“Lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely onyour own insight and understanding, In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5&6 (AMP)
Decisions, decisions, decisions! We are all faced with decisions and crossroads at one pointor another in our lives.
Some decisions are simple and some are very complex. Whateverthe decision, all our decisions have consequences.
The decision may be over a mate, buyingor building a house, leaving or staying at a job, moving to another location, taking a vacation,leaving or staying at a church and the list goes on.
I feel in my spirit today that some of our readers are at crossroad. You just do not know whatto do next or what is the next step to take. I will just like to advise you today to acknowledgeGod in all your ways.
Have you really gone before God openly about the decisions that youare now being faced with?
I say openly because at times we have a tendency to go to Godseeking answers but in our minds we already know what we want Him to say. When we dothat, it clouds us from hearing clearly what God is really saying. Know today that God will nevergive you instructions that are not in accordance with His Word.
Even if you receive a propheticword from someone, it must witness in your spirit. Do not make important moves and decisionsbecause people who are ‘spiritual’ say so. You must seek God for yourself and know what Heis saying to you. When a confirmation comes you will know, because God would have alreadyspoken to you.
Sometimes people of good intentions have other plans as to the direction thatyour life should go in, but what is important is what God is saying to you.
We sometimes have our opinions about what is best for us, but the truth is, we only know inpart but God knows and sees and the whole picture. In the midst of decision making, seek Godearnestly and listen attentively to what He is saying. Do not tell God how to answer you. Do nottell him what sign to give you.
Let God be God, allow Him to confirm things how He wants to.He knows us individually and He knows who and what will get our attention.
When God speaks and He directs, listen, and be obedient. That is very important. God sometimes tells us to do the opposite of what we think is the answer in our situations. But weare to trust God wholeheartedly, even when we do not understand. Proverbs 3:6 reminds us that we are not to lean to our own understanding but we are to acknowledge God is ALL our ways.
We must always be led by the Holy Spirit and not be led by our flesh or by what we see. Whatwe see, is subject to change. Our walk is a walk of faith and not of sight. Situations and circumstances change but the word of God endures forever.
Be reminded today that God is the one who promotes and who exalts. He is the one who opensdoors and when He opens a door, no man can shut it. When God closes a door, know that it isfor your good and do not in your own wisdom and strength try to open it. Once you are walking uprightly before the Lord, what God has for you, no man can stop or take away from you.
So God might be saying to you today, move ahead, be still or wait or no, that is not my plan for you. Whatever He is saying, be obedient and say as He said ‘…nevertheless, not my will but thywill be done.’
Yes, you will like to accomplish your goals and you have many dreams but everything takes time, and times and seasons are in the hands of God. Do not base your decision on what God is doing in someone else’s life. You are unique and how He is directing them is not how Heis directing you.
Be confident today and know that God is on your side and His plans are to prosper you and to give you hope and a future.
Seek Him for divine directions, God can still betrusted.
Thank you very much for the message, it really spoke to me. I am waiting for direction in my life regarding my next chapter in my life regarding my retirement and what to do next. I do find my self in the cross roads of my life. and I know God is working to take me to the next chapter. God Bless you, and Thank you for a great message.
Thanks I need this today
That’s exactly what i needed to hear today. Thank u Jesus. You r truly an amazing God!
this is a test
Good Exhortations. At this time of our life that is what is needed a closer walk and talk with God.
Thank you Minister – Richardsons! God bless and guide you and give you wisdom to continue giving spiritual advice.
That was a message and confirmation sent to me through you all by God. Thanks very much for spreading Gods word, and thank you Jesus. I will continue to trust in you.
This is an excellent article which serves a godly purpose.
Holy Scriptures: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be handed unto you.
This is the problem with many of us. We depend on our own understanding. We hardly ever take it to the Lord in prayer and ask for his Divine Guidance and Assistance.
I recently had a conversation with someone on this topic that we make plans, go about our business but never consider asking God if this is what He wants for us and never ask Him for protection, i.e., some of us.
There is a saying: “God is greater than any problem I have.”
There are some who are weak of faith and spirit who expect God to answer them immediately, even though, some of them had rejected Him.
Someone once told me that she is angry with God because He did not answer her prayers. This is shocking to hear that a mortal whom God created would make such a statement. This depicts pride, arrogance and lack of humility. God is not pleased with such people. Will He ever answer their prayers? My instinct informs me, not. God detests the proud and haughty.
Our Lord Jesus Christ would say: “Oh ye of little faith.”
It is said that it makes God happy when we talk to Him, ask for His guidance and help with humility.
I heard on a U.S. Catholic Radio, as saintly person had said: “Speak more to God and less to people.”
I read that what hurts Our Lord Jesus Christ is that we do not trust Him. He, The Divine Mercy said: “Trust in Me and Me alone.”
How many people will trust others first rather than Our Lord? How many will go to others and seek advice from them rather than go to Our Lord in prayer and also talk to him?
As the song: “What a friend we have in Jesus. Take it to the Lord in prayer.”
As I grow older, I am doing just that. Thanks be to God!
Your words are very encouraging.
we do not have patience, when we talk to God we want results immediately like internet children, but that does not always work we must pray and wait. God does things in his time not our time
So very true, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways. He knows all our needs and will fulfill them in due time.
just what I needed to hear today… Thanks much Ministers Wilbert and Jacqueline Richardson