Blood donors recognized by Blood Bank at DCFH

Blood donors, medical practitioners and lab staff at ceremony on Friday

From the perspective of many medical practitioners and blood recipients, blood is life. In light of this, twenty-one blood donors were recognized on Friday at a ceremony organized by the National Blood Bank at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital. The recipients were each presented with certificates and tokens of appreciation for their selfless and voluntary gesture of donating blood on World Blood Donor Day.

Their invaluable donation assists patients who may face life-threatening illnesses or conditions, to live longer, better quality lives that require blood.

According to Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lynora Drigo, the blood donors are the backbone of this life-saving mission.

“It reminds us of the vital role that blood donors play in our healthcare system. The donors’ selfless donation ensures that safe blood is available for those in need, whether it is for emergency surgery, chronic conditions, or life-saving treatments. We recognize and celebrate the incredible contribution of blood donors around the world and especially in Dominica,” she said.

“To our esteemed donors, your generosity and compassion are truly inspiring. Each time you donate blood, you are not [only] giving a part of yourself, but you are giving life to someone. You are heroes who make the impossible possible for hospitals and clinics to provide essential care to patients in need. We extend gratitude to the health personnel, lab technicians, and other professionals and volunteers who work voluntarily to support the blood donation efforts. Your dedication ensures that the donation process is safe, efficient, and effective,” Dr. Drigo added.

The CMO emphasized the ongoing need for blood. She said,  “I encourage everyone to continue spreading awareness of the importance of blood and blood donation. I also encourage the public to join this noble cause and donate blood. Together, we can ensure sufficient and safe blood is always available and continue to save lives in Dominica.”

Meanwhile, the longest blood donor in Dominica who consistently donates blood to the National Blood Bank, Jno. Baptiste Laudat, expressed his gratitude for being recognized and appreciated as a blood donor. He began donating blood in 1983 and has made over fifty donations of blood to the National Blood Bank at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.

Mr. Laudat pointed out that some of the donations were made to friends and family, but also to individuals he doesn’t know. He encourages the public to come forward and donate blood which he says can help to save a life.

World Blood Donor Day began in 2004 and was celebrated this year, under the theme “20 Years of Celebrating Giving: Thank You Blood Donors!”

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