The commonwealth of Dominica is a sovereign, English speaking country in the eastern Caribbean archipelago. The Dominican Republic is a sovereign Spanish speaking Country sharing the Island of Hispaniola with Haiti in the northern Caribbean. These two countries while sharing virtually no common, history, heritage, language, culture have the same demonym (Dominican). The only two countries in the world to have identical demonym.
If you Do a google search of “Dominica”, the name of both countries pop up, however the Dominican Republic being the more populous and better known, dominate in the search results. If you do a search like; ” Dominican cuisine” the results would be mostly of the cuisine of the Dominican Republic even when your IP address is In The Commonwealth of Dominica. If you do the same search outside of Dominica your chances of finding anything about cuisine of The Commonwealth of Dominica becomes more remote. Whenever citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica introduce themselves to people on the international stage we are almost always mistaken for being from the Dominican Republic even after explaining where we come from.
It is perplexing that after 42 years of the Commonwealth of Dominica being a sovereign independent state, no government have found it necessary to change the Demonym of the people of the Commonwealth of Dominica or change the name of the country all together. The current situation favors the Dominican Republic they have no reason to want to change the status quo because they are not affected, they basically own the Dominican brand. The onus is on the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica to take measures to have a unique identity on the international stage. Other countries with similar identity issues have found ways to differentiate themselves, eg. people from Niger are known as Nigeriens, while people from Nigeria are know as Nigerians. Having a very well defined identity is very important for the development of any people. While there is no data available on the business or tourist that The Commonwealth of Dominica lose to the Dominican Republic because of our similar name and common demonym, it is safe to say that we are affected we just dont know the extent. In the past mail intended for the Commonwealth of Dominica ended up in The Dominican Republic.
Waitukubuli is the name that the native Carib Indians gave to The Commonwealth of Dominica and it can be embraced and made our official name. While this name might be considered too exotic for most it would most certainly set us apart and give that unique identity that we need. Another option is embracing our French heritage and officially changing to The Commonwealth of Dominique and changing our demonym to Dominiquen. There are also many brilliant Dominicans who can come up with many alternative names and demonyms for the Commonwealth of Dominica.
It is imperative that the Commonwealth of Dominica (population 70k) forge it’s own unique identity and rise from the shadows of The Dominican Republic ( population 10.5 million). Our world is becoming increasingly market driven and it’s all about brand names. Being small is already a disadvantage, we cannot afford to have our national identity (brand) confused.
(Part II)
It is time to leave our connections with the Empire and return to our Creole roots. An Empire that has only brought Imperialism, slavery and exploitation to the world. Only in this way can we be truly independent, and I believe that we are on the right path, and unite our efforts with the rest of the Free brother Peoples of Latin America.
May God bless the Commonwealth of Dominica and its brave People!
As everyone is proposing a new name, I am in favor of keeping for now CD oficially, but when it is said informally we can add “The” or “La”, The Dominica, La Dominique. As happens with the occupied island of La Martinique.
But, the problem is the English language, which is very limited. In French and Spanish the demonym is different for the two countries!
– Dominican Republic: Dominicain/Dominicaine (French), Dominicano (Spanish).
– Commonwealth of Dominica: Dominiquais (French), Dominiqués (Spanish).
As you can see, in general all Germanic languages are very poor and have few words, evidencing their barbarian origins. In the Germanic languages with a single word you can denote almost more than a hundred concepts. In languages with Latin roots, you have more than a hundred possible words to use to refer to the same concept.
Minor point of correction: It is not true that Dominica and the DR are the only countries which have the same denonym.
The Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa, former Zaire) both use the denonym “Congolese”
This is a brilliant idea which should be implemented expeditiously. Make haste while the sun shines.
Insightful and thought provoking. Work towards this change should be implemented expeditiously.
To all those who think that changing the name of a country is impossible or too disruptive here is some info to help…
The linked list is a lesson in itself. With only 2 exceptions, every change on the list since the collapse of the communist bloc countries in the early 1990s shows the country “evolving” its name instead of changing it completely.
For example, in 2014 Cabo Verde changed it’s name to The Republic of Cabo Verde to avoid confusion with Cape Verde. Exactly the solution needed here. Change from Dominica to The Commonwealth of Dominica to avoid confusion with the Dominica Republic.
Also worth noting: the only 2 countries on that list that completely changed their names since 1990 were Burma to Myanmar and Zaire to Democratic Republic of Congo. No coincidence that those are 2 of the world’s most troubled countries.
The only time it makes sense to complete change your name is when your country has a reputation around the world as terrible as those 2 violent, war torn, non-democratic countries. Otherwise, keep part of your name for continuity and change part of it for clarity.
Great Idea! I agree 100% Let’s all get together, be a voice and make a change! I’m tired of always having to explain the difference. It’s confusing and frustrating! The Commonwealth of Dominique sounds good! Love it!
Just change the ’c’ to ‘k’ and that might make all the difference needed…? Just a thought, ‘Dominika’ doesn’t seem to bad. There’d definitely be no confusion around that.
“Waitukubuli is the name that the native Carib Indians gave to The Commonwealth of Dominica and it can be embraced and made our official name”. News Article
I will never accept or believe that foolishness written above. In all of the World, people were living in a certain territory or region, all by themselves, until true civilization came about–meaning that region or territory was discovered
The Carib Indians were indeed settled in a part of the region, which is now called Dominica, but without a discoverer, those people, along with the Land of Dominica would still be hidden to the World.
Christopher Columbus came and found them settled there, just as he found other people in other regions–Cannada, where I now live, is one of them–today the people are called “Indigenous People”
Christopher Columbus gave Dominica her name in that he found her on a Sunday which means Domingo–the Latin name for the Lord’s Day. Leave her name alone!
As changing the name of our mountains didn’t make a blind bit of difference in term of warding off perceived evil spirits; changing the name of the island will not solve our problems with recognition.
Do it! Waitukubuli can be done! Allu to lazy to change it. Be leaders! But no we just want to be good subjects. This is why we can’t have nice things, is because half the country just content with mediocrity.
I too conservative for dat papa! Not all my years living under Queen Eliz and now Skerrit I calling the land Dominica allu want me to change it. No way. All dem papers that will have to change. Toneh, dat is too much work for us. Is so we calling it since Columbus reach, we must resist this change and keep things the way they have always been, now and forever shall be. Conserve our status.
Perhaps we all should simply agree that Dominica is nothing more than a doomed place; hence it matters not how it is identified, or re-identified the island will remain the same.
The original name ordained by the our indigenous may have served a better purpose had the Spanish man Columbus had not change it to Dominica.
Nevertheless, when the British cut us from their coat tail the first Prime Minister of Dominica Patrick John named the island: ” The Commonwealth of Dominica!
That is recorded in Black & White; nevertheless, the name “The Commonwealth of Dominica is not known internationally; the name “Dominica” as a matter of fact is not widely known, it is not a house a name spoken in homes internationally.
I went to a post office in Los Angeles more than a month ago to mail a Registered letter to someone in the village of Wesley.
I addressed letter thus.
Name of Person:
Wesley Village,
The Commonwealth of Dominica
West Indies.
Continue:The lady who served me looked at the address, and asked with bulging eyes; astonished “where is that?
As hard as I tried to explain the geography location that name did not ring a bell until I asks her ‘are you familiar with any place in the Caribbean?’
It took her a few minuets and responded by saying I see Dominica, but the The Commonwealth of Dominica is unknown.
No need to say more than a month ago I sent that registered letter to Dominica which have not yet arrived.
By the same token I have relatives; nieces living on the island of Antigua, I regularly send parcels, and letters to them via the government postal services of the United States; the mail takes five days to travel the continental United States, and be delivered to the recipients in Antigua.
I received a tracking number to track the letter I mailed, I tried to track it last night; I could not find it going to Dominica.
Backwardness; all Backwardness!
I think the problem was with the clerk of that post office, not Dominica. That person should have ignored the Welsley Village identification in that you wrote The Commonwealth of Dominica–that is the important part. When it gets to Dominica the post office, there, will deal with it
That letter goes to the main Post Office –Portsmouth or Roseau, and it will be sent from there to the recipient
When I used to send a piece of mail to my people in Dominica, I always used to write Via Roseau Post office, after I write Giraudel Village (which is not the business of the post office clerk serving me) My people always received that piece of mail.
Our mails go to the office of the Village Council, in Giraudel, from where it is sent to them
But just imagine Dominica taking up a new identity at this time and age. Imagine yourself taking that piece of mail to a post office in Los Angeles addressed with The Commonwealth of Waitukubuli–whatever!
“That person should have ignored the Welsley Village identification in that you wrote The Commonwealth of Dominica–that is the important part. When it gets to Dominica the post office, there, will deal with it.”(Elizabeth Xavier).
Okay assuming you are correct; you have also forgotten that I quoted the lady saying, “I see Dominica.”
The reality is that the name of our country is:
” The Commonwealth of Dominica; ” and is located in the West Indies.
You cannot deny that; as it is, mails going to Dominica, usually end up in the Dominican Republic; that happened to my mail many times; we have to find a way to avoid such from happening, and I suggest the alternative is to change the name of the island.
Prior to their independence Belize was British Honduras; Guyana was British Guiana; so your theory that lots of paper would have to be changed is flawed!
A name change can be done overnight, but as everything else it will take forever in Dominica.
Elizabeth, you are always grabbing at straws; it seems to me you do not know much about Dominica; so let this country boy here; one who came out of the Mud of Wesley inform you that the one and only “main or general post office is located in Roseau; on the Bay Front.
And I am not talking about the old building located near the old food market where they once sold the slaves!
You that country bookey deer doh know nuffing bout Dominica eh!
Girl be quiet!
Don’t you know they built a new post office in Roseau, I believe Eugenia Charles engineered that.
Somebody correct me if I am wrong; to Dominica standards it looked very modern and nice when I saw it the last time I was in Dominica.
Now that I said it Dr. Punjab your boy Roosevelt Skerrit is going to grab the credit, and claim he that Crapaud mentality built it eh!
Before November 3, 1978 is was Dominica. However on November 3. 1978 it officially became known as the COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA yet most of us say Dominica unofficially. Let’s use the correct name please.
I think a good alternative would be the kweyòl name, Dominik.
Dominica-Roseau would also have a geographic precedent, following the example of Guinea-Bissau (vs. Guinea vs. Equatorial Guinea).
It could be worse, the association of Dominican Republic to Haiti complicates. If you say Dominica people immediately think of you as a misguided Haitian. A black person from Dominica[n] speaking creole must of course be a Haitian.
Time for name change folks. I like ROSEAU, but I like Nature Island better.
We had better start thinking of a name for the international airport now before it becomes the Roosevelt Skerrit International Airport. Please, let us not call it that.
lol. The China – Skerrit Airport
As a traveller from Canada on cruise ships, I have been to Belize and Dominica. The Belize tour guide mentioned that when the name was changed from British Honduras, they fell off the map for a few years! It is true that one has to be precise in explanations; I refer to “the Commonwealth of Dominica, South of Les Saintes (Guadeloupe) and not being the Island of Hispanola shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic”… I look forward to seeing Dominica soon after being able to travel again.
The solution is not to change the name which would prove very costly, disruptive and cause further confusion for tourist; but rather to simple insist that everyone use the full, correct name: The Commonwealth of Dominica.
If the government, journalist and all the people used The Commonwealth of Dominica every time instead of lazily says just Dominica, then it would quickly become the universally used name for the country around the world.
When I tell people in the USA and Canada that I have a house in The Commonwealth of Dominica; they often don’t know where it is, but none of them think I mean the Dominican Republic. When you search google for The Commonwealth of Dominica right now today, ALL the results correctly point to our island, while NONE point people to the Dominican Republic.
It is not only the name
Both countries refer to their citizens as Dominicans…..
If I tell someone I’m Dominican they may think it’s Dominican Republic since they also call themselves Dominicans.
Waw if only it was that simple but it isn’t. I remember when I went to study in Trinidad that my school’s registrar put D.R on my form even if I had clearly written out Commonwealth of Dominica. When I brought it to her attention she got annoyed and told asked me in a matter of fact tone, “What’s the difference? Potatoes potatoes”
I was like no mam these are 2 different countries with different languages, in different parts of the Caribbean. Truth be told I was shocked that as close as Trinidad didn’t know the difference. Have even met some bajans who are confused. Changing the name would be worth it perhaps.
I did not wish to imply my suggestion is easy because it is simple. Marketing is never easy. ANY new name will not immediately change things without marketing work being done.
The government must insist that foreign governments use The Commonwealth of Dominica so foreign institution such as post offices and passport agencies will use the correct full name. Business should be told they must use the full name. Digicel, Flow, LIAT and such use Dominica on their website. Does one wonder why neighboring islanders who interact with these website don’t know the correct name.
But if a new name doesn’t use “Dominica” then the marketing work is 100 times harder. When Coke first created a diet cola, they named it Tab. No one knew it was Coke. Later they released their mistake and released Diet Coke. The smaller the name change the less marketing work.
The island’s new name should be different enough from Dominican Republic to remove confusion, but change as little as possible.
Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 > Dominica 🇩🇲
I agree with suggestion that a name change to this beautiful but small island nation is well overdue. Fighting for recognition against the mighty Dominican Republic is futile and can sometimes be detrimental to Dominica’s reputation if something negative occurs in the larger island.
I suggest a simple name change to ROSEAU! It’s a name that is already familiar around the Caribbean and the capital can become Roseau City as for example Belize and Belize City.
You are so correct. I can give account of this. During the Lynching spike of Haitians in the D.R students and lecturers alike pulled themselves away from me. Discriminated against me and would send nasty comments my way whenever I was around. I was blocked from study groups and class groups on WhatsApp and Facebook. I had to constantly keep deleting hateful emails and ridiculous posts on my timeline. I landed a job to prepare a very expensive document and it was pulled. In the end they turned out to be very wrong. I have personally suffered from being mistakenly identified as from Dominican Republic. Unless whoever you are interacting with is willing sit and listen you pwi.
You people are just coming up with foolish ideas to post here. “It’s time for a new identity”–what nonsense!
Have you thought about the amount of the present, and important information that would have to be altered because of your so-called new identity?
I am a citizen of Canada right now, and every 5-10 years I have to renew my passport, I must give them my country of origin because I was not born in Canada. But they already have that information on record–I have been living in Toronto for 47 years.
Try to experience the red tape I would have to go through because of your foolish idea–and that would affect all of us who live abroad. Come on now people!
Elizabeth, you are the one who talks nonsense; many countries in Africa had to change their names when they find out the European names were a blight on the country and people, hence they returned to their original names.
Teacher Elizabeth look at this: “The History of Nigeria can be traced to settlers trading across the middle East and Africa as early as 1100 BC. Numerous ancient African civilizations settled in the region that is known today as Nigeria, such as the Kingdom of Nri, the Benin Empire, and the Oyo Empire.
“Elizabeth you do not hear such names today, yet all of these places still exists!
Tanzania was formally known as Tanganyika; if you still read the Bible modern day Iraq is Babylon of the Bible; modern day Iran is Prussia speak of in the Bible.
Back in the Bible again:
Note: “Antioch, populous city of ancient Syria is now a major town of south-central Turkey.”
Are you still the twelve year old teacher?
“The History of Nigeria can be traced to settlers trading across the Middle East and Africa as early as 1100 BC. Numerous ancient African civilizations settled in the region that is known today as Nigeria, such as the Kingdom of Nri, the Benin Empire, and the Oyo Empire” –Telemaque
Keep your foolishness to yourself. Your thing about “1100 BC Nigeria” is still “Nigeria” today, so what is your point? What does that have to do with the call about giving Dominica the name of whatever her “ancient Indians” inhabitants may have called her in this time and age?
You are one of those Twilight Zone creatures who are always claiming that Dominica is behind, but yet you all want her to go back to an ancient identity which has been from whatever the year in BC–we know about Jesus, the Son in the Flesh, from since 2000 years ago, but He called Himself the Alpha and the Omega–the beginning and the end.
People like you should find something useful to do.
Yes, when you do not know, and cannot understand the concept of what I convey; you make belief I am talking nonsense.
Elizabeth, ” knowledge is power; wisdom is strength.”
I posses them both!
Have a nice day lover girl.
Why don’t people simply learn how to do a proper search to get the desired results. It’s not hard, we’re just lazy and expect tech to read our minds.
I had to explain today that we are not the Dominican Republic, but the Commonwealth of Dominica. The only way I could get this across was to say to not add the N at the end. I ask people who are interested about the island I live on to look at Martinique and Guadeloupe and the island in the middle of them is us.
Just insert ‘hin’ for the most appropriate name under this administration: Dominichina
The opportunity was lost, or never considered, when Dominica became an independent nation. That would have been the moment to strike out with a new identity – clearly Waitukubuli – but now it’s too late. Just imagine the cost of changing everything that currently uses the name Dominica. I think we have more important things to spend that money on. Essentially it is only ignorant tourists and not informed and responsible travellers who get confused. Not a good enough reason to switch now.
I supporting Dominica current identity and i will support it identity if it changes to “Waitukubuli” or something else that is good.
I will not support its identity if it change to Dominica-China friendahip island lol.
The Republic of Roseau!
There are 24 places named “Philadelphia” in various countries/states around the world; allegedly 318,907 people named Diana in the usa
; allegedly 449,513 people named Diane in the usa; the author of this article, miss Dian rolle may not be the only Dian rolle as her name might have been taken from a past relative or other person, yet she choose to keep her name regardless because it is unique to her & just as “Dominica/ the commonwealth of Dominica” is uniqely different from ” Dominica Republic”.. the two countries may share the word “Dominica” in their names and their citizens may both share the nationality title as “Dominicans” but they are as different as a man from a woman; uniquely different from each other, even in their name.
You sure did not comprehend what you read if this is your contribution 🤗🤭🙄
We don’t have to agree!
I think you more interested in promoting your own name than our country.
Interesting article.
Yes, indeed the Dominican Republic dominates in a number of instances.
I have had to emphasize and distinguish between the two countries myself when I travel.
I’m in 100% support of changing the name to Waitukubuli , but as you know in Dominica, unless people make noise and actually do something about it nothing going to change
At long last someone had the insight to say what’s needed to be said a long time ago. Quodos to you my friend! If we don’t change the name “Dominica” we will continue to be crippled going forward for the reasons you mentioned and more. Again, well said. Thanks for the word!😃
I am not sure why anyone would spend time on a subject that is tantamount to talking to one’s self in the forest. Dominica’s name is not going to change. Move on, find something else to write about.
Man take your head out of the sand. Counties change their names for various reasons and we definitely behind the 8 ball on this issue. It should have been done long ago. Its frustrating to say your from somewhere and always have to be prepared to explain NOT just where the country is located but how we’re not “that” more well known other Dominica.
Well said zandol! You spoke my thought; so now I don’t have to write anything. Thanks, my brother
What Dominica needs to do is to ensure that it has refined itself in tourism and manufacturing/ agro processing to that the rest of the world will know the difference. We have continued to sell ourselves completely short. Look at St. Barths, they are smaller than us, less populated but very well known for their high end toursm product. We keep chasing cruise tourism and back packers and dont even know how we want to present ourselves. WE want to cater to all kinds of market but are yet to perfect 1. I say make Dominica a high end destination. Much of the accommodations offered here are too pricey for mediocre facilities and services. The country needs a face lift and some standard and class. too much old 2×4 and plywood businesses,not enough atm’s and point of sale machines in businesses. public transportation is by chance past 6-7pm, sunday best you walk. So instead of changing our name, we should change our attitudes and mindset to be seen as different. new name same majee wouldnt…
You obviously have not lived much outside of Dominica and have to explain yourself over and over to people who have no idea that there’s an island country with the name of Dominica. St. Barts has 1/7 of our population is about 33 times smaller than us but they are so much better known. I meet lots of foreigners who would immediately recognize little islands like St. Barts and Nevis while having no idea of our country. Tourists go where they know and where their friends or family have been.
@Jules Vert, The problem is not ours, it is the ignorance or knowledge of those to whom we have to explain–the fault is theirs, not ours
I was watching a television question/answer program and a question about Toronto came up, and the person to answer the question did not know where Toronto was located–as that person had never heard of Toronto.
The reason to keep Dominica’s identity is not about the one and one person, having to explain; it is the importance of communication with the higher authority. Can you people imagine PM Skerrit going out into the World and identifying himself as the Prime Minister of Waitukubuli? I say no way!
Even if we are known if they believe we are Dominican Republic they will go there instead.
But Jules, you are agreeing with what i just said. And why do you think these countries are more well known? Its not because of the name of the land mass. It is because of the service the guests have recieved. It is top notch. And actually yes i have lived outside of Dominica in multiple regions of the world. And still continue to travel whenever possible. Not only that, but i can afford a certain level of luxury that allows me to know what i speak of. Ive actually met people abroad who have actually been here they tell me of their adventures and where they stayed and people they met here, or have family or loved ones who are from here or have travelled here themselves. These people knew the difference. As for me i have no problems explaining who/where we are, that adds to our mystique, especially when you tell them about Pirates of the Caribbean. Then i tell them google it, and i watch their eyes light up. I have no problem with the name DOMINICA! This is who we have always been.
Your point is well taken and valid. But the point which the writer raised should not be dismissed. In the modern information driven world having a unique identity/brand is crucial. Dominica have alot of issues which need to be rectified in our effort to get us to a better place and they should all be addressed one by one.
Unless you travel, you’ll not fully understand the problem with the name “Dominica”. Very few people I meet overseas, in the US, for example, know there is a country called “Dominica”. The worse is the explaining you have to do to help people understand where your are from. At times, try as you may, they’ll never understand you not from the Dominican Republic. As such your paperwork and other business transactions can be easily messed up. That kind of frustration with one’s identity, not to mention the negative impact on tourism among others, is totally unnecessary when we have it in our power to change for the better. Let the examples of countries like Myanmar, Eswatini, North Marcedonia, among many others be our guide.
The US is hardly the example you want to use to bolster your argument. They know little about the country on their northern border, so don’t expect them to know anything about Dominica or any other country that matter.
Couldnt have said it better!!
THIS should have been the article .
So you want to call our country another name? Fire burn that i say!!! Dominica that there my brother. We have done too much work in getting the rest of the world to recognize us as Dominica, you want to just abandon it, simply because some people dont want to know the difference? so so we are more easily identified? in 20201 you want to change the name of the country and send people back to the drawing board.
Let me guess, you want to call it Dominica-China freindship island nation. or Waitukubuli (the indigenous name which many cannot properly spell nor pronounce), to further confuse the rest of the world even more. Leave well enough alone. Our culture has embraces the name of Dominica since Columbus named us. We know we are different from the Dom. Republic, and so do many other world travellers.
If that is your response to the writer’s idea well we should really remain obscure. Everyone wants change yet no one wants to change.
Everything within reason and good measure. Not the change we are asking for. I want economic change, social change. Improvement in the mental wellness of our people. not changing the name of the country. How does that change things like your birth certificate and other legal matters? How much will it cost the state? How will it affect the thousands of students abroad who have been granted visas on a DOMINICAN passport.