Comprehensive Eco-Fit Youth Program introduced via 10 schools in Dominica

It is widely recognized that the younger generation holds the key to the future, a notion that gains even more significance in the context of the ongoing climate crisis. To address this pressing issue, Project CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative), in partnership with the Ashley Lashley Foundation, has announced the initiation of the Eco-Fit Youth Program in Dominica. This initiative is designed to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children aged 4 to 11, equipping them with knowledge about sustainable practices and instilling a sense of environmental responsibility.

The Eco-Fit Youth Program, which commenced at St. Luke’s Primary School on October 8, 2024, aims to engage local youth through a variety of interactive activities, workshops, and discussions. The program seeks to empower children to make informed decisions that benefit both their health and the environment. Plans are in place to extend the program to additional primary schools across Dominica.

Incorporating physical activities, the Eco-Fit Youth Program promotes overall wellness while encouraging students to adopt an active lifestyle. Participants will delve into essential topics such as the effects of climate change, the significance of biodiversity, and the importance of ocean conservation, alongside practical steps they can take to lead more sustainable lives. The program is led by Project CETI’s Dominican Marine Conservation Fellows, alumni, a fitness trainer, and locally appointed HEY Campaign Ambassadors, all of whom ensure that the curriculum is engaging and enjoyable for the children.

Environmental education is vital in preparing young individuals to confront the challenges posed by climate change. The Eco-Fit Youth Program aims to empower children to become advocates for their environment by teaching them the importance of the 5Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose, and refuse, and encouraging them to integrate these principles into their daily routines.

Previously, the Ashley Lashley Foundation successfully launched the Eco-Fit Youth Program in Barbados, where it educated thousands of children about healthy living and environmental stewardship. Over a three-month period, more than 6,000 students participated in discussions that connected health with environmental awareness, culminating in a grand finale that highlighted their learnings. By expanding the Eco-Fit Youth Program to Dominica and other Caribbean islands, the Foundation aspires to inspire children to appreciate both their health and their environment.

The relationship between individual actions and our impact on the planet is critical. The program organizers assert that by instilling these values from an early age, society can cultivate future generations that prioritize sustainability and community well-being. By focusing on healthy, eco-friendly practices and incorporating physical activity, there is potential to create a brighter, more sustainable future for children and the world they will inherit. The Eco-Fit Program is made possible through the support of the Ashley Lashley Foundation and its partners, including the Clara Lionel Foundation and UNICEF.

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