LIVE Now: Dominica Economic Revival Summit 2024

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  1. james
    June 6, 2024

    It’s a total disgrace that not one member of the incompetent DLP administration is in attendance at this historic Dominica Revival Economic Summit…!!!

    • Mark
      June 7, 2024

      James, James, James. Why would the government attend a UWP sponsored event? Come on fella. They can always get a script of what took place at the summit so why the need to appear in person, to give folks like you stuff to talk/write about? Had the event been non partisan, if there is really such a thing, I would understand your argument but attending a UWP event, doesn’t make any sense and you should know that’s how the game is played. If you don’t, you really don’t understand politics.

  2. JustSaying
    June 5, 2024

    Thanks Dr. Fontaine. Finally the leadership I’ve waiting for from the UWP.

    Present you and the party as a viable alternative to the present. Captivate the imagination of the people of Dominica with the possibilities under your leadership.

    Trust me once you get and hold the attention of the electorate, there is no amount of campaign spending that can save the incumbent.

    Ask Keith Mitchell in Grenada. He lost an election after winning all the seats in the two previous elections. Why? Because a young Dickon Mitchell came and captivated the Grenadian electorate.

    I love the new vibes. And I know the PM is concerned.

    And dont be scared to tell Linton to let you do the talking. He needs to take a back seat. He is the reason why Skeritt is about to become a grandfather in office. After getting in barely out of his teenage years.

    • Mark
      June 7, 2024

      You are absolutely correct in suggesting Mr. Linton take a back seat in order to show party unity. I have raised the question of perceived leadership before since both men appear to be the point person at different times, on different issues. I know it’s a hard pill for Mr. Linton to swallow after working so hard for the party only to loose his leadership position in the end but he needs to do the right thing for the party’s sake and let Dr. Fontaine do the talking on behalf of the UWP. The continuation of both men speaking as leader of the party is not beneficial and only leaves the impression that there might be some “infighting” within the party.

  3. Mark
    June 5, 2024

    Great to see so many persons participating in the Revival Summit. The million dollar question is, what happens when the summit is over? Is there a plan in place to build on the items discussed at the summit or do we all go back to business as usual? Too many times we simply leave the items discussed on the table with absolutely no follow up on the important topics discussed. Time will tell whether this is the case with this summit.

    • Bwa-Banday
      June 6, 2024

      Great question but the answer lies with the current policy makers….the SOS and his cabal. Thompson and the UWP/ ERC has handed them a gift by sewing the seeds, so, watering and nurturing these seeds through fruition is left to them. Yes the purse holders! Sadly, it appears that they had no interest in such a great, historic and unparalled activity. Matter of fact, rumours have it they cautioned all and sundry to avoid the venue and environs until the summit is over. Sad, sad, sad indeed! Go Dr. T, we are all in your corner.

      Now, if only you and the UWP/ ERC can organize non-stop protests actions as effective as this, I can hear the clock ticking…..tock tok, tick, tok! :twisted:

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