Cochrane man sentenced to five months in jail for bestiality

High Court Judge, Justice Thomas Astaphan has imposed a prison sentence of five months on a Cochrane man who pleaded guilty to bestiality.

The fact of the case is that, on March 25, 2020, Randolph Piper, had sexual intercourse with a heifer (a cow that has not borne a calf) belonging to Bernard Bonny.

At about 7:10 a.m., on the aforementioned date, Bon`ney, before leaving for work went to the Savannah in Cochrane near his home and moved two of his five cows.Upon his return home from work at about 5:00 p.m., he heard one of his cow bawling, as a result, he ran to the savannah but could not find the heifer.

He then saw a fresh track which he followed and after reaching a slight slope he saw some movement and the head of an individual who he moments later identified as Randolph Piper who stated to him, “I will pay you…. I will pay

Piper had his pants down with his private parts exposed whilst the heifer was tied to a tree and the back leg to another tree.A report was made to the police and on March 26, 2020, Dr. Lennox St. Aimee acting Chief Veteran examined the heifer.

His findings were that the animal had a generalized haemorrhagic lesion on the mucosa of the heifer’s vagina. The lesion he said could be caused by penetration of a blunt object like something smooth (finger or penis). He then
advised that it would not be slaughtered for human consumption.

On July 17, 2020, Piper was arrested and the charge was later preferred against him.

On April 28, 2023, at his High Court arraignment, Piper pleaded guilty to the charge.

Following his plea, Director of the Legal Aid Clinic, Peter Alleyne, who represents Piper requested that the court order a Social Inquiry Report and psychiatric report for his client before passing sentence. Alleyne stated, based on the infrequency of such criminal acts, evaluation is needed. Following consultation with Piper, Alleyne informed the court of his past mental health issues.

His request was subsequently granted, by Justice Astaphan. When Piper returned to court for sentence, Justice Astaphan handed down a prison sentence of five months against the Cochrane man. Although compensation was sought by the Virtual Complainant in the matter, Justice Astaphan said, no evidence was provided to the court as to the means of the convicted man, therefore, the court was not in a position to make compensatory order.

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  1. Dixie Normas
    July 14, 2023

    but wait the vet said “generalized haemorrhagic lesion on the mucosa of the heifer’s vagina. The lesion he said could be caused by penetration”.. the man was big enough to damage a cow

  2. Just Saying
    July 14, 2023

    Dominican women need to get their act together my friends! If a man prefers to consort with an animal instead of them, that has more to say about them than him, don’t you think?

    • DA men need to stop
      July 14, 2023

      WTF! What does a woman have to do with a man who prefers to have sex with an animal that cannot give consent? That has everything to do with this gross, disgusting, piece of s$%t person and nothing to do with a woman. Men have to take responsibility for the POS they turn out to be.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  3. Ibo France
    July 11, 2023

    This is just vile. Do males in Dominica have an overactive libido? They sexually molest underage girls quite often. The many court cases on sexual molestation of minors confirm this.

    Not even the animals escape the uncontrollable sexual wrath of these perverts. Six months incarceration is very lenient. That is not enough time behind bars for the pain and indignity the heater had to suffer.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 2
    • Ibo France
      July 12, 2023

      Correction: the heifer had to suffer

  4. If we knew better
    July 11, 2023

    Randolph you must cool out. You doing too much bruh!! Also, that cow meat and milk spoil. that doh good again. Best you let Randolph buy that on you.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  5. MEME
    July 11, 2023

    Firstly, it’s unfortunate that some human beings have to get engaged in those acts. Secondly, i hope and pray that our prison system has the personnel to help transform such individuals. I really hope that he gets the requisite help, and he can successfuly reintegrate into society later on!. Thirdly, i do not know his age, but maybe he still has much to contribute to his country. After all, he is one amongst us!!! God still loves you my friend. You have sinned, and sin has consequencies, but you are still alive. Finally, you do have a chance to question yourself and to lead a new life!! Do so!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
    • Ibo France
      July 11, 2023

      It is rather unfortunate that our penal system focuses more on punishment and not on rehabilitation.

      In this day and age of modernity our prison should be equipped to reform those who enter its gate and not just act as a temporary cage.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
      • Drag on
        July 12, 2023

        IBO you seem to have a plaster for every sore. Man cannot rehabilitate himself. You yourself isn’t exempt from committing certain crimes. The sinful nature of man and his inability to help himself was the reason why Jesus Christ came to redeem fallen man. Man has fallen to the lowest possible state and only the Spirit of God rehabilitate man and make him whole. Nothing else can do. As it’s written in the Holy Bible, Jesus said, “Physicians, heal thy self.” Only if we could. We have too many “physicians out there who think they can heal themselves. If this act by this man was so out of the ordinary, why didn’t the judge impose a harsher sentence? This is where our focus should be. The judge is not helping to deter others from doing the same, which in itself could be a form of rehabilitation for those contemplating to do the same. Rehabilitation takes many forms. And you don’t need a clinic to rehabilitate someone or people.

    • facts
      July 12, 2023

      Why do we always get so religious when stuff like this happens? I think sin have consequencies but I think sin should be punished. I believe in the saving grace of Christ but you let an individual like this on the road after SIX MONTHS our kids are in trouble. Why would he get erected for a Heifer? There might be many more and then they killed these animals and sell the meat to individuals. Sometimes we wonder why so many kids born deformed. Animals were not meant to be sexually used by individuals. We blame it on Mental illness so often. Not only Dominica all over the world. Not too long ago they caught a young woman having sex with her German Shepherd dog. There should be striker Punishment. Even worse these poor animals can’t talk. We are living in the last days. Men and women natural desires have left them and would sleep with anything.

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