Dr. Damien Dublin appointed as new Chairman of DBS Board of Directors

Dr. Damien Dublin

Dr. Damien Dublin has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dominica Broadcasting Corporation (DBS Radio).

As a brand, DBS has been a household name serving the nation in multiple spheres for many years.

“When I decided to take the challenge to be the chairman of DBS Board, it was with a sense of pride and dignity knowing that DBS, the Nation’s Station which I have been listening to from youth, up to this present time has established itself over the years as [an] institution of learning, an institution where many have passed through, many have made their mark…,” he said during an interview with DBS Radio.

According to him, the role of the Board is very important in policy formulation, “for staff, management, for the general operation of the institution.”

Having the right parameters and providing accurate and reliable information is paramount in serving the public, says Dublin.

“You have to be responsible, promote decency and integrity in communicating such information, free of vulgarity and immorality,” he remarked.

While acknowledging that maintaining the access of nationals to DBS is a very important aspect to the Board, he noted, “We have to look at and ensure that all these are worked out.”,

“While people have access there is an aspect of responsibility of saying the right things at the right time and not opening the station to any libelous statement,” he specified.

Dr. Dublin mentioned that together with the other Board members he hopes to take the station to another level.

“So far, I have a group of dedicated members of the Board who have been th

ere for some time, so you have a sense of longevity, a history of the organization, and together we hope to take the station to another level, to ensure that staff morale remains as it should be,” he said.

He continued, “We are also probably looking at the area of cross-training where people of certain talents can learn to do other things, so at the end of the day you end up being a well-rounded person with various aspects of broadcasting.”

Dr. Dublin believes that training is an important aspect of the Board’s plans. He commended all the members of staff who have passed before, all the members of the Board of Directors, and various chairpersons among others.

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1 Comment

  1. Bwa-Banday
    June 13, 2024

    Congrats my boy. Yeah, we don’t see eye to eye politically but I have always said you have the capabilities and nationalistic attitude to make good decisions in the interest of nation building. Let’s hope you don’t repeat the mistakes of the past chairs by using this position as a weapon to stifle opposing views. I am watching you sir 8)

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