Police sources have confirmed to Dominica News Online (DNO) that 31 year-old Keyan Alexander is dead.
Alexander, who adbucted 12-year-old Kernisha Etienne over a week ago, succumbed to a gun shot wound earlier today.
A member of staff at the Lyndhurst Funeral Home told DNO that the body of Alexander was brought in at about 3:30 p.m.
Police have also informed DNO that the 12 year old girl has not been found.
I support the police in every possible ways: the trouble with ugly Lenny, when he frat with his mouth if stinks like hell and then contaminated Most of his blue monkeys.
DNO, I have to call you out for your shady journalism. You have learnt the dirty tricks/game of journalism from popular news sites like the New York Times and has disregarded their investigative strengths.
Keyan Alexander was a living being with severe mental issues. He got minimal help from the relevant public authorities. Look at the the photo you have displayed of him. One of an angry, disturbed person. Deliberately so, for I have seen photos of him in better times.
Your intentions appear to be to paint him in such a way that the public will pour scorn and hatred on him, a sick individual at that. By doing this you are contributing to the decadence, and lack of empathy in the society.
What you should be doing is to do a thorough investigative report surrounding the nebulous, and suspicious circumstances surrounding his death at the hands of the Death Squad. The country needs the truth.
I don’t comment much on here anymore because I’m sick of DNO constantly editing & censoring what I wrote, but I’m just commenting to say that every time I see you comment, I completely agree with what you said. You think just like me & I like it lol, so I guess I don’t need to comment anymore anyway since you always write what I’m always thinking but in a better a better way. But yes, DNO definitely uses shady journalism, I’ve called them out on that before. Also, the system failed Keyan & everybody else with mental health problems. This country needs better education on the subject. I only found out as a teen that I have a mentally ill cousin just I never met before until then because their parents keep them hiding away in a room in their house 24/7 & hides them from society. When I found out about that, it got me mad & I had to give my relatives a piece of my mind. The sad thing is, I know for a facts there’s many others just like them. R.I.P. Keyan
One example I can think of – I can’t remember the exact story but do you remember that article of that mentally ill child that was locked away in a shed (I think) all day & there was poo everywhere and they even had to eat their own poo? I might be misremembering the article but it was something along those lines, this happened years ago. But the point I’m making is, in this county, instead of parents seeking help for their mentally ill child, or disabled child, or any other problem, they instead just lock them away & hide them from society, including their own family. And that’s so wrong. Dominica is so backwards & it genuinely makes me sick. What makes it worse is so many people have that mindset & grow up thinking it’s the norm, when it really isn’t. R.I.P. keyan, he was murdered in cold blood & justice needs to be served
Yep, hunted down like a cochon mawon, shot like a pig and delivered to the slab llike a trussed turkey at the funeral parlour with no delay and without inquest or coroner report. Is the message here that this mentally disturbed being was not considered human by those in charge and only fit as a target for bloodsport. Come on Michael Coipel, I waiting to hear from you or is it business first as usual and sanctimonious mumbo jumbo about professional discretion and respect for the dead second. Who paying for your services, knowing this poor creature didn’t have two beans to rub together. Come on Michael you normally so vocal trying to sneak in some free airtime with Matt.
These over educated UWP AHOLES read what they want to read.Keyan Alexander told police about the possible whereabout of the missing 12 year old.POSSIBLE,that mean he is not sure where the child is.As soon as I got that information,I would have executed him.Keyan informstion to police abour the whereabout of the missing child was a lie,because up to this day the child cannot be found.For all those UWP Phd’s he did tell the police where he THINK the child was.If Keyan is a certified madman,he can be charged arrested and convicted,but he cannot be sent to jail.He has to be sent to a mental institution,just like the institution IBO France is in.Now is the time for those waste of time boots on the ground to put boots on the ground.Lazy UWP.
@Lin clown, the chaotic cabal just showed how incompetent it is. They got their chance to capture Keyan, the only person who could lead searchers to the child and having shot him gave him mediocre attention rather than trying their utmost to keep him alive. Now where is the child and what is her condition? There should have been body worn cameras by the police so that we could see what actually happened in the interaction with the sick man. You’ve expressed your love for what obtains in rogue countries, saying that you would have killed him on the spot. Shame on all who advocate for lawlessness. Patriots will ensure that Dominca will not descend into your dark path for her where the rule of law is not sacrosanct. Long live the constitution and the rule of law.
Wow … These fools killed the one person who know what happened to the girl. Great Job Morons!! The shooter should be fired for such poor judgement.
Ugly Lenny, and his blue monkeys talking crap as usual a man with a screw loose in his head coming at you with a sharp weapon what would you say? Hi bro nice to see you my a** am telling you l would waste no time he would not see another day light again!!!
YUP! and neither will the child, cause three days now no one knows where she is. But good job killing him instead of…using a taser on him, or a rubber bullet.
@ Dog Abuser
You are incapable of handling a weapon that the police use. Remember in the British Military Forces you scrubbed floors, washed pots and clean toilets.
You timid church mouse,! Your bark is far worse than your bite. You are as bad as a toothless, old, infirm poodle.
Joshua Ettiene (2014) dies in police custody (Portsmouth police station) – No Inquiry.
Kerwin Prosper (2021) dies in police custody (Police Headquarters) – No Inquiry.
You think Keyan Alexander (2022) dies at the hands of the police (IN THE FOREST) it’s inquiry allu will get? Wait still…!
Iike it or not Ugly Lenny, and your big blue monkeys mouth talking rubbish the police did all the right things by shooting that madman down before he had a chance to kill one of our special police officers, job executed well don like any British commander would have said. l wish i was a younger man today to teach the young officers some jungle and urban technical support which I have learned with the mighty British Regiment.
Dogs You cant even write a proper sentence much less teach anyone anything.
Dog Biter, you have never held even a baton. No Army would put you with the regular guys. You are not functionally literate, cannot follow simple instructions and directions. It is said that no man is perfect but you are very much a perfect idiot. Each comment you sent with your name is perfect nonsense. There is no application of common sense. You and your ghost writer (your perfect half) are two peas in the same pod.
Having said that, I know we all knows ugly Lenny, and his lollypops do not like law and order because their so-called organisation were formed by criminals law breakers today the fruits is bearing with idiots.
Don’t get me wrong. This guy, if proven guilty, deserved everything coming to him. Having said that, it just adds another mysterious death to a long list of people that found themselves in the custody of the militia. Again, as many times before, I do smell a rat. The militia and Skerrit need to explain these mysterious death. Something just doesn’t sit right. Furthermore, where is the girl??
Ever heard of taser, pepperspray, or police dogs?
Today, Dominicans are not in a happy place. Murders, homicides, kidnappings, abductions, corruption, joblessness, bankruptcy, injustice, deprivation, dispossession, discrimination, victimization, drug addiction, sexual molestation of minors, political division, nepotism, cronyism, and this vile list could extend into eternity.
Changes are needed expeditiously. Here are just a few:
*Change in the mindset, attitude & behaviour of the masses – from dependency to independence (work for what you need; stop depending on handouts)
*Change the direction of governance from political exclusion to inclusion.
*Change ( the electors) from being politically ignorant to becoming politically well-informed
*Change the disastrous, dishonest, disreputable incumbent regime governing style to one that is honourable, participatory, fair and caring.
People don’t buy BAD brother. Bad is not a commodity that is sold that some people can buy and others can’t. That’s how most BAD guys/ men/people end up! May your soul be at rest now and ready to answer questions before the Lord. Condolences to those you leave to mourn.
There was no need to kill him and if he gave clues as to the whereabouts of the 12 yr old they should have let him take them to where she is. I don’t buy their story because the police have a reputation of colluding with corrupt politicians.
Well last week we heard Peter prosper saying on a radio station that Skerrit embraces as his national station that those young girls are looking good for sex at 12, 13,14. So I am now wondering if one or more of those government supporting thugs didn’t abuse the child and Keyan Alexander got to know so killing him was the best way of keeping it out. Sorry I don’t trust these corrupt politicians and police that working as one to cover each other’s crime
Always you send me back with “I already write this and that ….
Not even true and it is not the case as i am not against one or others parts. So if you are indipendent do your job well!?!?! Clear?!?!?!
DNO….was the gun shot self-inflicted or was he shot by the police? That bit of information should have been part of the breaking news story.
Sad the Child is out there still..it’s heart breaking
So at 2: 31 Keyan Alexzader was captured by the police without the missing 12 year old . By 3:39 police confirmed that he died from a gunshot wound still without the missing child..
Boy do we have to suspect a blood sacrifice and the police had to get rid of the evidence?
Baelzebob just celebrated a big birthday and no doubt he is knows how to sacrifice blood on the altar. I just feel Beelzebub was all into that
Despite the person he had become, the lost of life of this young man or any human being is just sad. As I have said previously, I would not blame law enforcement officers, but, I will blame the system.
This man should have been in a proper psychiatric institution receiving the necessary care he needed. Anyone can be rehabilitated once the proper treatment/care is available and administered to him/her.
Dominica should have first class facilities in place for the mentally ill; domestic abused victims; recovering drug addicts and alcoholics; the vagrants and the homeless; orphans, et cetera.
These suggestions should be apolitical issues although many would be quick to label the messenger with partisan politics. But, the truth must be told. Dominicans are being disadvantaged by the lack of too many essential facilities and institutions.
Is anyone surprised?
But in the killing of this man, the opportunity to interrogate him to try and locate the missing child also died. Which begs the question whether fatal force was truly needed, was this an extrajudicial killing or was someone a little trigger happy?
He may have been described as “armed and dangerous”, but the arms were a cutlass and not a firearm.
It will be interesting to see the police explanation of events.
Why kill this guy before finding the child? Nobody knows for sure if she’s dead or alive or where she is
Congratulation to the police.Now is the time people should start looking for the 12 year old.The police cannot allow Matt Peltier and Q95 to interview witnesses and suspects while there is an investigation into a crime.That BS must stop.Both Matt and Q95 should be charged with obstruction.I hope the security minister and the attorney general,both of whom were police officers do something to stop that BS on Q95.But again Matt has always told us he get”s information from senior police officers.Crooked police,again I support the police who shot that JACKA to death.
Bro, the man was needed to find the child, no one knows where the child is, how can you support him killing the guy absent the child, two days past now?Where the child?
Congratulations for shooting dead a mentally ill man, who was the only person who knew the fate and location of the missing child. What a truly wonderful set of professionals the Dominica Police Force are.
What a tragedy, whoever took out Kenyan probably also made sure the whereabouts of that little girl will now never been known. Sad, sad , sad but according to the man in charge Dominica is a safe place. Maybe so for him with his 24/7 possy of armed guards but not for simple folk like me, no Sir.
I am calling for a public commission of Inquiry into this latest saga with Keyan Alexander and Kernisha Etienne. There must be an open and transparent accounting of this entire case, nothing less. Too many unanswered questions, this case is a National and very public case and we the people deserve to know what happened throughout. Thank you
I’m just wondering if the police could have avoided shooting him to death. I’m not trying to second guess them for I was not present, and he was a dangerous person. Probably, lives were at risk.
It would have been good if Khan was captured alive so he could take the authorities to the location of Kernisha.
An all out effort should be made to find Kernisha. The authorities should spare no effort nor resources to locate her.
you mean after all that they shot him to kill him before they found the child…
He is dead. Now he not there to give an account of the little girl.. sad
That’s not good. So how are they going to find the girl? 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
First off, I’m happy to know that he was found. I am disappointed that he was killed and that the young lady remains a missing person. IF there was the option to detain him abd they CHOSE to shoot to kill then its gross incompetence on the part of law enforcement. He is the only one who could have provided information as to her whereabouts. Taking him alive was always the better option.