PHOTO OF THE DAY: The future

Photo depicts students from the Massacre Preschool participating in Career Day on Tuesday

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  1. love
    November 29, 2012

    oh how i love this pic especially divine the nun this is so unique hats off to u dane

  2. Otaku =3
    November 24, 2012

    some of us are to judgmental i cant believe grown adults can be so foolish illiterate have no class uneducated and bashfull to be giving negative comments about the kids. i cant believe we have so much time on our hands and so idle to say all those bad things bout the kids.we should be encouraging them rather than bringing them down. would u prefer them dress as prostitutes,hoes,drug dealers,or thieves?to the negative commenters i do hope that your kids hair are always well done along with yours,and to those who rudely try bringing down the nun,i do hope ur kids become respectable god fearing people and not a menace to society. we need to start thinking positive in order to make our world a better place for our kids.and to the HATERS………….stop the hating.hearts out to u Dane and Camillie. well done u have done great with your kids keep it up. brown sugar

  3. cam cam
    November 24, 2012

    Baby girl you look sweet ,keep it up

  4. simply blessed
    November 22, 2012

    All the children looked beautiful. They are just lovely. and i personally know the little num. that is the BEST AND MOST POSITIVE CAREER PATH. and Dane thumps up for thinking of it. Lead your child to God. Children nowadays are going to astray and i know you are a good mother and as long as you are alive, i expect nothing but the best from them. Once again Dane, thumps up.

  5. Anonymous
    November 22, 2012

    It is such a shame that some of the comments on this page are so negative, our children need to be reinforced with positive attitudes not negetive,I give a special cheer to all the children and the parents to having the courage to share with us their future dreams and desires, remember it is easier to judge others then to judge one self so before you judge look to what you are doing yourself

  6. hmmm
    November 22, 2012

    lovign this.

    glad that the parents dressed them up in positivity – nun, police woman, army officer and a lawyer. Instill in them from young and we’ll have a future generation of bright sucessful young men and women.

    I just love the little lawyer…i’m instilling in my little one the need for a career and a profession so i can understand and appreciate this pic

    LOVE IT… 10 times over

  7. Birdy1964
    November 22, 2012

    They looking so good. especially the judge and the nun. beautiful pictures taken.

  8. dominican canadian
    November 22, 2012

    cute like the lawyer

  9. Justice and Truth
    November 21, 2012

    The children are indeed the future; future adults. Little ones, you look cute and are dressed appropriately for your future career.
    A policewoman (?), a nun, lawyer/magistrate/ judge, army/armed force (or relevant career). All are important and useful in the eyes of God and in the world.
    They are learning quite young and teaching the youth and adults a good lesson. :) They are not like the children of yesteryear where children had to be seen and not heard. At that age we did not know what we wanted and never gave it a thought. Today, for their young age, they are far advanced.
    They have a long way to go and may change their minds. Nevertheless, it is a start to focus them on the future and a future career. They will remember it as they grow up. It is good encouragement for them.
    Proverbs 22:6 states: “Train the child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not swerve from it.”
    Good luck young ones! Your teacher is training and preparing you well for your future career. Those years fly. Make the most of it as you progress in your studies. God bless you!

  10. Otaku =3
    November 21, 2012

    Watashi no imoto wa doi shinai niso to, daremoga chodo orokadeatte mo, dekiru dake itsumo kawaīdesu =p(my little sister is cute as always even as a nun and anyone who disagrees is just stupid =p) and whatever she wants to be in the future will be her choice so stop bein soo childish and just support the future because honestly without it …this country is gonna suck ^^ :-|

  11. Anonymous
    November 21, 2012

    What the hell who wants to be a non,thats crazyness,child must change her carier,the parent must be crazy.

    but they all look good.

    mwah,mwah,beautiful.loveing it.

    • simply blessed
      November 22, 2012

      at is so crazy about being a nun. The person who poses theirself as “anonymouse” is so ridiculous. its a sad situation.

  12. m.s.c
    November 21, 2012

    My young soldier

  13. Captain obvious
    November 21, 2012

    haha who the hell wants to be a nun

    • Reporter
      November 21, 2012

      What’s run with that? The way women behaving them days; is better that route she taking

      • Justice and Truth
        November 21, 2012


        Excellent comment. They cannot go wrong by taking that route. If they keep it up, a bright and prosperous future awaits them.

  14. ???????
    November 21, 2012

    that beautiful!!!!!

  15. Don
    November 21, 2012

    nice i trully like what i am seeing , the kids look very smart and outgoing in their depicting reflection

  16. uncle
    November 21, 2012

    god bless your dream shosho

  17. ANON
    November 21, 2012

    Ishant(the judge) and the rest look really cute in those outfits and their nicely combed hair.

  18. Anonymous
    November 21, 2012

    This is good stuff. Our bright is indeed bright. I listened to the winner of the Courts Reading Contest read the DBS News yesterday and my heart swelled with pride and joy. Encourage them on the right path. Teach them while they are young….

  19. loitering
    November 21, 2012

    kameli, u know who loitering is.Laugh out loud.that is the one u bought the cake for. YOUR DAUGHTER, LOOKS BRILLIANT

  20. Aletha
    November 21, 2012

    Kameli, you little daughter looks very brilliant.

  21. mother
    November 21, 2012

    It is a very good idea so each child can work toward
    their goal,the children should also complement their learning by being obedient both at school and at home from now to when they grow up.

  22. Zicack Girl
    November 21, 2012

    it is not what is on top of the head you have to look at it’s what’s inside and how we can nuture to bring out the best. some of these folks are too superficial and ignorant, maybe they should be the ones returning to school to know better.

    • A little Chance
      November 21, 2012

      Very smart young group. I like the combination of professionals

  23. Mrs. George
    November 21, 2012

    Dane, Divine looks very cute and well poise in her nun outfit. i know you did put alot of effort into that career day.Do you really want her to be a nun

    • hmmm
      November 22, 2012

      honestly… what’s wrong with being a nun/ you guys drag the fun out of everythign…it’s jsut career day and she’s young and impressionable. If that’s what she wants to be – kudos to her, if it’s just an outfit, kudos to the mom for dressing her appropriately.

    • simply blessed
      November 22, 2012

      stupid question, Mrs. George. what is wrong in being a nun. at least you know she is safe serving her Lord instead of running like a hooligan.

  24. firefly
    November 21, 2012

    Awww! Very gorgeous children! Creative. It’s very good to see such young children having made career goals already. Lovely dreams. I hope they come true for all of you, xx

  25. awwwww
    November 21, 2012

    Plant the seed from now. They are too cute. Especially the future nun!

  26. Da2debone
    November 21, 2012

    Some people just dont know how to give a compliment. The kids are wonderful and their hair are nicely and neatly combed.

  27. ???????????
    November 21, 2012

    Must we always say something negative???? This is so cute.

  28. Anonymous
    November 21, 2012

    aa….this lille one wanna b a nun…not something we see/hear often..

    • November 21, 2012

      ikr 8-O

    • Reporter
      November 21, 2012

      Maybe more young boys and girls need to think this way. The life of today looks so dim for the younsters- is drugs and crime. If they start thinking “Christ like” Their future will sure be brighter

      • Justice and Truth
        November 21, 2012


  29. Anonymous
    November 21, 2012

    you all look so smart. Follow your dream

  30. Anonymous
    November 21, 2012

    That’s so cute the future difinatly looks bright

  31. interested citizen
    November 21, 2012

    This is reaaly cute and creative, I would have liked to see some other students showing what career they choose. Very nice

  32. Shucks_01
    November 21, 2012

    Cute but those childrens’ hair needs to be combed.

    • Whats the Matter
      November 21, 2012

      What hair that needs to be combed?

      • observer
        November 21, 2012

        I just cannot understand those negative Dominicans. Those children look so cute. What hair needs to be comb. When I comb my girls hair is for 1 week. Get a life!!!

    • ANON
      November 21, 2012

      That was very mean. I guess you comb yours three times daily.

      November 21, 2012


      • ANON
        November 21, 2012

        so true

      • Justice and Truth
        November 21, 2012

        That is the style these days and they are children. In time to come, as they grow up and prepare for a career, their hair may be combed differently.
        You know, I am an observant person. :) I did not even notice their hair. I noticed their cute faces and their outfits. This is what is important. Some people are too petty.

    • queen bee
      November 21, 2012

      Go and comb your first !!! Even kids all you attacking. Foolish Foolish Person.

      Shame on you

      • Reporter
        November 21, 2012

        Thought DNO was screening the Post but apparently not.

      November 21, 2012

      we should be seein those people that comment faces cuz i wud like to see the idiot that find is about them children hair you commenting dominicans just enjoy bringing down their own!!!

    • m@m
      November 21, 2012

      @shucks_01 u a an idiot for this comment go tidy up ur hair and self then come comment on these cute and adorable kids displaying their career.and kids u all a too cute to be true keep up the good works love love the judge and nun

    • simply blessed
      November 22, 2012

      the person that talked about hair needs comb. is an uneducated. illterate and ignorant person.

  33. Zicack Girl
    November 21, 2012

    So cute!

  34. In US. Soon come.
    November 21, 2012

    Excellent idea. Love it.

  35. daflower
    November 21, 2012

    looking good ishant

  36. True that
    November 21, 2012

    I love the young judge. I guess he wants to follow in the footsteps of his aunt!

  37. Cautious
    November 21, 2012

    We really need prayers for the country. i applaud the sister

  38. lisad
    November 21, 2012

    God bless the children. Nice pic

  39. Jackie Brown
    November 21, 2012

    Good thinking getting them ready for their career path.

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