UWP in Dominica. He cannot be efficacious as he has stretched himself too thin. To lead the main opposition party in Dominica successfully, it will take his full effort and attention, nothing less.

    Can someone name me any successful country, organisation, agency, institution with a leader living in absentia? To justify his absence, Dr. Fontaine keeps repeating this refrain that he does not have to be present in Dominica to lead, others in the party can do that.

    Before he was elected as the leader the question of being on the ground in Dominica was ask of him. He assured the members that he will give up his commitments in Africa to focus on leading the UWP to victory. I’m paraphrasing. He simply LIED to get elected!

    I ask this of Dr. Thompson. What significant inroads have you made since becoming leader of the UWP?

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  15. martin
    December 18, 2023

    I guess hobody else in Africa was interested.

  16. St. Joe
    December 18, 2023

    The man is in Dominica more often than the people who were paid to come home to vote for a corrupt cabal.
    Dominica needs new leadership and we have to look elsewhere other than the selfish people we have now. Put Dominica first!

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  17. Massacre
    December 18, 2023

    Congratulations to the great Dr. Thompson Fountaine. I fell your passion to elevate Dominica to the levels that we have been longing for for too long.
    You know economics like the back of your hand and will use your skills , knowledge and experience to bring the Dominican people to a sense of respectability in the Caribbean.
    This time it is not about politics. It is about saving Dominica from the hyenas who have socked the economy to its bones.

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  18. mine
    December 18, 2023

    Clement, now is the time to say bye bye. Yesterday gave you all the signs. You are a smart young man seek and you shall find.

  19. If we knew better
    December 18, 2023

    what amazes me is that the UWP as well as the DFP arent doing anything, but yet expect people to remember them on election day. You have to continuously be working and being relevant in the eyes of the people. How else will people consider you to be the ruling administration of the nation. Going on radio and organising protest marches isnt doing much. We have seen over the years.

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  20. Mel Houston
    December 18, 2023

    I’m no UWP supporter but this may be the Dominican for the job. Be sure to target Portsmouth and Grandbay, make presence known to counter the big 💰, and don’t ‘fall’ for it.

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  21. Ibo France
    December 17, 2023

    Once Dr. Fontaine continues to lead from this great distance in South Sudan – Africa, the victory at the polls for the UWP will remain elusive. The leader has to be in it (on island)to win it.

    Dominica cannot allow butt-naked corruption, gross incompetence, ubiquitous lawlessness, thievery, entrenched nepotism, hardboiled cronyism, vicious victimization, blackhole opacity to continue suffocate progress in this scandal marred country.

    A well-organised, vigorous campaign must be raised starting now to win the hearts and minds of the electorate.

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    • Roseau
      December 18, 2023

      You guys are so hypocrites and are the same ones who supported Rosie Douglas and Labor back in the day.
      Rosie spent more time away from Dominica, and he still managed to win with 2 parties.
      Thompson will do even better and win with UWP.
      Many Palreps are now regretting that they even shook hands with Skerrit for a few pieces of silver. So the masses are suffering now and will listen to the alternate to save Dominica. Thompson can lead form anywhere.

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    • Awa.
      December 18, 2023

      yess let us start working on dat from South Sudan, Organise open air virtual meetings in the town square no matter. if bullets have to be dodged. Garcon you should have declined the nomination. You too gullible.

    • Hello
      December 18, 2023

      @Ibo France
      Are you not from a distance spewing a lot of hot air on this medium. Now i understand why ‘MEME’ used to debunk your nonsensicalites. You are a coward running your mouth from a distant land. Dr Fontaine is among the people. He comes and goes..What do you want from him again? To get physical with the opposition?
      Get a life man!

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      • Putin
        December 19, 2023

        “Dr Fontaine is among the people. He comes and goes..”

        Yea, he is here when the Court has forced him to make an appearance. Fontaine only visits when he is forced to do so by circumstances, NOT on his own (well, only if it for vacation, which can happen only once a year). You all keep letting Mr. Sticky Fingers dupe you all…typical UWPwee with espwa mal papaye!

        • Asking, for a friend
          December 19, 2023

          So what you saying, just one party then?

    • December 18, 2023

      He can still lead from a distance. It does not take long for his ballistic missiles to reach Dominica. Just a matter of seconds. Mission accomplished. Fontaine is the Rocket Man. I am sure when he is done with Sudan, he will move over to Gaza and broker peace with Hamas and Hezbollah. He is on a peace mission. Forget about Economics. Whilst he is at it, Murders continue in Grand Fond. In Sudan, he is a peace broker, in Dominica, he is a war lord.

  22. Zandoli
    December 17, 2023

    What has Thompson done to convince UWP that he can win the next election? Working in South Sudan will certainly not accomplish that.

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