Building coastal climate resilience top of agenda at upcoming gov’t workshop


Dominica coast

In collaboration with the United Nations Environment Project (UNEP), the Government of Dominica is set to host a national stakeholder workshop on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, with the primary objective of enhancing the climate resilience of communities and ecosystems in coastal regions. The workshop, scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., will take place at the Prevo Cinemall in Roseau and will feature keynote addresses from representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience, and Social Security, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Blue and Green Economy, and the United Nations Environment Project.

During the workshop, participants will engage in discussions focused on bolstering national and local adaptation planning processes, implementing measures for coastal protection, and enhancing private sector investments in climate adaptive practices to facilitate swift recovery from hurricane-related events. Additionally, conversations will revolve around strategies to enhance the utilization of climate information in decision-making within the finance and insurance sectors.

The workshop will mark the official commencement of the stakeholder consultation phase for the development of a Green Climate Fund (GCF) Funding Proposal for the project titled “Developing Climate Resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Dominica.” This initiative aims to pave the way for the execution of a comprehensive strategy aimed at mitigating damages caused by hurricanes and floods along the coastal zones of Dominica.

A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister specified, “The project responds to challenges posed to coastal communities by climate change including damage to infrastructure from terrestrial and coastal flooding and storm surges; and the impact of hurricanes on natural assets such as coral reefs resulting in the loss of livelihoods, including in the fisheries, agriculture, and tourism sectors.”

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  1. if we knew better
    June 14, 2024

    Start with the collapsing roads. Especially the one leading into Mahaut that been collapsing for years now. After tackle the one by backroad goodwill/bathestate. All those over hanging cliff on the coast in the south. Under the cliff canefield falling any time. Rubbish all you talking and using climate resilience just to access free money that is never properly utilized or utilized at all.

  2. Lucas
    June 12, 2024

    blah blah blah

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