Cubans protest over worsening situation in Cuba during COVID

Cuban special forces violently clashed with protesters during anti-government marches spurred on by food shortages and surging COVID numbers in Cuba reports The Sun.

Cuba is currently facing its worst economic crisis since the fall of the Soviet Union. Footage published in the Miami Herald reportedly shows cops shooting directly at protesters.

Security forces in Havana, helped by suspected plain clothes officers, have arrested about two dozen protesters with special forces jeeps being called in with mounted machine guns as mobs overturned cars and pelted missiles. Protesters took to the streets from Havana to Santiago Cuba demanding ,among other things, a faster roll out of the vaccine and an end to daily  blackouts.

Meanwhile Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel has said that some of the protesters are sincere but that they have been incited by “mercenaries” and a US backed media campaign to undermine his government.

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  1. Me
    July 14, 2021

    The universal colour for communism is red.

  2. July 14, 2021

    To you Dominicans at home and abroad (there are some in the diaspora who are dependent) whose dependence rely on Roosevelt Skerrit and his cockroaches the day will come when you’ll say enough is enough. You’ll realise that your dependence upon them you are still stagnant. That day will be too late. To late shall be your cry. And like Cuba, it will be much tooooo late.

    • Gary
      July 14, 2021

      To sit behind your computer and call people cockroaches says a lot about your mind and what Politics has done to your. That emotion of hatred caused by your perception associated with your political partisan beliefs has caused more problems in this world, such hatred is only based on ignorance, It is an emotion that’s destructive to you not The PM and the people who you choose to describe, so long.

      • Mary
        July 15, 2021

        …but Peter is speaking the truth. But the truth is something YOU and your Master hate. YOU are one of those cockroaches and all.

  3. Bwa-Banday
    July 13, 2021

    Way to go Cuba! Time for change.

    The era of oppression by a few for the good of the few is over. The FAKE slogan of ALL shall eat was adopted by the communist regime to give a “feel good” attitude. Now we can see through it like clear day. The people in Cuba and Dominica must now arrest its fake, evil leaders and try them in public for the evil perpetrated on them. People punishment must be metted out IMMEDIATELY to all the leaders in public view. That the only way others in the Caribbean basin will learn to respect the people.

  4. RandyX
    July 13, 2021

    Communism and Dictatorship have no future, no where in the world. Except in Dominica where the greedy populace allow their rogue PM to lead them exactly there, where other countries don’t want to be. The famous Dominican greed will ultimately be our country’s demise.

  5. kubulol
    July 13, 2021

    The Cuban regime does not allow protestors in the streets ; many of them willl be jailed.
    In a dictatorship, this is simply not possible.
    The real shame is that the communist ruling party try to convice people that America is behind theses protests.
    America is now governed by the Democrats ( Obama’party ) ; on the contrary, this administration is willing to establish ties with the Cubans.
    The actual reason is that communism has always failed to improve people’s life

  6. Time now
    July 12, 2021

    Hahahaha, look out it’s getting closer to home. Got me a new pair of boots and I’m ready when the call is giving. We need to bring back Dominica for our children and grandchildren. Let’s do it!!!!

  7. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    July 12, 2021

    Cuba and China are the only two countries in the universe where communism exists.

    The dictators are friends of the Dominica dictator the corrupted little worm that wesiel Roosevelt that evil corrupter, who corrupts everything he touches, in his path.
    However, while the poor oppressed people of Cuba have risen up against the oppressive dictators of Cuba, fighting for freedom and liberty, our people in Dominica sleep while their beds are burning, worshiping this corrupted boy Roosevelt Skerrit!

    Can one imagine that a medical doctor in Cuba works for less than US$40.00 per month?

    The dictators however have millions of dollars; Roosevelt is also rich; right?

    How many billions of dollars have to his name; does anyone know?

    Maybe I know but I doh talking eh!


    What is the minimum wage in Dominica?

    ADMIN: There are more than two. List of communist countries:

  8. Ibo France
    July 12, 2021

    Things are really tough and rough in Cuba exacerbated by the US5 embargo. The Cuban people are hurting badly mainly due to the scarcity of food, growing increase in covid-19 cases, high unemployment, etcetera.

    However, some of the protests are fueled by outside forces especially by the large Cuban expatriate community in Miami/Florida. The Miami Herald is no source of objectivity. Why does any credible news entity use it as their source of news is beyond me. Come on DNO use an impartial, credible source.

    ADMIN: We used various sources but the main source is, in fact, the Sun.

    In practice, impartiality means not favouring any one source as always true, automatically attributing the Herald as right or the Sun as wrong or vice versa for example. We present the facts as best we can and we allow the reader to make up their own mind.

    Interesting note about factual reporting and sources: whether or not you believe the Herald report containing footage of cops shooting civilians in Cuba, for example, it is still a fact that they reported it. Attributing them as the source allows the reader to come to a more informed understanding.

    • Pipo
      July 13, 2021

      Ibo, would the BBC meet with your satisfaction perhaps, or would you prefer Pravda. It is of course, always good to use more than one source, if only for comparison purposes to help to make up your own mind. I’m no different trust me. It Is tempting and human to focus on sources that reinforce one’s preferred view but also dangerous because it can easily cause one to turn into a blinkered horse.

      • Gary
        July 14, 2021

        This is not about using more than one source as you would want to think, it is about the individual to understand and be knowledgeable about geopolitics. Do you know how many riots that were held in Countries and cities around the world, including Western democratic Countries, as it pertains to the worsening situation during COVID, why should the Cuban Government be singled out.

  9. Clishy
    July 12, 2021

    And we have students studying in Cuba. I have a friend who is depress everyday because of the situation that’s in Cuba rite now. Alot of the students wanna come down but it’s too costly getting the tickets for round trip. They really need a little assistance.

    • Che
      July 14, 2021

      …and China. See my drift. Our young people get brainwashed in these places, nothing but.

  10. %
    July 12, 2021

    Conditions are ripe in corrupt Dominica for massive protest for myriad reasons including, but not restricted to Covid..
    No job for locals on major projects
    Why Choksi was brought to Dominica
    No stimulus packages
    Selective application of our laws to one set of people
    Non transparency of our CBI monies
    Rising cost of living
    High unemployment, etc, etc, …
    A failed judiciary
    A illdisciplined police force with too many goons
    A Prime Minister addicted to just telling blatant LIES, etc, etc, etc,

    • Gary
      July 14, 2021


  11. Wake up
    July 12, 2021

    Freedom is ringing out all over the world, and the blind and deaf here in Dominica want to embrace authoritarianism and put themselves against the people. Dominica is a democracy according to it’s constitution, but unless the people stand up for this constitution, this guarantee of human rights, we will one day find ourselves in protests such as this. Wake up Dominicans before it is too late!

    • Gary
      July 15, 2021

      Wow, is Dominica really embracing authoritarianism. What kind of mind would drive you to have such a belief and make such a statement. Do you know what it means to be governed by an authoritarian Government, as to the Constitution some people take it upon themselves to make their own interpretation resulting in a cult following. Why are you using your incompetent understanding of something and associating it to Dominicans, simply giving credence to your political partisan beliefs and an agenda you are following. You must not just say things to suit what you believe and ignore facts. Yes, you may not like the Government, that is okay, but to suggest that Dominica wants to embrace authoritarianism is somewhat ludicrous.

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