Photographer captured this shot while cooking a pot in his garden
Photo by RGS
Photographers – novice, amateur or professional – in Dominica are asked to submit photos, photographer credit and caption to [email protected] for consideration for the Photo of the Day feature, daily on
Submissions can be accompanied by a brief profile and contact information of the photographer. Submissions will be published in the order they were received.
Photos must be taken of Dominicans and things Dominican. Note that submissions advertising any form of business or business activity will not be published.
Dominica News Online also encourages the submission of a variety of photos, ranging from nature shots, people shots, weird shots, interesting human interest shots, and anything ‘newsy.
It looks good. Good appetite, enjoy.
yes this looks appetizing .
they could clean the area a bit wi.
Did you expect to see a clean countertop in the garden? It’s the bushes. You forgot your roots?
What’s wrong with you
Best tasting food when cooked on wood or charcoals.Also if there is a little river flowing by-Heaven on earth!
Yes, food to warm the soul.