Photographer captured this baby turtle after hatching at Rosalie Bay
Photo by Timothy Jones
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Photos must be taken of Dominicans and things Dominican. Note that submissions advertising any form of business or business activity will not be published.
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When U watch these sort of things happening, it is amassing to see,
and a human being taking all his good senses and tell me that their is not a CREATOR existing, JEHOVAH GOD is real and his son the LORD JESUS CHRIST the saviour of the world will make his second appearance soon, and this TIME it will not be as a baby in a manger but as a Judge for the quick and the dead,
Bless the lord oh my soul, and all that is within, bless and bless his holy name
Concerned Citizen: Thank you for this witness
The ungodly do not want to be reminded that HE is indeed the GREAT I AM
All of creation shows forth HIS reality, and HIS glory. Yes, HIS Son, HIS only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, will soon appear. The nail prints in His hands will be the same!
Why is it the mention of HIS name fills me with such joy and the reminder of HIS coming makes me want to shout
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.
Hello and good morning my people. Well I am coming to Dominica in two weeks and I will be spending a week in Laplaine and I hope I get to witness this. I was home earlier this year and they was building an embankment wall by the Rosalie River and the hotel I hope it’s completed.
But why was it a solo baby!!! This may indicate that persons are scooping the eggs and this could be a left over egg.
The ministry of agriculture should look into this, we need serious punishments for those caught.
otherwise there will soon be no more!!!