BREAKING NEWS: Shooting in Tarish Pit leaves one dead

One man is dead following a shooting incident in Tarish Pit last night.

Police sources told Dominica News Online (DNO) that the deceased is a resident of Shawford.

Details are sketchy at this time, however, DNO will provide more details in a later publication.

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  1. Labour power
    June 6, 2024

    The most important thing is the support of the public.I know for a fact the public have given information to the police of criminal matters.The police have never taken action and in some cases the police have sold out their informants.In order to succeed the police must the co-operation of the public.

  2. Ibo France
    June 5, 2024

    The borders are too porous. Too many illegal guns and ammunition are getting in island undetected. The relevant authorities should invest in fortifying the coastline and ports of entry to drastically reduce the illegal importation of these instruments of death.

    Very sophisticated CT tv equipment should be placed at strategic locations close to the coastline to monitor (24/7) incoming fishing and foreign vessels. Also, many more foot and mobile patrols in hotspot areas.Quick and decisive prosecutions of murderers and those found with illicit firearms.

    My sincerest condolences to the immediate and extended family members of the dearly departed.

    • Matt
      June 6, 2024

      You need to come home off n on and see how your idea$ can help.

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