Farmers encouraged to be vigilant during the 2024 hurricane season

Farmers across the seven agricultural regions in the Commonwealth of Dominica should have already completed preparations for the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season and should continue to remain vigilant throughout the season.

The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially commenced 1 June  to 30 November, 2024.

Information from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy, stated that the Ministry advocates to farmers continuously, especially prior to the onset of the Hurricane season to take a last look at their farms and their operations systems. With the training in Climate Smart Agriculture and Disaster Risk Mitigation methods which is paramount especially post Hurricane Maria destruction, farmers should be mindful of the following.

  • Farm sheds should be checked and ensure that necessary repairs are undertaken before and especially during the hurricane season. If it requires securing, steps should be taken to ensure that it is secure such as bolting down of windows and doors of sheds.
  • Tree branches should be trimmed as appropriate, gutters and drains should be cleared.
  • Prepare an emergency kit equipped with a battery-operated radio, torchlight, spare batteries and a first aid kit
  • Farm sheds double as storage units. Also, equipment, feed, pesticides, and documentation, Produce Sellers License (farmers ID), should be secured and kept safe.
  • Farmers should have a plan in the event of an announcement of any systems from a wave, watch or a hurricane by the Met Office or the Office of Disaster Management (ODM). This will assist with easy activation of on farm preventative and protective measures.
  • Fishers are encouraged to ensure that their vessels, engines and gear are able to be stored safely during the passage of a storm or a hurricane.

Farmers want to ensure that after the passage of any system that the farm is till able to bounce back and continue to operate.

The Ministry advises that although the Hurricane Season preparations are an annual exercise and can be demanding, farmers and fishers should help protect their livelihoods as this is what sustains them and provides food for the consumers of Dominica.

Last year, the ministry assisted farmers and fishers with relevant information and avenues for assistance and collaboration between various Government Ministries takes place with the sharing of resources, especially heavy equipment.

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