Catholic Church mourns the loss of His Eminence Cardinal Kelvin Felix

Cardinal Felix (left) shares a word with the late Fr. Clement Jolly

His Eminence Cardinal Kelvin Felix passed away in Castries, St. Lucia, at 3 pm today leaving the the Catholic Church in deep mourning. He was 91.

Born on February 15, 1933, in Roseau, Dominica, Kelvin Edward Felix, OBE, SLMH, DAH, served as the Roman Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of Castries, St Lucia. His journey to priesthood began with his ordination on April 8, 1956. He left the West Indies in 1962 for St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, where he pursued a Diploma in Adult Education. He later earned a master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana in Sociology and Anthropology in 1967 and completed post-graduate studies in Sociology at the University of Bradford in England in 1970.

Felix was consecrated as the Archbishop on October 5, 1981, and served as the President of the Antilles Episcopal Conference from 1991 to 1997 and the Caribbean Conference of Churches from 1981 to 1986. He was also a member of the Roman Curia. As the Metropolitan of the Province of Castries, Archbishop Felix was responsible for 33 primary schools, two secondary schools, one girls’ vocational school, two homes for the elderly, one shelter for the homeless, and an orphanage for young children.

In 2006, Felix survived a knife attack at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries. As he approached his retirement age, Felix requested that the Vatican appoint a co-adjutor archbishop to ensure a smooth transition in the Archdiocese. On July 19, 2007, Bishop Robert Rivas of the Diocese of Kingstown was appointed Co-adjutor Archbishop of the Diocese of Castries.

Pope Francis made Felix a cardinal on February 22, 2014, for his service to the church. He is the Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria della Salute a Primavalle. The Archbishop was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws in 1986 from St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia, and was appointed an Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II in 1992. In 1999, he was awarded Dominica’s highest honour, the Dominica Award of Honour for Meritorious Service by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica. In 2002 he received the Medal of Honour (Gold) (SLMH) of the Order of St. Lucia for services to Religion from the Government of St. Lucia on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the country’s independence for having rendered eminent service of national importance to Saint Lucia.

His Eminence Kelvin Cardinal Felix’s contributions to the church and society will be remembered and cherished. His passing is a significant loss to the Catholic community and all who knew him. May his soul rest in peace.

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  1. Roland Mitchell
    June 16, 2024

    Father Felix as I have known him all my life was a local boy from Pottersville I believe. He was a good friend of my Aunt Mrs Agatha Robinson -nee Mitchell. Even though he rose high in the ranks of the catholic church, he remained humble.
    Like me, he was a product of the Dominica Grammar School. Education can take people far from their home. It is good on see a local boy set us such a good example.

  2. Catholic Member
    May 31, 2024

    Mr. Felix your memories will leave on. Condolences to his entire Family and Friends.

  3. Ingrid
    May 31, 2024

    May the angels welcome Cardinal Felix into heaven—He was kind, considerate and loving. Members of the congregation of St Benedict Nuns at Coubaril in St Lucia, where he stayed until his last breath, will miss him at Sunday Masses. Thanks to Mother Rosaria and the nuns who ensured his comfort.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0

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