PHOTO OF THE DAY: The high price of gas

According to the photographer $15.78 is the cheapest price of gas he has seen on the island. Prices are much higher at other gas stations. Photographer has decided not to reveal the location of this particular gas station.

Photo submitted anonymously


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  1. Roseau
    November 21, 2012

    DLP has the set the standard for mismanagement in the caribbean.
    How low can they go!!

    • Joe
      November 21, 2012

      Thats not you Roseau it is your brother, Mr. Inferiority Complex writing on here!!!

  2. lynn
    November 21, 2012

    the changes do not happen at all gas stations at the same time,the price changers go from station to station, so obviously when price changes,guess what all gas stations will never have the price change the same day.
    i know that info as a fact

    • Joe
      November 21, 2012

      They will have it the same day, not the same time true but the same day!!!

  3. budman
    November 21, 2012

    Petrocaribe was NEVER intended to lower the price of gas. do your research on the petrocaribe initiative and you will see.

  4. A big DLP Clown
    November 20, 2012

    Doh worry about that. Petro Caribe was supposed to cause decrease in fuel cost and electricity. We doh see the decrease yet, but we will see it one day. Even if is when we get grey hair, better must come with our Master and his ministers.

  5. Anonymous
    November 20, 2012

    Premium gas in Trinidad (same np) is less than 5 dollars tt a litre without subsidies, and they were crying….By the time it gets here its out of this world, however our prices are still lower than a lot of the other caribbean islands.

    • SiangUK
      November 21, 2012


      You forgot to do the math.

      $5 a litre, equates to $22.50 per Gallon.

      • Anonymous
        November 21, 2012

        Convert tt to e.c

  6. D A
    November 20, 2012

    There is no price control in the US,on that side of the road it is one price and on the other side it is defferent.From the time the barrel of oil is bought which is very cheap to the time it reaches the gas stations it would have passed through about four defferent processors and each has to make their profit and that’s the USA, so time it reaches DA I guess it would have gone through some more who also add in their profit so that’s my only explanation for the high price.

    • Joe
      November 21, 2012

      We don’t get gaslone from the States!!

  7. True that
    November 20, 2012

    Talking of gas prices, is it true that NP sells gas in imperial gallons and other gas stations sells in US gallons (thus making NP’s gas overall cheaper)?

  8. Anonymous
    November 20, 2012

    The gas station in the pic is NP sas station in Canefield….Check out the reflextion in the pic…I buy gas there everytime. The price all over is the same now, that pic was taken before the gas price went up. Its $15.91 a gallon now.

  9. i wonder
    November 20, 2012

    petro caribe! i wonder!

  10. DLP
    November 20, 2012

    You people have no other choise but to keep on talking while we continue to rule all you.
    Empty vessels make the most noise.
    You get what you vote for so be quiet.

  11. anon
    November 20, 2012

    you lucky devils . in the uk it is $26.14 per gallon!

  12. rescue 911
    November 20, 2012

    but if its cheaper why hide it ?

  13. smh
    November 20, 2012

    gas is 15.91 as of late

  14. Big Boy
    November 20, 2012

    All you just talking none sense the price of gas is $15.91 per gallon

  15. anoy
    November 20, 2012

    I am paying just about that price in Los Angeles

    • Really?
      November 20, 2012

      No, you’re not!!!!1

  16. Nac Vibes
    November 20, 2012

    So much for papa chavez cheap gas. i guess they have to recoup the money for Melville Hall.

  17. Mr. G
    November 20, 2012

    Aye that is really a lot of money for gas eh. I know international oil prices are rising but $15.78 is ridiculous

  18. grell
    November 20, 2012

    yet you all praise skerrit as god you people are so blind.suffer.

  19. one love peeps
    November 20, 2012

    haha, canefield NP fill station…. observed the top left of the photo.. thats how the roof looks like

    • Anonymous
      November 20, 2012

      you r so rite. said the same thing when i saw the steel frame at the top of the photo.

  20. Islander
    November 20, 2012

    Gas at EC$15.78 = US 5.84 in USA. Gas here was US$3.17 last night. seems to be rather high in poor Dominica, I wonder why Mr finance Minister

    • Dell
      November 20, 2012

      Its called economies of scale. When Dominica will buy a tanker of gas every week or every ther week America buys tankers by the minute. They will obviously get a better price than a smaller country. We cannot get around that. Though a $2.6 USD differenc seems high but if we have to look at the prices in the USVI who would enjoy some benefits being American and still have premium gas sold at almost $5 US per gallon I dont think that we in Dominica are doing too badly.

      • Dell
        November 20, 2012


      • RIDDLe
        November 20, 2012

        ok i buy your explanation, but what was all that talk about petro caribe and gas will be cheaper by the minister… do you have an explanation for that one

    • .
      November 20, 2012

      Do you Know that the cost of 1 gallon of gas in St. Lucia is over EC 16.00.

      • cha cha
        November 21, 2012

        Are you seriously going to compare St.Lucia to Dominica….at least they making the money to buy it high…same with antigua.

        Apples and oranges

  21. Joe
    November 20, 2012

    Which island he talking about? DNO you have a responsibility as a media house to correct that photographer because you ought to know that price of gasolene is controlled by government and the price set is across the board!

    All gas stations sell gasolene at $15.78, so it is misleading to say other gas stations are higher and DNO should tell him that!!!

    • Jayson
      November 20, 2012

      DNO doesn’t have to tell anybody jack!

    • Really?
      November 20, 2012

      That is NOT true. Up North it is much higher!!!!!!!! Believe me!

    • Big-Bannan
      November 20, 2012

      You are INCORRECT. Gas prices are much higher in rural areas.

      • Joe
        November 21, 2012

        Gasolene is the same price across the island boss, don’t confuse it with LPG, i cannot believe how dumb my people have become, what, well i never!!!
        Politics that doing that nah i wonder boy, wow!!!

        Am very very sad!!!

  22. sorry
    November 20, 2012

    come on not to reveal name we all who buy gas no where this is loloo :lol: :-D :)

  23. you go
    November 20, 2012


  24. YES I
    November 20, 2012

    That next level thing really work.thought petro carib was suppose to bring that down,why petro carib do not have a gas station keeping in mind the promise that was made,just thinking out louid.never me again read between the lines.

  25. yes
    November 20, 2012

    He aint hide it too well. I can still tell by the ____ that this is the gas station located near _________________ named _______________! :mrgreen:

  26. Similar
    November 20, 2012

    When I was home…I took a similar photo at the NP Gas Station near Breeze Mart –

  27. Anonymous
    November 20, 2012


  28. Anonymous
    November 20, 2012

    We need price control in the land

    • Joe
      November 20, 2012

      You do not live on the land do you? This commodity is controlled, that’s why i hate when media houses do this , i mean come on why mislead the public ah DNO?

      I mean why publish this misleading info… you suppose to be there to educate yet you carry this one as if to deliberately mislead…..This is very very bad on your part DNO at least, make a corrective statement…

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