I have three women in my life and I need to choose one before I lose all. I know the typical Dominican mind will begin to bash me but it is quite normal to be dating three or four or even five women at the same time if you want.
I am looking for someone serious and I’ve decided to just date for the time being. Now I have shortlisted and ended up with three of them.
Theirs is this girl who is quite witty and adventurous. I like that side of her. She is definitely someone I’d like to be with. But there are downsides. She doesn’t know how to enjoy quiet moments. And when I tell her lets just lay down and be quiet, she yaps and doesn’t stop yapping.
Then there’s this girl that seems very submissive. I like her a lot because she doesn’t question my absenteeism, she won’t get angry if she sees me online and I don’t talk to her and she goes with my flow. But she’s a little boring.
And then there is this unruly woman who dominates me. In bed she is wild and she is like the man in the relationship. I like that side sometimes. However, it gets a little obsessive sometimes and it can make me feel very uneasy and harassed.
So, I have to make a choice because they have indicated, in some ways, that they are ready to be serious and all.
I want to choose but I don’t know which one to pick. Left up to me I would keep all of them but I was raised well and I am educated enough to know I can juggle these three women all the days of my life.
And I don’t want to hurt anyone either.
What should I do Bella? I have come here seeking sound advice. I hope I can depend on you.
Three’s Company
Hello three’s Company,
Don’t depend on me. Don’t ever do that. But addressing your concern, someone, or two people rather, will end up being hurt once you make your final decision.
While it’s fine to date a few people when it’s casual, at some point, if you want to take it to the next level, you’re going to have to choose. Admittedly, it will never be an easy decision.
Your decision on who your main stay will be should depend on you but let me assure you that choosing one doesn’t necessarily mean happily ever after. As you indicated all these women, like yourself, have flaws. Search your heart. Make sure you are not choosing based on your head but because you truly love this person.
Perhaps after thinking it over you may want to drop all three altogether. You may even realize that these women are not the problem and you are…who knows where your thoughts would lead you?
Nobody said love was easy or that it wouldn’t involve sacrifice and hurt feelings.
Just try and face the music.
Lin when last you check the stats.minimu wage in america is $7.25 .. u are sooo qrong get yojr info correctly. Your chart need updating. Them
People all $15.00 going u talking about $7.25
The adventurous one sounds good to me but u could teach her a few things. The thing is she’s excited to be with u I guess and want to tell u everything. Sounds like she loves keeping conversations and that’s good cause a good relationship starts with a good communication. Also in wanting to lay down quiet u can keep her busy make love show her some trick oh two. The one u said that is independent she will some day rule u 😂 oh embarras u when u least expect it 😂 just saying. Also the one who don’t question u lol she will surprise u with a man in ur bed. 😂 so my pick is the one who need work on the first girl. To have a good woman u have to build things in them the way u want them to be.
Some men are so terrified of independent women all they can think of is rule. Such cowardly insecure men! Now I see why he is into three losers and cant even make a choice. You and the three of them deserve each others, no substance.
The guy is telling a lie.Which normal man would be dating 3 women at the same time and post it on DNO?
Another IBO France,lazy,lying and confused.A country with 72,000 people and 37,000 vehicles can never be poor.And IBO Dominicans are comfortable working an 8 hour day.Unlike you who need 2 and 3 jobs to live in the USA.OFFICIALLY the minimum wage in the USA is $7.25.Nobody believe your BS about poverty.Our street people are on the street because they chose to do so.
Lie Clown, what rubbish! Do you believe that anyone deliberately embraces poverty for himself? Poverty is unimaginary suffering, being neglected and scorned, sleeping on the bare, cold concrete, excruciating hunger pains, et cetera.
Can you, Lie Clown, use your influence with your demigod, Roosevelt, to get the raw statistics as to how many thousands of resident Dominicans are living below the poverty line? Sadly, everyday more and more citizens are joining the ranks of the ever ballooning number of indigent native Dominicans.
Boy you having a laugh 😜 right now I’m 6000miles away at my holiday home in Spain that is something that guys like Ibo France, could never achieve in all his sad little life, and there you are posting such rubbish to Bella, well my advice to you is you are not responsible or ready yet so forget about women till you mature enough Ok!!!!
No judgement here. It seems like number two just doesn’t care too much about anything in life is just a go with the flow kinda person, number 3 will have you lossing your mind but it’s clear you enjoy the sex. Sex isn’t all tho if you are looking for something serious. You really don’t want someone biasing you around in public or embarrassing you. The first one might be afraid of her own inside voice and her thoughts so you can maybe help her to discover that part of herself. Try meditation together if you’re into that kind of thing. But the first seems like a winner to me. Yes hearts will be broken but I have always known is how you do it. Be gentle and be careful not everyone handles rejection well.
XOXO It’s ok to date.
my boy just lash.i wouldn’t advice you to even start a relationship with woman here.. fada it not easy to get a good woman in that country..most of them dosnt work .. have children and have no ambition… before you meet a young one they have 1 2 .3 children and is now they playing part serious and looking for good man after they go all over dominjca lashing man plugging for how much different man and their poom poom full of milage.. all where u pass in Dominica is single mother with baby fada drama.. my boy I would advice u to stay single until u get a serious woman..enjoy them ..if they doe good is not your responsibility to change them.. doe tie yourself my boy..
Dating multiple women at once is not okay and there will never be anything okay about. If a woman dates multiple men then society finds something wrong right? Get your head out of the gutter. If you were a ‘MAN’ then you wouldn’t have gotten yourself in such a childish position. Ladies, it’s okay to have standards and stop entertaining Dominican waste of time men. Let them say you fresh and have tricks but at the end of the day you won’t get caught up in such petty nonsense
You are a bomb and you want Bella to feel sorry for you I hope all get to know and leave you bomb
I´m very confused young man; do you have sex with women you are just dating? Do you understand the concept of dating? My advice to you is since you are having sex with all three women, why don´t you become a muslim then you can marry all three. This world has really gone crazy!!
De guy lying just like IBO,he doe have no woman.IBO posting BS about joblessness when you cannot even get a Dominican to work,they always say next week and they never come.IBO would not know,because it does it does not live in Dominica.
Good answer Bella. He think u have a tablet nah stupes. Some of them think they can just use women how they want. And women too need to close their clappers they just allowing men into their panties so easily. Sorry for these 3 women I hope they all seek God and also this man.
Dating three women is not the issue here. The issue I see is immaturity. Fellar you are not ready yet for serious relationship. First of all you do not know what relationship is about, just check what you describe about the different women, petty stuff. I see nothing here that tells me that you sir is ready. If what you mentioned is the main characteristics you see in your dates you need to first check yourself….grow up and come back. Bella throw the whole relationship away, him and the three women. None of all you ready.
I hope you told these ladies that you’re dating ehhhh. But go with your heart and think with your brain.
But his brain is in his downstairs oh lol
Big mistake to go with the heart. Go with the brain. Brains are designed to guide one to make good decisions. Hearts employ emotion.
you me him and her then
Dominica is overwhelmed with serious , perennial problems that are gravely impacting the lives of tens of thousands of citizens . Yet, you posting this trivial, frivolous, nonsensical topic..
DNO, are you having a slow news day? Here are some real issues that need your voice and influence: Unprecedented joblessness , Corruption at the highest level in government, Entrenched political division, Chinese ‘invasion’, Daily slippage of many locals below the poverty line, Small local businesses permanently disappearing, and man more life diminishing issues.
Yes, sometimes we need levity but the objectification and cheapening of our women is just not cool.
This is the right column for such topic. Read properly. You were not forced to open this topic, go back to your misery post and leave DNO alone. You are not the only reader here.
Licentious matters of this nature to titillate your warped mind. This specific topic is of little or no value. It’s persons of your calibre that have society in this widespread and intractable decadence. We often blame children and young adults for promiscuity and immoral behaviour. They had to get it from somewhere. It’s morally depraved characters like you.
You remind of this. In today’s world, talk the truth, do what is right then run.
Hey ibo whilst Dominica may be pregnant with issues ,sometimes it’s also refreshing to take a break from the usual politics.Its not everyday we want to hear how corrupt skerrit is.
IBO…you are starting to sound like a miserable crabby old man.
Lighten up.
Ibo, you are quick to call out DNO for the objectification of women here but you were guilty of doing the same with your recently posted Carlyn XP “eye candy” comment. Please be consistent. Your opinions are usually on point.