Dominican woman charged with wounding following hotel fight in Antigua

Dominican Urbi Richards, has been formally charged with wounding following an altercation at a local hotel in Antigua and Barbuda.

The incident resulted in Ashley Barrett sustaining injuries, leading to legal action. According to reports, Urbi Richards appeared in the All Saints Magistrate’s Court yesterday to face charges of causing harm to Ashley Barrett during an incident at the resort last Sunday.

The confrontation reportedly began in the hotel’s kitchen when Ashley Barrett requested that another individual make space for her to access the freezer.

Allegedly, Urbi Richards then collided with Barrett, sparking a physical altercation.

During the scuffle, Barrett suffered injuries, including a bleeding wound to the left side of her forehead and a broken tooth, requiring medical attention and hospital treatment. Following the altercation, the accused, Richards, reportedly left the premises.

During the hearing, Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel granted bail to Richards in the amount of $6,000.

To secure her release, she was required to pay $1,500 in cash along with other stipulated conditions. Richards is scheduled to appear in court on September 17 for the next hearing.

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  1. Ibo France
    June 8, 2024

    Too many Dominicans travel to other places with their noxious attitude firmly intact. It’s as though the belligerence, aggression, intolerance, toxicity and all the vile traits of their ‘supreme leader’ have been permanently embedded in their psyche ( mind, soul and spirit).

    I fear for our children and the generation yet unborn. What a ‘fantastic’ world we are leaving for them. Seems like total destruction is the only solution (Bob Marley).

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
    • Pat
      June 14, 2024

      To early to take sides IBO it’s not Skeritt, get facts first. She may be in the right.

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