Dominica records its 15th homicide for 2022

Currowe Abraham 15th homicide victim for 2022

A 33-year-old Yam-Piece man, Currowe Abraham is the ill-fated victim of Dominica’s 15th homicide.

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF) is now investigating the shooting death of Abraham.

According to acting Inspector of Police, Fixton Henderson, on the evening of October 13, 2022 about  8:49 p.m, Abraham was sitting in the driver’s seat of a bus at the West Indies Oil fuel station in Rockaway,  Canefield, when he was shot multiple times.

“He was subsequently examined and pronounced dead by a medical doctor on the scene that same night,” Inspector Henderson reported.

The police officer expressed condolences to the family and friends of Abraham on behalf of the CDPF.

DNO also learned that the West Indies Oil fuel station where the incident occurred was closed to the general public for some time after the incident.

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  1. Lin clown
    October 17, 2022

    The police know the drug dealers and gangsters.Every police know “when rogues and vagabonds fall out just men shall have their reward”.The police do not make a gangster kill gangster priority.As for Melissa and snipers,she should navy seals,marines and rangers,to prevent what the crooked traitors did in Roseau,on February 7 2017 from happening again.

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 16, 2022

    When I was a kid one of my late sisters said to me quote, “all that glitters is not gold!”

    All he has around his neck, and fingers might appear to be gold, but in reality may not be gold; he would have to be a very foolish person to sport that amount of gold in the streets of Dominica where people rob, and plunder people in broad daylight.
    The price of an ounce of gold: (Grain/shot .9999) is valued approximately US$1,749.29.

    Assuming he had 20 oz of gold on his neck; if we multiply that is: $1,749.29 X 20 oz that would equal somewhere in the amount of US$34,985.80; or EC$93,823.08; so, if we weigh all we see on him it might weigh more than a pound; that guy would have to be crazy to be carrying perhaps more than a half of a million dollars at any one time on his body!

    Now the question is in a place as Dominica one must asks what’s his profession, that pays so much to afford all that gold?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 7
    • If we knew better
      October 18, 2022

      You sound stupid except for the pertinent question of what was his employment. a local bus driver. But yes a lot of people here wear gold plated/overlayed and fake gold jewelry. what he has on is not worth more than EC$100,000.

    • PMH
      October 22, 2022

      YOu seeing that is 20 oz. of gold on the fellar’s neck you nitwit?!?

      1. that is not even 150 grams of gold you …..
      2. That fancy math you did is for pure gold bullion 1 troy oz. that is as you say .999…This pure gold is not used to make jewelry as it is too soft therefore gold is mixed with other metals like silver and copper to strengthen hence you have different carats and grades with different levels of purity and hence difference in value. Information you do not know from simply watching a picture. Next time you want to do math padna go fort knox and help them count them gold bricks. Your calculations are irrelevant here.

  3. Maria Shillingford
    October 16, 2022

    This one was no good, just look at this image. It’s people like him that cause all these murders. I heard about him.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  4. Concerned citizen
    October 16, 2022

    This man destroyed alot of lives. Good riddance to bad rubbish! So many people cried because of him. He was a murderer and a rapist.

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  5. rolls jeanbaptiste
    October 15, 2022

    Remember what I wrote the last time,any Country that take anything from a Country that don’t believe in GOD can never see the light of Day, wait more too come.

  6. mine
    October 15, 2022

    wow! another murder, this is another reason gun smugglers should be harshly charged. This guy has more gold than Mr. T. A picture is worth a thousand words.Thou shall not kill but the person who did it had a motive

    • If we knew better
      October 18, 2022

      That was a complete insult to Mr. T. who wore authentic gold. As well as wore maybe 5 times more than this.

  7. Delivere us from Ahab & Jazeebel
    October 14, 2022

    It should be 16 at least if we include the man that was gunned down by police for that Ettienne girl that they lied to us about.
    What I see today in Dominica is a lot of blood shed to the point that murder is almost natural cause of death now.
    But folks, what do we expect in return when most of our church buildings today have some form of blood money or money from proceeds of crime either on the foundation, roof or even pastors getting their salary or part of their salary from blood money? Not only that but the Turkey and Ham they feeding all with is from blood money. In fact we have pastors as well as Christian couples depending on blood money to get their house or apartment? What do we expect when we have rejected the counsel of God and embrace the lies of an evil man? Now we crying but if we don’t deliver ourselves from this accursed thing I am feeling sorry for our children and grand children

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
  8. The old Prophet
    October 14, 2022

    The Bible does not lie you know. God’s word is still true even if our pastors and priests are trying to twist it . Ladies and gentlemen here is Gods word on it: Proverbs 29:2
    2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Is that not what we are doing now because of a wicked government? Here is another one
    34Godliness makes a nation great,
    but sin is a disgrace to any people. Proverbs 14:34 NIV. What we are plagued with today is leaders that behave as if adultery, rape, lying and stealing are signs of godliness and they preachers supporting that and even part of it. So what do we expect?
    When God made man he never gave him religion. But here is what he gave man

    “By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made “ NIV Gen 3:19

    When we have an economy based on Drug money, criminal money and handouts, what do we expect? Our pastors even part of it man

  9. Trouble I see
    October 14, 2022

    It would be interesting to see how many young Dominican men that have been murdered especially with guns since Melissa Skerrit told the world in 2019, that she and the labor party have snipers and navy seals and, she never apologized and the Skerrit army called police Never brought her in for questioning or let alone charge her for incitement. Who knows of tax payers money was not used to purchase these guns? We sure have a lot on our hands now. We still in October and already 15 murders more than one a month already?Gason look trouble I see coming our way

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      October 17, 2022

      “Melissa Skerrit told the world in 2019, that she and the labor party have snipers and navy seals.”
      There are lots of “fools” left in the world; just because some people hold positions over others don’t make them clever nor smart!

      Schools can only prepare people for their education in life; nevertheless, cannot make them smart! Melisa is a dunce; however, before it’s all over both she and Roosevelt might find themselves sitting in an American jail.

      Melisa is a bit of scum!
      “The United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) Teams, commonly known as Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy’s primary special operations force and a component of the Naval Special Warfare Command. Among the SEALs’ main functions are conducting small-unit special operation missions in maritime, jungle, urban, arctic, mountainous, and desert environments. SEALs are typically ordered to capture or to kill high level targets, or to gather intelligence behind enemy lines.”

      Note: A Seal Killed bin Laden!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        October 19, 2022

        So, I must conclude this: This low life uneducated woman spends some years in America, she did not have the commonsense to get an education; I suppose some people were more interested marrying some Mexican, or South American, perhaps Puerto Rican to obtain a green Card.

        She is so dumb; she went to Dominica and introduce a nontraditional Thanksgiving holiday to the clown following after Roosevelt.

        Then she contends that she and Government Roosevelt have “Navey Seals” in Dominica.
        How can Melisa, and Roosevelt Skerrit have Navy Seals in Dominica, when Dominica does not have Military Navey?

        As far as we know only the American military have a unit of Navey Seals!

        Milisa is impressing that Dominica is part of or a colony of the United States; in her shallow, and dumb mind that is what she perceives, she has absolutely no class, I would be embarrassed to be in the presence of one like her, never mind for a wife!

  10. Jonathan Y St Jean
    October 14, 2022

    This news is not good on so many fronts. It’s true that there is also a rising crime wave in many big cities in the USA this isn’t something that we should be emulating. The silence of the churches speaks volumes about what matters more to them these days. Recently the minister of national security had a message for those gangsters saying that he and the police know who they are, yet we have not seen any proactive mass action by the law enforcement community to send a strong message and rest control of the lawlessness. They are harassing peaceful walkers every Wednesday tho. Melissa bragged about her association with “navy seals and snipers” when Dominca doesn’t have an army so what role if any does she play in trying to put the lid on this thuggish episode of Dominica’s development? It’s time to put an end to the downward social slide in Dominca by the leaders stepping up and leading from the front not remaining silent whilst things deteriorate further.

  11. Ibo France
    October 14, 2022

    Just asking. Is any of these murderers belong to the army of snipers and Navy Seals Melissa crowed about having at her disposal?

    When you hold high public office you cannot go throwing around irresponsible, crowding pleasing statements.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 44 Thumb down 28
    • smh
      October 14, 2022

      Drugs man killing drugsman what that have to do with the prime minister wife?

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 18 Thumb down 34
      • Ibo France
        October 15, 2022

        It’s a possibility, no matter how farfetched it may seem that the gun used was obtained from the local clandestine army of snipers and navy seals. Dominica is a corrupt, lawless place where anything is possible. Corruption and the bizarre in Dominica under Roosevelt opaque stewardship knows no bounds.

      • If we knew better
        October 18, 2022

        Who do you think support them? Uses them to ensure they get voted back in? Melissa has literally adopted Zone Rouge in La Gore (la gare), Roseau. The PM makes it a point of duty to meet with those from Bath Estate from time to time. The one from Grandbay always in the Fin Center, he was prominent after Maria handing out government rations on behalf of the government with the help of his twett brother that building the hotel in lalay coco. We know of a few others. Thats what government has to do with it. in bed with these kinds of people.

  12. fingers
    October 14, 2022

    This is very disheartening with all that gun crimes happening in my country.
    Let’s face it, the law enforcement is slack, our laws are slack and to make matters worse, our judges are slack. When those thugs go before a judge or magistrate, they get leanancy or light sentences. This encourage them to so more crime.
    I truly think our legislators needs to revisite these gun and crime laws and put on place MINIMUM MADATORY sentences.
    **caught with an unlicensed firearm – mandatory 2 years prison.
    **attempted murder faith a firearm – mandatory minimum sentence – 15 years prison.
    **murder with a firearm – mandatory minimum 25 years prison.
    **smuggling firearms – mandatory minimum 5 years prison.
    Stabbing crimes set mandatory minimum sentence as well.
    It is high time to start cleaning up our country.
    I will go back North America eh….there have the same crime but at least you get to make good money….

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 2
  13. OpenEyes
    October 14, 2022

    Wow wow, allu want to kill and allu doh know allu will not die the same speed 👌😘😘😘😘😘

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 2
    • October 14, 2022

      surprise he last so long. je should have known his days numbered eh

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  14. OpenEyes
    October 14, 2022

    Wow wow wow it didnt take long👌😘

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 3
    • Ryan Voss
      October 14, 2022

      Careful what you rejoce about, bullets don’t ask excuse or turn to avoid unintended victims, you may well be an unintended victims of the violence you so openly praise.

  15. Roseau
    October 14, 2022

    Monkey see monkey do( All politicians have guns on their sides walking around the town) . Even if the crime is of a different nature , but a crime is a crime. Just look at this guy and tell me if he was to to any good!! Lets call a spade a spade. It is only then we will begin to fix the wrong in Dominica.
    So you mean to tell me the people around who cares, don’t know about these guys lifestyles?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 6
  16. Truth Be Told
    October 14, 2022

    It’s just a matter of time before innocent bystanders and the general public begin to get accidentally shot up in all these shootings under the Dishonourable Doctor Doctor .rime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 15
    • October 18, 2022

      You and the others like you are nothing but a..holes. That is all I have to say. You need a lot of prayers, man.

      • Robertson
        October 20, 2022

        The biggest and dirtiest of them all is YOU.

  17. Uplifter
    October 14, 2022

    Unfortunately the murder rate in our little piece of “Paradise” with a population of around 72,000 is sadly keeping pace with US cities like Atlanta, Chicago, Memphis, Newark and Oakland which have a much larger population base. The Wild West shoot ‘em up mentality is thriving on the Nature Isle for sure. Let us see how that works out for the fledgling tourism industry!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 2
    • Just sayin
      October 14, 2022

      I would put Texas instead of Atlanta…Do your homework.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 15
      • Toto
        October 15, 2022

        Do your homework indeed. Atlanta is a city and Texas an entire state. If you don’t know the difference try and go back to school bro.

      • Eyes Wide Open
        October 16, 2022

        Perhaps you missed the the reference to cities. Last I checked Texas is still a state!!! I guess the dog ate your homework.

      • Going In
        October 16, 2022

        Just sayin, a Cowpoke once told me that is better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. Please see your way to the invisible hat rack, grab the cap that fits and wear it!

  18. Truth Be Told
    October 14, 2022

    Melissa Poponne Skerrit, please get your gangsters under control. What can we expect when a nation elects people like you and Reginald Austrie as Parliamentary Representatives? A Government that teaches its citizens to hate, insult and boycott, what do you all expect? You all preach hatred, violence and embrace criminals, drug dealers, gun runners, people smugglers and then like hypocrites you all want to pretend to pray, bring down Gospel preachers and singers and somehow good will come out of it? Lawyers dating and hanging out with drug dealers for money. Ministers hanging out at known drug dealers restaurant. Minister boat caught smuggling Haitians in Portsmouth but no case call. Dominica, God is not a fool. Later will be greater! Plis tar plis twist!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 46 Thumb down 13
    • Truth.
      October 14, 2022

      What the flipping H…! Does the PM have to do with that. The young men have gone wild and still want to live the life if a THUG…check the appearance. WHO NEEDS 10 GOLD CHAIN what message is he sending. LETS say even If the opposition was in power the same would happen. MEN HEARTS HAVE GONE COLD. FOR THE love of material things. STOP that Crap blaming our PM…..they want to live the Gang life. WAKE UP the days are evil.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 15 Thumb down 35
      • elizabethlxavier
        October 14, 2022

        @Truth, I am also looking at the appearance of that young man, his style of dressing with all of those chains around his neck, his gesture in the photo, all of that is telling me that his murder was not a simple mischief. I agree with you.

        The killer did not have to do it, that too is cowardness, but there had to be some form of disputable connection, no doubt.

        I hope that one day some Dominicans will start thinking sensibly, and to stop blaming the Prime Minister and his Governing body, for every bad thing that is happening in our country, or everything which they disapprove of, on the whole. This is so unfair!

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 6
  19. Ibo France
    October 14, 2022

    Every life is sacred. The unnatural lost of the life of a human being should be emotionally harrowing. The entire community should be outraged at this brazen murder. Fifteen murders in one year with two months to go was unheard of in Dominica just yesterday. Where is the outrage from the whole of Dominica?

    We are becoming desensitized to murders, child sexual abuse, aggravated assaults and other serious crimes because of the frequency these are committed. We should express our collective outrage and contribute in any way to fight this scourge as crime affects us all. It doesn’t t discriminate.

    I must add this for it’s the unadulterated truth. When law enforcement is selective in who they arrest, and the DDP and our courts in who they prosecute, serius crimes will continue to bedevil Dominica.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 30 Thumb down 8
    • FACTS
      October 14, 2022

      Well said IBO. You writings are those of a wise man. We have not always agreed but since you are standing up for what is truth I stand anagree with you.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 2
    • October 18, 2022

      You talk all that nonsense, all that garbage, and then come back and say every life is sacred. Man, you make no sense. You are the problem not the solution. Do you think the UWP cabal would have turned Dominica into a UTOPIA if they were in power? Keep dreaming.

    • October 18, 2022

      You and the others like you are nothing but a..holes. That is all I have to say. You need a lot of prayers, man. You cannot control people’s mind. People do what the hell they want to do. And it is all over the world happening. You live by the gun, you die by the gun. Trinidad, Jamaica, St Lucia, Barbados, they are out there everyday killing one another like there is no tomorrow. What makes you think these other islands and countries are better than Dominica? Stop your hate on Skerrit. You are obsessed with Skerrit. Skerrit is here to stay for the good of mankind. Where I live, so far there has been 280 people killed. Senseless murders. People are scared to leave their homes at night. People are scared to walk on the streets at night. Do you blame Joe Biden for that? We live in a different world today. A world of chaos and destruction and backstabbing. Dominica is no exception to the rule.

  20. October 14, 2022

    Sorry to hear about his death. I think when you go around wearing so much jewelry you are asking for trouble even though everyone have the right to dress as they wish. But these days people are too crazy.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 1
  21. Jazey
    October 14, 2022

    “The shooter fled the scene” . Obviously! “The police are in search of the shooter”. Well we CERTAINLY hope so.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 31 Thumb down 0
    • Marty
      October 15, 2022

      Journalism a la Dominica! The same way press briefings by the CM, Ministers and the police are non existing in our country. Clever move really, because nobody can ask any embarrassing questions that way. Who said Dominica was a healthy and fully functioning democracy?? Whoever said it was a liar!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  22. concerned
    October 14, 2022

    Sad times!!! That’s all I can say.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 0
  23. Beta
    October 14, 2022

    But wait nuh what is that mista dere doing wiff his right hand nuh! They live by drugs and the gun and eventually they will all die by the gun. The questions remains who is responsible for the desperation of our youth and young man? However that person is, needs to be dragged before the courts for mass manslaughter and dispatched to Stockfarm for a very long time.

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    • October 18, 2022

      You are a sick chicken who needs to dumped at Stockfarm prison.

      • Marie
        October 20, 2022

        Hahahahaha!! Poor D ip S tick…

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          October 24, 2022

          You know that boy/girl loses every fight he picks; he is always end up holding the short end of the stick and yet can’t realize he is fighting a losing battle!

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