The Dominica Police Force for the second year has donated to less fortunate families in Dominica.
In a press release, the force stated that its mandate is to serve and protect every citizen on this island. With the increase in reported crime, especially domestic violence, they stand by the theme of ensuring that each individual is safe and protected.
“With this in mind, the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force, for the second year, is giving back to the less fortunate nationwide,” the PR said.
“Officers around the country were allowed to donate in cash or kind to help needy families. We can proudly say that eight families will have a wonderful Easter.”
They thanked God for giving them health and strength and a job, the families for accepting their donations, the officers who contributed, and the committee who planned and executed the project.
“We look forward to collaborating with private companies and other government departments in the near future,” it stated.

Skerrit that gave those police officers money to do dat….
Good on the part of the Police . Keep that sort of community engagement going.
First they mistreat you then they give you a cheap present. They’ve learned from their master. It’s a well proven and established concept.
Good job police.Boycott Yankee got two awards in 2022 for best CID investigator and the guy is still a sergeant.All kinds of aholes,slack,lazy johnny come lately are wearing garbadine,Boycott Yankee should be an inspector or ASP of police.It is the same damn politics in the force that destroyed it.
Congratulation to the police.That is how community policing starts.The next step police should get involved in sports in their district.The police sports club should organize sporting matches against people in the different communities,like they did in the past.Bring back police week.
Every little counts. The effort is noteworthy and for sure appreciated by the recipients of this kind and thoughtful gesture.
Having said that, this does not absolve the CDPF of the killings and atrocities that they have committed under the colour of law.
There are cases before the court involving murder and attempted murder by police officers. These are taking an inordinate time to be tried and disposed of. Delayed justice is injustice.