Dr Fontaine urges: Set grudges aside, embrace opportunity

Dr. Thomson Fontaine delivering the keynote address at Economic Summit

Political Leader of the United Workers Party (UWP) Dr. Thomson Fontaine is appealing to the public to set aside their personal grudges and leave the past behind.

He was presenting the keynote address during the Dominica Economic Revival Summit Awards Dinner ceremony under the theme: “Planning for Sustainable Development.”

“So, my appeal to you tonight is to set aside your own personal grudges…,” he appealed. “Let the past remain where it is, let us stop viewing our neighbour as our enemy, who has to be spoken about and whose name and character has to be destroyed.”

Dr. Fontaine continued, “Let us make our sweat, our toil, and our efforts count for something. Let’s stop the idle talk. Let us just do our thing.”

He added, “Let us work, let us plan.”

Dr. Fontaine believes that there is greatness in the ability to plan, think, and above all create opportunities and conditions for all persons to succeed in building a strong, vibrant economy.

Furthermore, he argued that for too long the party has seen Dominica slide painfully down the road of economic ruins.

“Lives have been disrupted, families have migrated in large numbers and our young people in particular continue to suffer,” Dr. Fontaine remarked.

He believes it is important to reflect on the thousands of Dominicans who have migrated overseas, living in the United States, Guadeloupe, St Maarten, and St Barts.

“It is important for us in the diaspora to build partnerships with us here in Dominica,” he stated. “And I’m not talking about the barrel economy, just sending support to your families.”

Dr. Fontaine stressed that Dominicans need to begin “building partnerships in business, partnerships that can provide resources to help build factories, source capital, to put our people to work.”

He continued, “I think it’s time that we move to that level.”

He is confident that if Dominicans come together in groups of  fives or tens and pull their resources together, “we can do a lot of things here in Dominica.”

“I believe it is time to push that focus, because our people here in Dominica, they are in fact hurting,” Dr.Fontaine remarked. “They have been going through some very difficult times here in Dominica.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Fontaine asserted that Dominica could feed the whole Caribbean.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Dominican can indeed feed the Caribbean and is truly the breadbasket of the Caribbean,” he noted.

Moreover, Dr. Fontaine mentioned that he sees the opportunity for advancement in the abundance of Dominica’s water resources as well .“I see opportunity in our herbs and spices, including Marijuana, Bay Oi, and other blends that are all unique to Dominica,” he asserted. “I see opportunities in our renewable energy sector  from those in the neighbouring French islands.”

He added, “And yes, I see opportunity in the young, bright people of this country who may appear to be wedged to their phones, but even in that there is opportunity, because the future of this world is in those gadgets that our young people are so fond of. And so, ours must be a journey to plan, to strategize, and to combine our efforts and resources to make the impossible possible.”

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  1. Ibo France
    June 8, 2024

    No one has benefited more from this summit more than Sam Raphael the owner of Jungle Bay. He has raked in tens of thousands from being the host venue. This such plant of the oppressive, corrupt government I perhaps the only real beneficiary of this summit. I wish someone to convince me otherwise.

    The poor man’s cup in Dominica is empty while a privileged person like Sam, his cup is full and running over. When will the poor man get a piece of the pie?

  2. Ibo France
    June 8, 2024

    Dr. Contains is more of a person of statistics and words than of action. I judge people by their deeds and not by their words.

    Can anyone pinpoint any concrete transformative action that Dr. Fontainebleau has taken other than taking to the airways to change the southward trajectory of the country other than TALK?

    Has he done anything to grow the support of the UWP? Has he done anything to awaken the lethargy of the electorate? Has he done anything to put a shadow cabinet of ministers in place? What has he done to reach the grassroots people? NADA!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  3. dissident
    June 7, 2024

    Fear is of de devil.
    De language Dr Thompson Fontaine uses is different from Skerrit.
    Imagine people being harassed by dlp to discourage them from participating in de first economic summit
    In Skerrit fogged head only Chinese and MMC matter to our economy.
    Chinese and MMC enjoying our CBI revenues.
    Not Dowasco, not Domlec, not NEP, Not Sports like World Cup Cricket, not an athletic stadium.
    One of these days CBI will be a painful memory………and Skerrit won’t find anything interesting in de PM position…….just like he gave up de Finance Minister position………….all you thought he would be there forerver eh………look it in all you face….play bind and dotish still!!

  4. MEME
    June 7, 2024

    The summit in itself is not bad, though i would have chosen another location. My question though is how many people this summit is reaching/touching / influencing..The ordinary young man and woman in my community still awaits doctor Fontaine and his crew to come talk and discuss local matters/issues with them.
    Those guys make politics so difficult, when in fact it’s very easy.

  5. Ibo France
    June 7, 2024

    Dr. Fontaine talk a good talk even though he is like NyQuill. Talk can only accomplish that much you need ACTION.

    What Dr. Fontaine and his team need to do is to go door to door selling his message of inclusion, unity, economic prosperity, jobs, financial stability and a tranquil Dominica where peace flourishes.

    Having a summit in ostentatious surroundings where only the moneyed can afford to attend, will only be much ado about nothing.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 9, 2024

      Fountain association with Sam, and his establishment will only cause the UWP to loose support from those who knows Sam history and the millions of dollars that went into his hands that are not honored to this day!
      The millions are still owed to the government treasury!
      There are lots of opportunities in the country, when they believe there’s a chance that a party will prevail on Election Day, they tend to lean towards the prospective.
      It’s about self, and what they hope to gain!
      In the event Thomson truly believes that an alliance with any labor party supports former or present, will unite the nation and people will reject Roosevelt; perhaps he might be a bit delusion!
      If there was any glimmer of hope of Thomson defeating Roosevelt in any election from here on, the dreamer dream is already shattered!

      • June 10, 2024

        Don’t you think that Fountain pen would do better being a talk show host than just keep running his mouth about nothing. Is that what you call Economic Forum? De man has said nothing to convince me that he is next in line. Maybe next-in-kin and not next in line. Who is the man with the biggest grudge but Fontaine. A Fountain of clean water is worth more than a Fontaine of contaminated water. What do you think, you creep from Wesley?

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 9, 2024

      So, where the word opportunities; is written, the intended word should be “opportunist.”

  6. Bwa-Banday
    June 7, 2024

    I am onboard with Dr. T whole heartedly as long as he does not loose sight of the fact that the SOS and DLP cabal must still go for us to grow. His style of leadership is what’s lacking in our country today. That’s a breath of fresh air and I hope the good folks of Grand Fond take note and send this man to parliament whenever the next election is called. Enough of this red shirt nonsense! Old-Face, Ivor and the others should fall in line and push this man through words and deeds.

    I can assure you that if Dr. T was the elected Grand Fond Constituency representative it would have been the flagship for a constituency that can transform itself while the rest of the country struggle under SOS. Time for Greta to make way for progress. She has failed her people miserably. LONG LIVE Dr. T! I can see Dominica’s success under the leadership of the good old doc.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 13 Thumb down 14
  7. Tt
    June 7, 2024

    I’m listening but I hope you have integrity and don’t switch sides. many of you guys have no spine and quickly jump ship leaving people to wonder what going on.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 5
  8. Mark
    June 7, 2024

    Great close Dr.Fontaine. Let’s hope Dominicans heed your call and respond to all the things mentioned in your close. A divided Dominica is not good for anyone so let’s start working together to build a better Dominica. We see a lot of criticism especially coming from folks in the diaspora but it’s time for these same folks to either “put up or shut up”, you’re either going to help with the development of the country or you’re not therefore pick what side of the fence you’re on. There are a lot of well to do folks out there who can do better and really should do better where investment opportunities are concerned so start putting your resources together, open some of the factories I always read about and help with the unemployment crisis in the homeland.
    Dr. Fontaine appears to be excited about all the possibilities out there for Dominica so let’s act on some of his suggestions. Let’s make the summit the success it was intended to be.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 9

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