Photo depicts an aerial view of Portsmouth, Dominica’s second town
Photo by Chad Ambo/Ambo Visuals
Click on image for larger view
Photographers – novice, amateur or professional – in Dominica are asked to submit photos, photographer credit and caption to [email protected] for consideration for the Photo of the Day feature, daily on
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Photos must be taken of Dominicans and things Dominican. Note that submissions advertising any form of business or business activity will not be published.
Dominica News Online also encourages the submission of a variety of photos, ranging from nature shots, people shots, weird shots, interesting human interest shots, and anything ‘newsy.
Beautiful photo.
how do you upload this pic to be a screen saver???@ DNO
right click, save image as…then you know the rest…think I will do the same.
My beautiful island. Love you Dominica
wow! is this the Indian river?
Good Location for the International Airport .
Lovely Dominica
Great shot, Chad! It’s absolutely beautiful…love it!
Possie People are too unambitious to have voted 1 political party for 50yrs. and see the state of the Town with so much potential for development, what a people!
A la Possie a la
Dont kill me please
so beautiful
love it
YES, Lovely pic
Best place for an international airport. The stretch from Glanvillia Bay to Indian River
sigh, please don’t ruin a good thing
yes i possie city