Dominica State College launches innovative 4-week immersive summer camp

In a bid to offer a unique educational experience for the summer, the Dominica State College launched the A.C.T.S Summer Camp on Monday, June 17, 2024, at the Upper Campus in Stockfarm. A.C.T.S, which stands for Agriculture, Culture, Tourism, and Science, serves as the foundational pillars of the camp’s immersive learning environment. This strategic approach highlights the college’s dedication to fostering these crucial sectors, essential not only to Dominica’s economy but also to its vibrant cultural heritage and sustainable development objectives.

Scheduled to run over a 4-week-period, from July 15 to August 9, the A.C.T.S Summer Camp is tailored for two age groups: children aged 6 to 11 and those aged 12 to 15. Each week, Monday through Thursday, from 8 am to 5 pm, participants will partake in engaging activities and educational sessions centered around one of the camp’s core pillars. Fridays will feature field trip activities aligned with the focus pillar of the week.

The camp aims to bring in a diverse range of professionals from various fields to lead sessions. For example, cultural icon Derek “Rah” Peters will conduct drumming sessions, while the “Konmité pou Etid Kwéyòl” (KEK) will lead Creole language sessions. Other activities include basket weaving and cultural dance appreciation during the culture-focused week. Additionally, the camp will provide children with exposure to the college environment, allowing them to explore computer and science labs, the library, classrooms, and interact with college faculty and students.

As a culmination of the camp experience, children will have the opportunity to showcase the results of their experiments and activities to a broader audience. The A.C.T.S Summer Camp promises to be a transformative journey for young participants, offering a blend of education, fun, and hands-on learning in a supportive and enriching setting.

“The Dominica State College has engaged various partners in both the private and public sector for this new summer day camp initiative. JCI Dominica is a proud partner in this endeavor. Other sponsors and partners include Kalinago Barana Aute, Discover Dominica Authority, Jungle Bay Dominica, Agri Sales Ltd, Bloom Box, K.E.K, Stockfarm Bus Driver’s Association and Jolly’s Pharmacy.

To be a part of the A.C.T.S Summer Camp, parents can register on The Dominica State College also encourages persons to reach out via email to the camp’s organizing committee at [email protected] or 767-275-3667 to sponsor a deserving child to engage in this comprehensive summer experience,” said camp organizers via statement.

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1 Comment

  1. budman
    June 18, 2024

    you at the head table, someone is giving an address and you are on your phone.

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