Head football coach revisits hostility of Guatemalan crowd

Ellington Sabin

Head Coach of the Dominica Senior Men’s National Football Team, Ellington Sabin has expressed disappointment as it relates to the hostile treatment the team received in Guatemala when it faced the Guatemala team in the FIFA Concacaf World Cup Qualifiers on the night of June 5, 2024.

His comments came during an interview with SportsMax recently.

Media officer at the Dominica Football Association (DFA), Garvin Richards who accompanied the team to Guatemala for the match, said it was something he didn’t want to experience again.

He said the hostile environment they were greeted with on the streets outside the stadium alone was an experience he didn’t ever want to experience again.

“The Guatemala fans are very passionate about their team, but I think some of the statements that were made were really derogatory and I really don’t think that was something that should have shown its ugly head in the game,” Sabin argued.

He continued, “ The crowds and the statements may have really impacted the team negatively, because while we know football is really played with your feet, but if your mind is not settled and you receive those kinds of statements, most of the guys for their first time, obviously will impact their performance on the field.”

Furthermore, he argued that these statements and actions should not be tolerated in football.

“I really didn’t see the need for those kinds of statements,” Sabin remarked. “I am sure if the Dominica-Jamaica game was played in Jamaica we will not be received by these hostile crowds.”

He added, “I really don’t think that fans need to bring it to a point where it has to reach those kinds of levels.”

He pointed out that Guatemala is a far superior team to Dominica and it has been around the football arena for a while, likewise Jamaica.

“So you should not fear teams like Dominica, that’s still developing in football, so I am really not sure why they would choose to use those kinds of things,” he argued. “Firebombs were thrown at the bus. The bus was rocked while we were coming.”

In the game against Guatemala, Dominica suffered a major defeat, with the final score standing at 6-0.

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  1. Whoa Nelly
    June 17, 2024

    Where have the complainants here been? Had the Dominican national team been able to climb higher in the FIFA rankings, they would been exposed to hostile away playing conditions long ago as their Caribbean CONCACAF partners Trinidad, Jamaica and Haiti can attest to.

    Atrocious and despicable behaviour is not unique to Guatemala but is a commonplace in many FIFA member countries both at the national and club levels. FIFA’s only two sensible options is to play in an empty stadium or at a neutral venue. I am in support of any action that is taken to ensure the dignity and protection of the visiting players and the integrity of the game.

  2. Edmund Dantes
    June 17, 2024

    You need to get out more and see the world! The fact that the whole team didn’t even have a proper Visa to enter the country one day before the match and were asking help literally from everyone. Asking Guate federation to intercede with the country’s immigration office for them, asking CONCACAF to send a private plane for them since they had missed their charter due to not being properly prepared with VISAS. And now complaining about ridiculous things that literally happen in EVERY single Latin country. I mean c’mon! Do you not believe that these things also impacted your players before the match? How cynical! The fact that one day before the match half of the team was still stranded rushing to get to Guate not sure if the team would actually play and being soooo close of conceding the match by default, tells you everything you need to know about this team and how “prepared” they were for this match and everything that it entitles, the rowdy crowd included.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  3. Joey Lloyd
    June 15, 2024

    Can an official complaint be filed with FIFA/ CONCACAF?

  4. Eagle-Eyed
    June 15, 2024

    I hope there was a complaint made to FIFA and the Guatemalan team get punished or thrown out of the tournament for their supporters’ behavior. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated in this modern game. If England, German, French, Spanish or any of the big name teams experience this kind of behaviour by supporters of an opposing team, there would be consequences. So why should little Dominica just take it without redress?

  5. Pulbwa
    June 15, 2024

    welcome to big man ting. All other teams go there and receive the same reception and that’s football in these part of the world.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  6. Anon B True
    June 15, 2024

    Grow up

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 8
    • smh
      June 15, 2024

      really? Firebombs were thrown at their bus. If anything they should be purusing legal action. But then again this is the kind of behavior you can expect from latin americans especially when it comes to football which is one of the few things they are good at. And yet somehow there are people who think it is a good idea to flood the United States with millions of these people

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3
    • Joey Lloyd
      June 15, 2024

      You support the hooliganism that was meted out to the Dominica team? Firebombs?

  7. Wolf
    June 14, 2024

    crocodile tears…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 5
    • Time for change
      June 15, 2024

      Get use to it.

  8. Queenero
    June 14, 2024

    Coach Sabin I am disappointed in both you and the Captain. You all should not allow our footballers to play that match with their lives being at risk like this. If our guys were allowed to just stand on the field in their corner and not play, this would be a strong message to FIFA/CONCACAF. Guatemala team should be banned for no less than 2 years.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 10
    • Pulbwa
      June 15, 2024

      pure garbage 🗑️

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