Delayed payment issue at Public Works Corporation resolved says general manager

Titus Francis

The General Manager of the Public Works Corporation (PWC), Titus Francis, has announced that the longstanding issue of delayed payment of wages and salaries to PWC employees has finally been resolved.

Francis revealed this latest development during an interview with State-Owned DBS Radio. He stated, “The situation is that our employees haven’t received payments or wages or salaries for 2 rounds of fortnightly pay and 1 month of monthly pay. But as I speak to you, the situation has been resolved.”

The delay in payments had been a cause for concern among PWC employees, leading to complaints and frustration on the part of the staff and the union representing the PWC workers. Speaking at the opening ceremony of a DPSU-paid workshop for PWC staff, General Secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU), Thomas Letang, expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the prolonged delays and stressed the urgency of addressing this issue.

Francis revealed in the DBS interview that the PWC has been working in the matter throughout this week, “and as of now, we can say the employees will get paid, unfortunately on Monday—not fortunately yet.”

Francis assured that measures have been put in place to prevent a recurrence of such delays. “We are working closely with the Ministry of Public Works and have proposed solutions to avoid similar situations in the near or distant future,” he said.

Over the years, PWC employees have staged protest actions on multiple occasions due to non-payment of salaries and wages. With the recent resolution, it remains to be seen whether this issue will finally be put to rest.

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  1. RastarMarn
    June 17, 2024

    Garçan REVOLT is a MUST!!!

  2. Ibo France
    June 17, 2024

    What is the cause of this longstanding problem of nonpayment to these fanancially most vulnerable public workers Titus Francis? You receive your fat salary every month without delay or interruption. Ministers of a month government have never missed one day when their monthly salaries and allowances are due.

    You know what, I refuse to empathise with these workers. Most of them deserve this treatment. They are the ones who campaign rigorously for this uniquely incompetent, dishonest, heartless, uncaring, self I enrichment autocracy.

    If these public workers want their fortune to change for the better, Vote Them

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
  3. Ibo France
    June 16, 2024

    The Roosevelt led regime is a deadbeat, broke dictatorship. it’s a Can’t oligarchy.
    -Can’t collect its garbage
    -Can’t pay public servants
    -Can’t keep promises
    -Can’t give an account for the missing billions of CBI funds
    -Can’t complete multi-million dollar projects

    The logical conclusion is this. We Can’t vote the back in government no matter how large the bribes.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3

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