A call for more people to join the nursing profession

(Left) Shannon Seraphine, (upper right) Terrilia Ravaliere, (lower right) Sandra Daniel

Principal Nursing Officer in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services, Terrilia Ravaliere has encouraged more persons to join the nursing profession in order to improve the overall quality of nursing in Dominica. Her call came during a press conference held at the Boardroom of the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital(DCFH) on Monday.

This, she believes, will help to address the present shortage of nurses.

“We must increase the number of nurses to improve the overall quality of nursing in order to achieve our objectives of providing optimum nursing care services to the people of Dominica,” she said.

Ravaliere continued, “To the nurses, approximately 21 who have recently been successful in the regional examination for nurse registration, the nursing assistants who were also successful at the local general nursing council examination, and others, who are unemployed and qualified to work as a nurse, nationals as well as non-nationals we are in urgent need of your engagement.”

She added, “We are therefore requesting your prompt application to the nursing services through the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services.”

Ravaliere mentioned that it is critical that the nation work together to tackle the nursing shortage to breach the gap in Dominica.

“A well-educated, skilled, and evenly distributed nursing workforce is essential for establishing a strong healthcare system, addressing the health needs of the population, and effectively preparing for future challenges, such as disaster and pandemics,” Ravaliere urged.

Community Health Nurse, Shanon Seraphine commented that joining the nursing profession means not only acquiring a skill, but also becoming advocates for the welfare of others.

“Your voice matters greatly in the welfare landscape and as you progress in your career you will witness the profound impact that you can have on the lives you touch,” she stated. “Nurses extend far beyond the clinical setting. It positions you as a champion for the rights and health of those who serve, especially within your own community and country.”

Seraphine went on to state that despite the challenges faced in the nursing field it remains a profession that she would choose over and over again.

“To aspiring nurses, I encourage you to consider this noble profession,” she encouraged. “For those already in the field, seize the abundant opportunities available, look beyond the challenges, and recognize the countless lives you will positively influence daily.”

She promised that efforts in the field will not go unnoticed.

“Let us nurses continue to shine as a beacon of hope and the agent of positive change for a healthier and happier Dominica,” Seraphine stated.

Meanwhile, Acting Department Nurse at the DCFH Sister Sandra Daniel encourages new nurses to have no fear whenever they decide to be part of the nursing service.

“So as a new nurse, I would encourage you to really come into the system, don’t come with fear. You might come with a little fear, but you will be helped, and you will receive enough to make you a better nurse,” she encouraged.

“I appeal also to the males out there, nursing is not just for females, the majority is females, but we have some males and we applaud them…,” Sister Daniel stated. “But we [would] also like more male nurses to enter the nursing service.”

She added, “I appeal to you, those who are at college, at All Saints, enter nursing. If you are looking for a good career, enter nursing. It is not just for females, it is a good career.”

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  1. Marie Catherine
    June 23, 2024

    How can I apply?

  2. Ezinne Ahaneku
    June 21, 2024

    Nursing is a noble profession and if one does not have the passion to care selflessly for others,he/ she becomes frustrated which is exhibited in ones attitude.If you are called into the profession go into it and make your own contribution to move the profession to a maximum height.

  3. Anastasia
    June 21, 2024

    how can one join why every school increase the school fees that some people can not afford again 😭😭

    June 20, 2024

    where is dominical located my daughter has passion job for nursing,she ready to ready to train under your teaching hospial

  5. Tell
    June 20, 2024

    it’s a good professional, but some nurses of higher rank are rude, and unnecessaryly wicked, treats other nurse like trash, shout at them any how, I think something should be done about that first, before encouraging people to join the profession

  6. Uzoma Elem
    June 20, 2024

    People that are there what have you done for them? I’ve been out of job for 8months because I can’t find a befitting job. Why not make salary of Nurses in Nigeria fair from the lowest health care facilities so we can get good pay and build our career.

    • Moruf Adedapo
      June 21, 2024

      Selfishness and egocentrism are affecting our leaders and thus fashioned them not to look onto the side of Nurses when it comes to payment of salaries and renumerations. Nigerian government are the worst so far, for they don’t understand the gravity of their failure to provide good health to its citizens,neither do they appreciate the nurses for doing a good job.

  7. Ofodile Benedicta Chizoba
    June 20, 2024

    am interested how do i apply

  8. Tigist
    June 19, 2024

    interested, But am poor

  9. Sini
    June 19, 2024

    I am a nurse,I have RN license,but no job yet, can you help me

  10. Okeremeta success
    June 19, 2024

    I would love to be a part of the nurses but I don’t have money to further my education please help me

  11. Nkiruka ononye
    June 19, 2024

    I need the information for community nursing,to be assistant nurse

    • Sharan Benjamin
      June 23, 2024

      I am interested in this profession…however I contacted the state college recently for information they said that they do not know when they will have that training

  12. June 18, 2024

    As a foreign trained and registered Nurses with Bachelor of Nursing Sciences and Masters of Science in Nursing, how can we apply and is there a hope of being employed? . me and my wife and some friends want to apply, what are the requirements for eligibility to work as a Nurse in Dominica

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  13. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 18, 2024

    It seems to me in Dominica everything is different, so there may not even a need for properly trained nurses, the fact that one can talk this crap about join nursing profession, is like telling someone come tomorrow ans start working as a nurse.

    In the modern world we have different fields of nursing i.e. let’s review the term ” Nurse practitioners (NPs) simply as that seems these people are at a higher level than the average RN; they have advance training in patient care. As such they are capable of providing a full range of health care services.
    There duties include:
    . Patient care: that is examination of patients, performing physical assessments, and
    evaluating patients behavior
    . Diagnosis and treatment: Diagnosing and treating acute and chronic conditions,
    and developing treatment plans
    . Prescribing: Prescribing medications and treatments, such as therapies
    . Testing: Ordering performing, interpreting diagnostic tests as lab results, and X-

  14. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 18, 2024

    Every stupid comments has it place: but; in a situation like this: “A call for more people to join the nursing profession” that does not make any intellectual sense.

    In the first place one cannot simple join the nursing profession!

    There is no such thing as joining the nursing profession. One become a nurse after devoting themselves to going to school, collage or university, and major in health science; after acquiring the prerequisites they enter a nursing program; depending on the curriculum it could take up to four years.
    Note: in America one can become an RN in two years, nevertheless; hospitals prefer nurses with a bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN) which takes four years to complete!
    After that completion, the individual is still required to take the State exams: must pass it before a license can be issued for them to practice “work in a hospital, or actually in the nursing profession.”

  15. Labour power
    June 18, 2024

    You cannot get away from the fact that they are trained by the government of Dominica.I agree it should be mandatory to serve,but again you cannot take from them what they have learned.It is like raising a child with clothing,food,shelter and education,only for that child when successful to diappear,not knowing if the person who raised them is alive or dead.And the thing is they use an excuse to justify their ungreatful behavior.Typical UWP.

  16. Really
    June 18, 2024

    why join? and paid peanuts …bor da ma maw

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1
  17. Safe
    June 18, 2024

    It is all well and good to encourage persons to consider joining the nursing profession, but we need additional healthcare professionals, in other areas. Part of the problem is that, a comprehensive overhaul of our recruiting and education process, needs to be done.
    Try to identify individuals, within our school system, and guide them towards the profession. Scholarships should be prioritized for the specific necessary skilled positions, and those that have already received scholarships, it should be made mandatory that they return and serve our nation, and not should not be, business as usual.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  18. Ibo France
    June 18, 2024

    Nurses are the beating heart of our healthcare system. They are simply indispensable. When the doctors are napping nurses are working. These caretakers often go beyond the call of duty.

    Despite their selflessness and the personal sacrifices they render to our community, they are grossly underpaid, underappreciated, undermoneyed and underappreciated. Nurses live in subtle poverty in Dominica. If they are not paid for one month, many of these nation builders will have to beg to survive.

    Treat the nurses right, and there will be no shortage of ‘manpower’ in this noble profession.

    May God abundantly shower His blessings on our nurses always!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0

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