Fine Foods Inc makes donation to National Blood Bank

The National Blood Bank at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital received a thoughtful donation from Fine Foods Inc. on World Blood Donor Day. The Blood Bank was gifted cases of Giant Malt, which will be provided to individuals who donate blood. These donated products are intended to help replenish and revitalize the blood donors after their contributions to the Blood Bank.

Sabrina Royer, the E-commerce and Marketing Coordinator at Fine Foods Inc., commended the twenty-one individuals who have been recognized for their voluntary and consistent blood donations to the National Blood Bank over the years. She expressed her personal appreciation for all blood donors, considering it a selfless and admirable act. Royer emphasized the significance of Fine Foods Inc.’s commitment to corporate responsibility, particularly in contributing to the well-being of the country and its citizens.

Royer highlighted the impact that blood donors have, not only providing the gift of life to those in need but also offering hope and strength to numerous grateful families. She praised the donors as true heroes and expressed Fine Foods Inc.’s delight in recognizing their selfless contributions. Royer mentioned that Fine Foods Inc. made five promises at the end of 2023, one of which was to uphold its corporate responsibility in supporting the community.

Eric Carbon, the Laboratory Superintendent at the National Laboratory of the Dominica China Friendship Hospital, expressed gratitude to Fine Foods Inc. for their donation of malt supplies to the Blood Bank. Carbon described the donation as timely and essential, providing refreshments to the blood donors who consistently and selflessly contribute to the cause.

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1 Comment

  1. Just Asking
    June 18, 2024

    Can find foods donate to level the TV in the background?

    If not can admin post a go fundme link? We must correct.

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